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Everything posted by Robatron86

  1. Well it works on Tilley Yard South, but has been stripped out on this one. Ah well!
  2. I'm sure it'll be allowed Dave, I'm on the border of both Berkshire and Hampshire!
  3. Although, saying that, it was the bus causing the short. Let's just say I don't have a copper tape bus under this one. I've gone old school.
  4. Thanks Jack. What frustrates me more is that the wiring under Tilley Yard South is all slap dash and rough, yet runs perfectly. Try and do it properly and it doesn't work! Not a stupid question at all Jordan. It isn't DCC, but even on DC I have found running a full bus underneath improves running no end. Every separate stretch of track gets a set of droppers, hence the switches.
  5. So I completed the wiring last night on Board two, and not only are two of the isolation switches duff, but I have a short somewhere.... Frustrated doesn't come close.
  6. Thank you Ken, but it won't be ATSF themed, just to keep my options open.
  7. Thanks Nick. It's a real place north of Chicago.
  8. Thanks Mick. It's not the tidiest work I have ever done. Especially when you consider that I wire these for a living
  9. I am also experimenting with adding some removable boards along the front, namely so I can utilise the float and apron, albeit as static displays. With this in mind, I have a name: Waukegan Harbor and Marine. What do you think?
  10. Quick update. Board 2 is 95% done. Just need the isolation switches wiring in.
  11. Oops...I had best update this... So I have been really enjoying working on this fornthe last month as I have not built a layout in two sections before so I am learning a lot. The track was all pinned in place, all the track was soldered together and the track was cut over the baseboard join, with the ends soldered to panel pins. Not the best soldering I have ever done but they are secure and will be hidden in the ballast. The track was cut with a Dremel slitting disc. Holding the boards together are two hefty bolts and wing nuts. I have begun wiring the left hand board first as this has the most wiring on it, including isolation switches. Usual bus running underneath made up of copper tape and component wire, colour coded to make it easier if any problems arise later on. I have decided to use banana plugs between the two boards. Uncoupling magnets are in place. I had been experimenting with neodymium magnets, but I wasn't satisfied with the results so I have gone back to Kadee 321 delayed magnets. The neodymium magnets will be put to use holding buildings in place so they can be removed for transport.
  12. Hand up here. 8 locomotives for my tiny plank. Excellent work Jamo. Again, I am on the list of people who must resist the charms of O gauge.
  13. Just to let my modelling "family" know, my wife and I are expecting number two this August. We are very happy to give Alex a sibling
  14. Well I had a phone call the Sunday after the Newbury show, asking if I could fill in for a layout that dropped out at the Kenavon Model Railway Exhibition yesterday (Saturday 18th), so I said yes. Good mix of layouts (including 5 American layouts, 1 French and 1 German). The parking situation was a nightmare mind. I picked up another reefer and another quad hopper. Getting quite a collection going here. The next show is on the 1st of April (no joke) at the NMRA BR Spring Meet in Crewe.
  15. Alco S4 #1526 had just moved the C&NW 40ft gon from Tri State Milling's loading dock and is now about to move the cars on the team track to AJ Shipping.
  16. Baldwin VO-1000 #2214 and Alco S4 #1526 park up after moving cars for AJ Shipping.
  17. I think a lot of it stems from my dad. He was a engineer of many trades; electrical, mechanical etc. He didn't build model railways for himself, but he did for my brother and then later for me. Obviously Thomas the Tank Engine didn't help with planting the seeds, but I think it was going to various preserved lines and other shows (car shows, steam fairs). My other hobbies are playing guitar and working on classic cars, so there is a link with at least two of my hobbies. My day job is an HVAC engineer, so again more mechanical and electrical tinkering. I think in my case it was nuture. I was always around big, mechanical objects.
  18. You'll get invites I'm sure. Bit too far for me to travel at the moment sadly, but I'm sure I'll see you at Wakefield.
  19. Oh no. I wish your mam and your wife speedy recoveries.
  20. Ah magnet fun. I am currently experimenting with neodymium magnets for the next layout.
  21. Fairbanks Morse H16-44 #2803 appears to have turned up during an arguement between Jim and Bob at AJ Shipping. The engineer is staying well out of this as he is just looking to get this move done and to move on.
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