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    Walter ! Do you know what the time is ? Yes my love, Double Summertime !
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    GWR early period. Oh! By the way, I've gone over to the Dark Side..... O Gauge what fun !

    My thread -https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/151420-ey-up-somewhere-in-deepest-devon-a-7mm-adventure/

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  1. Like so many Grandparents today I will be celebrating my grandson's birthday today. 3 years seem to have flown by and we have always been in contact throughout that time, he's my Best Little Mate.

     Today will be a strange time for us to communicate and celebrate in the best way we can together and with the difficulties it presents will be challenging.

    Not the same giving him his card through the letterbox, but I have seen his Brio layout ALL over his sitting room floor and I look forward to the time we can both play with it again together.

    My heart goes out to ALL Grandparents in these awful times.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. St Enodoc

      St Enodoc

      You have my sympathy Grahame. As you know, my seven grandchildren are all on the other side of the world and I've never been with any of them face-to-face on their birthdays, so your current situation is very familiar to me. That doesn't make it any better though.


      When you do get to play with the Brio, just watch your knees and don't step on any of the pointwork...

    3. bgman


      Thank you St.E I fully understand you're situation and hope that one day you'll see them one way or another.


      " don't step on any of the pointwork " - too late for that !!! Hahaha !

    4. St Enodoc

      St Enodoc

      I see them regularly, if not frequently, but so far not on their birthdays.

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