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    Walter ! Do you know what the time is ? Yes my love, Double Summertime !
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    GWR early period. Oh! By the way, I've gone over to the Dark Side..... O Gauge what fun !

    My thread -https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/151420-ey-up-somewhere-in-deepest-devon-a-7mm-adventure/

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  1. Am I REALLY paying a licence fee for this Prime Time television  ? Bring back Patrick Troughton

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I have actually watched three programmes in one day on BBC1 in the past week - I think that is the most time I have spent watching BBC1 in the whole of 2021 so dire has it become.  Normally I watch very little on BBC tv - thee quiz sessions on Monday evening on BBC 2 and occasional programmes on BBC4 and that's about it.

    3. KDG


      Who was that Dr Who aimed at anyway. It was awful. 


    4. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      Just invested in a small but state of the art digital radio . Generally quality and variety of programming outshines most tv.  Though there have been the odd nuggets on the screen…..well maybe to suit me but then again maybe not everyone. We have to remember that the pandemic has ripped up schedules for new productions too. My vote however for both visual and aural production goes to Austrian TV for the annual New Year’s Day concert from Vienna which was enhanced this year by a from the sky drone tour of the country accompanied by ensemble music played  by members of the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra. There…that’s revealed my agenda..or part of it.

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