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Everything posted by slow8dirty

  1. Roshven in the real world, was originally mooted as the terminus for the West Highland extension, but landowner opposition amongst other factors led to Mallaig being chosen, and the rest is history. The back story however this line was built first with the Mallaig line being built later. In reality this would not have survived so I envisage a similar feel to the Ballachulish branch for this model. However the plan will allow me to run green 27s and 29s at first, through to blue 25s & 27s & maybe blue 37s into the 80's. Not forgetting class 20s. The RETB and large logo era will probably stretch plausibility too far, but that i doubt that will stop me. some very useful threads have been written on here over the years, including this http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=24258 One of the 4x2 boards from my old OO layout is the foundation for this, so construction officially starts when I strip that and modify it slightly. West Highland Chalet (Glenfinnan) style buildings will be what I'm after, still gathering decent plans at the moment. Whenever I've sketched this out before finding something decent for the ferry pontoon has stumped me, but this time i think I've found it; LangleyLaunch & Pontoon Set (N Scale 1/160th) Ref: 58102 http://www.langleymodels.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Boats__Ships__quayside_walls_etc_63.html Their quayside walls look appealing too, but I'm not yet sure what height I'm going to build the jetty at yet, think I might just build from sheet material. Oh, and I bought my first bit of rolling stock the other weekend too, a Farish mk1 BCK, so thats all the passenger services sorted then. This about wraps up the planning stage tbh, I did contemplate N finetrax for quite a while but have decided to try and crack on with walking before I try to fly! Invernevis by David41283 has proven to be very inspiring and useful regarding the finescale option and also to just how good an N gauge layout can be in this sort of space, go check it out.
  2. Hi Rich, hope your well. Roshven certainly seems to be gaining traction, but I am lurking round the North Devon threads with intent don't worry
  3. This looks like it could be interesting to them kinda sort that seem to hang about round ere . https://www.amazon.co.uk/Freight-Devon-Cornwall-David-Mitchell/dp/1857944739
  4. Didn't seem to be improving things much tbh! Quite interesting to see from a modelling perspective though, and the comfort of the computer desk.
  5. Just seen the manor leaving Minehead, not a nice day to be working tender first!
  6. Floggin stuff on Ebay to fund BLT stock. God I hate wrapping, its worth it for a pannier tank, it's wor....

  7. Bill, in the time mine has been gathering dust you've gone and built all this! Very enjoyable catch up over the last eight pages, particularly like the signal box build. Will keep an eye out for this on the South West exhibition circuit hopefully.
  8. Holcombe, the layout that refuses to be stillborn. Or I better finish summat at least once

  9. Hello all, well, someone had to do it . Yes it's Roshven from the classic Modelling the BR Era book, which has been much discussed around the forums and here over the years, and I'm sure inspired many a modeller with WHL sympathies. After a few years away from the hobby I've been plotting the last couple of months for something suitable to restart things with. I have to admit several versions of Roshven have been drawn up by myself over the last few years, so it hasn't taken long to come up with this one tbh. I was looking for something fairly small and quick to do; a) To get me back in the hobby quickly b) My track record for DNF is pretty terrible, so a small project would be perfect c) Small enough to keep me out of the garage. Coupled with having got rid of all my previous stock and my unhealthy obsession with bucolic country branch lines in the BR era, its a no-brainer to finally get on and do this one. The plan was 2'6" by 8'6" in OO in the book. This will be in N gauge, 4'8" by 2', which keeps the station small but allows it to sit "in" the surrounding scenery more. I envisage presenting this with the front and the Harbour/buffer stop end as viewing sides if that makes sense. Operation will be pretty much as intended in the book. So 1965-75, Class 27's on short mixed trains. Fish vans a go go! Easily achievable in N Gauge, in fact what I remember of the running qualities of Dapol Bo-Bos is what makes this viable in N gauge. Last time time I visited RMweb there was talk of an N Gauge Class 29, sad to see that didn't happen, however the Worsley Works body etch looks like it could be an interesting project! And I do want this to be more of a modelling exercise any way, rather than RTR collecting which I have been guilty of before . So I don't think this is likely to be a long thread as construction is about to start, more a chance for anyone to point out any howlers I've missed at the last minute and any advice from those who know things.
  10. Eureka! Just found my ABM railcraft North Cornwall Station Kit. Had convinceded myself it was long lost.

  11. Back to the hobby after a 3yr break (not at her majesty's pleasure!) Where to restart, 30s GWR or carry on with the S&D?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tractionman


      Certainly there's some lovely 1930s GWR featured on RMWeb, eg http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/120848-little-muddle/

    3. Mikkel


      Careful analysis needed. E.g, what's your favourite colour? :-)

    4. Londontram


      Welcome back you'll soon get back into the swing of things

  12. 10 years! Don't be silly, I would have planned and built loads of layouts over ten years......... Oh, right 10 it is then, happy Birthday Rmweb and well done Andy and everyone else for your work on a great achievement for the Hobby. Matt
  13. Still fitting Wills point rodding,......the horror,.........the horror....

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      'I feel your pain'...



      Actually, no, that's b*llocks, I'm just off to make a cup of tea, but I do wish you well with that task...!

  14. Merry Christmas folks. Remember, a grubby rat and clays are for life, not just Christmas. :-)

  15. Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me.
  16. Ooh!, forgot all about this little corker looking forward to some more updates. Cheers, Matt
  17. Nothing too constructive I'm afraid, but I've always liked it it, considered shoehorning it into a 6'x10' room when we were in Bristol and using it as a not quite "Binegar" on the Somerset and Dorset (Boiland). It lent itself to mimicking the operations of the actual station quite well (Bankers returning wrong line, Local terminating etc.). IIRC I looked into moving the the crossover at top right of the plan away from the platforms a little, I think with peco track at my radii it took a little bit of jiggery pokery to make it flow but the extra length you have may help. Which ever way you go finding the updates for your project most interesting, keep em coming. Cheers, Matt
  18. Have always had Hawthord Town as an inspiration since I saw it in RM (that issues in the "cannot be thrown away ever" pile!) ,so glad to see its evolution/successor progressing on here. I think the shed updates will prove to be a useful reference for folks going down this route so thanks for posting a stage that usually gets glossed over. Subscribed. Cheers, Matt
  19. Mm, considering rejoining R.A.N.D.o.M

  20. I am a DCC god! (well Ive just converted my first split chassis, so I feel like one :-) )

    1. steve22


      Bask in the glory, Baby!!

  21. Modelling mojo has returned. (Painting overalls on a yard worker counts?)

  22. OOh! I remember you getting it out at one of the members days The plan that it is......, great to see things are now moving along will watch with interest. Cheers, Matt
  23. I know. To clarify I posted the pics for JZs benefit as they seem to be the only commonly available shots of any inspection saloon or a 22 on the S&D whilst open. I also suspect Jz as well as myself is aware of when the S&D closed.
  24. http://www.asgq57.dsl.pipex.com/3218/s&d/branch/specials/641013-1418-D6320.jpg http://www.asgq57.dsl.pipex.com/3218/s&d/branch/specials/641013-1419-D6320.jpg Ok it is in fact a WR one in the pics, but sufficient justification for this and a 22 to shuffle onto my S&D might have been every so often 8) Matt
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