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Everything posted by HAL 'O THE WYND

  1. Thanks for all of that valuable information, Andy. It's funny, but when you are comparatively new to the hobby/obsession, but are also a "mature citizen", it's quite wonderful growing with new material. It effects your lifestyle in a way that the young would not appreciate. It's difficult to describe, but there is a feeling of expanding youth in the jaded old bones. Make any sense? (Probl'y not ). Hal
  2. Thanks everyone. I've learned my lesson concerning the bass Hal
  3. Em... Careful they don't catch fire!
  4. Nice to see you around again, fellow Artist. Tony aka Hal aka - I dunno, some b#gger else. In a Just William book he told the gang that his Auntie was coming to visit and she was turning into a sea-lion. (He'd misheard his parents saying she was turning senile.) Well, I'm turning into a sea-lion.
  5. Range Rovers - Double Blah!! (I'm just #issed off that since her Ladyship became housebound we no longer have her motability vehicle. I thought I'd get my bikes out and take advantage of the situation, but... I've since heard that the sense of balance is something that goes with old age... well, I'll be lucky to walk again, much less cycle! Blah!! [no jester!] )
  6. That looks really, really nice! Regardless of the Hornby, as Mr Wright says, there has to be greater pleasure in running something you've made. My own "thing" is Buildings and Scenics so I'm blessed with RTR, but one day I do want to try things. I intend to start with plastic wagon kits, then brass+ wagons, then... my area North of the Tyne, was absolutely thick with *J27s (Percy Main Shed had 20+ and no other type!) So I have to learn to make J27s at least. And I'm quite certain that - if I can - and I damn well will! - I'll enjoy running it/them more than the most wonderful RTR A1,2,3 or 4. *The reason is, the Coalfields of Northumberland - as it then was and still should be! - are relatively flat. The hills, such as they are, from Collieries - all downhill to the Tyne and the Wansbeck, so loaded trains were an easy trip to the rivers and the return trips were empty, obviously. So more powerful locos weren't needed. come BR a Class 2 steam loco was tried at Blyth, later a Type 20 diesel. But no more were used up until complete dieselisation when 25s and 37s took over. In the more northern areas K types were used, but relatively few in number. (Gross over simplification) Sorry for the OT! Hal
  7. Hi Brian, I've been following for a while and thought it was time I showed my face and thanked you for your support. Interestingly, I've had your layout on my PC since you first published it. If I was pressed for space I would have followed a similar route. I like the way that the urban backgrounds/low-reliefs, supported mainline locos without them looking out of place. Given the (satisfying but weighty) albatross that is my layout, I've been forced to take the sensible route and break it into doable modules rather than muck around here and there, which gets you nowhere in the long run; something I've taken too long learning! Mention of the 08 issue is another reason I'm here. I'm busy with platforms just now and forewarned is forearmed. Looking forward to future developments, Hal
  8. But the occasional black-and-white helps bring back memories of Brownie 127s. Days when many of us were fortunate to have any sort of camera at all, and any sort of picture was a result. NOT to make any comparison with Gilbert's in that regard! lol Hal
  9. Bikes! Always a good sign of a characterful household. Cars? Blah! Hal
  10. OK, you said "painted in mute colours" (paraphrase) I didn't think it had been painted, but I might well have missed something. Hal
  11. Interesting, Jason. Must confess I can't recall the last time I heard the prototype. Class 2s used to shunt Backworth Colliery, etc, but that was decades ago, and I didn't like diesels then. Now - as I keep saying - in model terms (not prototype, Jock) I prefer them. As you mentioned once before, I can play trains if nowt else. So, a Deltic on the up fast, a 40 on the down fast, DMUs on both slows, and a 25/37 shunting the yard. Bliss! Hal
  12. Hi Alex, with all the loose linkage I omitted to congratulate you on your recent set of photos. Excellent! Can't have too many, and I mean that. Once(if) a layout reaches a stage where it breathes the life of the prototype, then it can be photographed indefinitely, from all distances and angles, with all combinations of stock, and/or road vehicles. It's an echo of time and place and can only be improved by the finest of detail, ie: Gravett! I told you I bought the Part One Trees (broadleaf - I'm not too interested in the conifers just now) and the Grassland. Between the two, a person could spend forever fine-tuning even the best of layouts. Hal.
  13. Morning Andy, Just run the video and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've just one green 47 at the moment (there will be more!) Now I know the right route to take, soundwise. While I'm here - forgive me if you've covered it previously - I've two Bachmann sound 25s. Any advice on the best option for these? - assuming the aren't up to scratch. I honestly wouldn't know. It's all new to me. It's 1960's on my layout (3 x 40s, one with sound) and the green diesels are emerging quickly. I do like sound diesels! Someone on another thread dismissed them all as tinny... Whatever the view, if we assume our average hearing-distance is the same as our average viewing distance - on average, 300' - I think the bass would be massively reduced in any event?... Hal
  14. Hi Bill, Trust you to pop up with a cool image! (Must check your modelling Topics) Hal aka Brass0four aka Tony
  15. Hi Shadow, Enjoyed catching up! Certainly shows the wisdom in aiming for simplicity. This is proved time and time again. Unfortunately, some of us are too dumb to follow this logic! I look forward to future developments. Hal
  16. Ah, but think of your Carnival/fun Fair/ Circus pieces! All those figures glimmering in the light! - and then, of course - there's Blackpool!!!
  17. - I'd forgotten the trestles with the red/white poles! Spot on! Hal
  18. The roadworks would be interesting: Old fashioned Steam Roller; area roped off with rope; workmen without helmets and reflective clothing, bouncing up and down on ancient *windy-picks; tar being bucketed from flame-fed, oil drum sized source, etc. Happy memories! Hal * given the era, just picks?
  19. You are quite right BTW - but I couldn't resist! I suggest the thread-owner bans all similar observations. Hal ful 'o Wynd
  20. Do NOT let Jaz see these! Delete this post for the sake of our sanity!
  21. As someone who exists pondering the results of my wifes going to the gym several times a day, I am quite familiar with gymnastic processes, so - in this instance - photographs of your results will not be necessary. Hal
  22. *Showing scribblings - and photos " is a default requirement of all future relevant posts. (almost denied the jester)
  23. I was just going to press "funny" but I imagine that could be very serious! lol - and exactly what I would have done! (return Twinkly Robin to box... )
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