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Posts posted by loickebros

  1. A piece of 20 thou plasticard, roughly 10 x 20mm, cemented at just past a right angle to a sprue handle about 100mm long has always served me well. The plasticard sheet goes under the couplings from the side, lifts the hooks, done.




    I have a much easier solution than constructing such a device I use a plastic drinks stirrer just scrounge one from the pub then simply heat it and bend it to shape works a treat.



    The RTC MagLev car still exists, together with it's VAST concrete set of points, but I'm not sure where it is these days. It used to be at the Science Museum outstation at Wroughton nr Swindon, but it's been moved apparently.

    I stand to be corrected but I am pretty sure it is on the Nene valley railway at Peterborough.


  3. Hi Dave,

    Sorry, I should have updated this - yes I did have a chat with Skytrex.  They were quite surprised by the renewed interest in PCA tanks, apparently five other people had spoken to them about that this morning!  The good news is that they are going to re-release it, however ... there is a but!


    I cannot totally remember the conversation now, but the chap at Skytrex is going to change the chassis a little bit, presumably to make the process easier, but needs to find out first how that changes the centre of gravity for the wagon - previously the chassis was quite heavy so the centre of gravity was low.  However, that will happen over the next couple of weeks, and then the wagon will be released but as a KIT, not ready-to-run.  I get the feeling it will be a fairly easy kit, the barrel will be moulded so doubtful there'll be any bending, the chassis will be whitemetal/resin I gather.  But the outcome was it will be out in about 6-8 weeks.


    Skytrex are also doing a TTA tank (I presume as a kit again, although I forgot to ask so could be RTR) that will be out first, probably about 4-6 weeks, so in essence watch the website!



    Thanks for the update Rich.



  4. Hey guys,

    I have two Bachmann Voyagers,a 4 car Cross Country Voyager and a 5 car Virgin Tilting Super Voyager.

    My Cross Country Voyager is brilliant, it's smooth and fast. However,My Super Voyager is really slow. It crawls around the layout at full speed, nothing like the cross country voyager.

    Does anyone know any ways of fixing this? My layout is dc powered.

    Motor failure is quite common on the Bachmann 221


  5. In Rails words "built and finished to a good standard".  Its been in their inventory for a few months, bet its still there come 2017.

    Looking at it will probably still be unsold in 3017!!

  6. I am sorry to go off topic here, but couldn't resist,


    Will do a test at some point when the test track gets set up again, will see if I can get the HST125 running along side all of the APT's, need to concentrate on that, don't want another nose bashing!!!

    If you don't want a nose bashing stay on topic! :jester:

  7. I think I've found the connections, they are both just left of the D, D1 and D3.


    Don't think I have the bottle to try that yet!


    Regards Craig.

    Why not get in touch with Charlie Petty to find out if spare board is available in case it all goes horribly wrong?


  8. A better business practice would be to ship the international orders first, especially if they have a few extra days lead time, that would have them arrive at the same time as those in the UK and would keep all the customers happy. If the business practice is going to be ship international orders last, then there is no real incentive for international customers to put down a deposit or pre-pay for future models until the very end right?


    Yes but please remember this is not a business and are not experienced in commerce but are doing this to give us a fantastic model to help raise funds to preserve these prototypes to refer to to replicate in model form.

    There is no reason to not order a one off never available again model just because it was not posted in preferred order.



    ON a side note has this project been a commercial success or not? I recently read an piece in rail express ( I think) stating that crowd sourcing for models seem to have reached it's limit with a lot of project failing to break even and as a result this may lead to less projects like this one in the future. I hope not as i suspect that we wouldn't have seen an APT at all from the major manufacturers ever!



    I also had this thought and suspect very little profit if any at all.

    I suspect that is the reason for no mention of prices for HST-P they are probably waiting to see exactly what APT has cost them.

    I would imagine costing of HST-P will be looked at a lot more carefully and will be considerably higher than APT=E.


  10. So when I went to Warley a couple of years ago, I sat at a table in a facing seating bay in first class (with an old git's railcard, I hasten to add), and I was watching something on my tablet. I remember looking up from the screen and out of the window as we were running alongside the canal. Imagine my surprise when the canal appeared to be above my head, and it took me ages to persuade my brain to accept the reality of the situation.


    So maybe people sit next to a pillar to avoid the feeling of being in an unfamiliar position when occasionally looking out of the window when reading etc.

    Oh no!

    I seem to be lost again i was looking for info on an APT-E model i pre ordered.

    I think i will now go and visit the "bargain hunters" thread to see what tangent that has gone on today.

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