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Everything posted by 1466

  1. Years ago , I was in Cornwall on holiday and went to the cinema ( a large tin structure). Cleopatra was floating down the Nile when an express thundered by shaking the cinema and destroying the illusion . Great film , though .
  2. James , any progress on the White Pass and Yukon ? I have very happy memories of a trip in 2017- still have the baseball hat ! Your book on Small Layout Design is excellent… we met at Warley . Best . Ken
  3. Yes , that’s it. A bit like the cashier at the cinema .
  4. There was a small departmental store in Tooting which had a great cash to cashier system . A monorail was suspended from the ceiling with wooden containers which screwed into a chassis . The cash would be placed into the wooden container and then a chain and handle rather like a loo would be pulled down and released . The chassis and container would then whizz off and be returned with the receipt.
  5. That looks like an 0-4-2 possibly 517 class to me .
  6. I remember a similar crane called an “Iron Fairy “ from my childhood . A bit bigger, possibly with a cab and fallible memory suggests , rear wheel steering ? Lots of factories and the gas works near us .
  7. I saw these stunning GWR clerestory coaches on Westcliff at the Astolat show . I believe they are cut and shut conversions of Triang clerestory coaches . Can anyone steer me to more details, please ? I think I know about the all third but what of the brakes ? Thanks.
  8. I am not an expert on the impact of the Chinese’s New Year . However, may I tentatively suggest a couple of factors which may or may not affect delivery schedules? First , I gather that it was/used to be common for workers to change jobs in this period. Usually for an increase in pay . I guess new staff will need to settle in with slight delays in production. Second , the incidence of Covid in China . Absent staff can’t produce . In my opinion, both factors may delay production schedules . This is one of those rare occasions when I welcome being proved wrong !
  9. Which confirms the theory that you can link any 2 people with 6 links between people they know .
  10. Wing Commander Brian Huxley created some inspirational models over 45 years ago . I was inspired by his series on GWR wagons, Micas, a Gadfly and his article on creating an 0-4-4 from a Triang Jinty forced me to do my own model . That’s quite a legacy !
  11. The plane is an Airfix Bristol Bulldog - the aeroplane Douglas Bader was flying when he crashed and lost his legs . My model isn’t supposed to be Bader’s plane , just an airframe going to an RAF maintenance unit. I happened to have one in stock .
  12. This might be of interest. I modified the Ratio kit by reversing the ends but it was a couple of years ago . My recall is that the kit is designed with butt joins and mitre joins . Reversing the ends meant mixing the two joins . I can’t recall whether I shaved a mitre on the but end or carefully aligned them
  13. I couldn’t agree more . Given the mechanical compatibility between real and model engines , I’m baffled that Hornby haven’t scooped this up . Given that their R3170 Adderley Hall was once voted their best ever , consider the following. Chassis , motion , motor and gearing the same . New drivers required and with clever tooling a straight frame and drop curved frame , with approximately mouldings for cab etc gives huge variations of model and liveries . And most of the tooling exists ! I’d like 2 … are you watching Accurascale? Similarly , I long for a Bird … City plus Bulldog Mr Bachman . It’s mostly there !
  14. Once the alignment is correct , would drilling and pinning with brass wire ( say 0.5 mm ) and cutting flush work ? I used this successfully with SMP track when the alignment started to move .
  15. Great model and modelling with a plausible back story . It reminds me of the coal concentration yard at Chessington North where a similar 03 skulked . After a while , a fitter removed the engine covers as per your photo . Whether this was for scrap or repair, I’m not sure … it was 30 odd years ago .
  16. The real tree wood takes me back 40 odd years Johnster to my attempt to build an O gauge wagon for display . It centred on a 3 H plastic chassis and 1 mm ply . I had to drink a bottle of wine to get at the lead seal to make the iron work . What a sacrifice! It was a glorious failure but fun . ( My main interest was EM gauge ). Your artistic interpretation of weathered and repaired wagons reminds me of Peco wonderful weathered wagons . Remember them ? Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing more of your posts. Best Ken
  17. Dear Johnster . A great summary. I read somewhere ,years ago , that the sun actually shines through a day or two after IKB’s actual birthday. There’s a similar phenomenon at Abu Simbal … where the engineering of the original and it’s re-location in the 1960s are spectacular. Regards Ken
  18. My apologies for taking this off topic; but I’ve tried your link to rtr conversions to EM without success . Can you check it’s correct , please ? Thank you kindly .
  19. Whilst skimming through Shapeway , I saw a printed body for the Lambourn railcar number18 . I’m not clear on what mechanics and or underpinnings are required. Hope this is helpful but realise it’s a long way from RTR .
  20. I’m glad the Committee is in expansive mood ! I , too, bought the outside framed Toad and had it for 3 days before realising the diagonal truss was an optical illusion ! Doh ! I wasn’t displeased with Hornby’s clever printing but amused by my own naivety . Luckily , I had some old but good Kenline “angle iron” to use as a substitute . I was repainting into GWR livery so the white metal blended in . Keep up the good work , Johnster , I find your posts so enjoyable and informative. Best Ken
  21. Good to hear that differences have been reconciled. Life is too short . Well done , Natalie , for taking the initiative and well done Edwardian.
  22. A well reasoned and well informed discourse . I agree that a train of Hornby Collets with a leavening of 57 feet Toplights will be irresistible. Indeed that’s my plan and I have the Collets and await the Dapols with eager anticipation.
  23. I apologise to Richard for interrupting his lunch but wanted to ask about timescales for the corridor Toplights . As they are in design at the moment, I gather it will be about a year . Worth waiting for , though judging by the M and C samples on show .
  24. In addition to the blog referred to , I recall an article in the Modeller which squared off the rounded corners of the bunker . There were other mods , too . My recall is of an interesting article , well illustrated which resulted in a subtly different model .
  25. Could it possibly be one if the trains used in the Dunkirk evacuation ? The date 1941 would fit . Why else should corridor and non corridor stick be mixed in the same train ? And it’s length is by itself unusual. Granted photography in ‘41 would not be encouraged but the ground is dry ; the photo is bright and well lit . Dunkirk took place in May early June . I’m not saying my guess is right but it is plausible. Sorry , I should have acknowledged St Enodoc’s comment which alerted me to Dunkirk . The attitude and oft language of the Porter is interspersed. Edit to acknowledge.
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