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Limpley Stoker

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Everything posted by Limpley Stoker

  1. Thank you - that’s most helpful. So a scale width of 9 ft is just over the 8’11 1/8 “ for the Manor’s cylinders - should fit most oo platforms with the narrower scrolls fitted.
  2. Thank you for pointing me at that archive. Looking at the model it looks as though though the bogie suspension arms project well beyond the steps.
  3. Planning ahead for the arrival of the Steam Railmotor I was wondering if anyone had any information on the platform clearance required for the motor bogie and Dean suspension. The Accurascale Manor has already caused a platform rebuild due to its cylinder width.
  4. That’s interesting- I haven’t run mine through my Limpley Stoke platforms - but I’m expecting a rebuild for when the Kernow Steam Railmotor arrives - the Dean bogie suspension looks as though it will need even more clearance than the Manor cylinders.
  5. I bought one from Hattons daily secondhand page last month late crest unlined , DCC fitted : so I took the chip out and it runs really well . Haven’t sent it up hills yet but it’s ok on the flat.
  6. Hornby’s delicate lining at its best - and the shade of green is so much better!
  7. Excellent work ! You have just become de fence secretary for RMweb on the strength of your tensioning posts!
  8. I have suffered from a torn knee ligament for two years - GP fobbed me off with a telephone appointment with a physio who in my opinion misdiagnosed it (I’m a retired medic) -just sent me at link to exercise videos on you tube.That was pandemic medicine for you. After some research on Google Scholar I have tried using a near- infra -red light torch - about £40 on Amazon - which reduced the fluid in the joints and the pain.to tolerable levels. I’ll DM youink if you are interested. We have e got to get you modelling again!!!
  9. Lovely though your Grange is I’m really looking to seeing your new Manor before and after it gets the @toboldlygo treatment. - won’t be long now !!
  10. Focus well stacked* - excellent pic *I think we’ve covered that !
  11. I think you’re right - I wasn’t a spotter but watched passing trains on rural lines.
  12. Hmm , so complicated! I think I will stick to DC, I thought I might be tempted to upgrade to DCC if I bought the sound fitted Manor. My Anthony Manor is entertaining enough on DC , all I’m missing are the whistles but then I don’t recall any steam engine whistling in the 50s and 60s. Today is different in preservation - nothing moves without a whistle.
  13. Dans la soutien gorge invisible.?
  14. Lovely ! That’s because panniers are so inoffensive.
  15. Would bananas fly in Little Muddle?
  16. Nice to see the coaches posed without TL couplings. The tail light must be positioned there to get wires in for the lighting function.
  17. Thank you, I will pin that up too! Your timber weathering is legendary ! I don’t remember seeing the mail sacks on the Encombe platform before. I hope there is a goods lift hidden under the bridge to get them up to street level!
  18. What a splendid sequence of through coach shunting ! I wonder if the passengers of the through coach had to disembark during the manoeuvre - I suspect not, but I would have wanted to get out and watch leaving a mac on my seat.
  19. A prize for the best tail lamps on the Toad, I think. Great picture .
  20. I’m surprised the engine crew haven’t clambered down the embankment for a swig of cider with the farm hands. That signal will remain on for an extremely long time. Great pic which sums up Little Muddle!
  21. Those are the exact words you should put on the viaduct plaque - it sums up the frozen time - after so much has been created ! ‘Oneday viaduct’
  22. What a lovely picture ! Edna is indeed under the rose arch, arms folded, harrumphing about the noise smoke and dust from the passing traction engine !
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