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Everything posted by Fishplate

  1. But the end result on both layouts justify the effort put in to make a unique scene.
  2. Track collected and some more progress made this evening 👍
  3. Please keep posting pictures of the layout. I'm sure everyone would be happy to follow your progress on those work bench items as well. I still think about the use you made of face mask material on your tank.
  4. Agreed. I've bookmarked the page for future reference. Superb modelling.
  5. If you dig out the forest floor, then not so good as left undug. Context Conundrum 😁
  6. Is that the voice of experience . . . .?🤔
  7. Whilst not a DCC aficionado, this sounds just the job for an extensive layout.Glad it's going to meet your original aspirations. Enjoy 😊
  8. I hope you (and the van) recover quickly. Best regards John
  9. Hurrah to both George!
  10. Hi, this is something I am going to do. I was given an airbrush several years ago but haven't tried it out yet as I'm still in re-assembly mode for my layout. Please can you tell me what make of paint you use? Looking great.
  11. Run out of track. Snow/ ice and shop shut today prevented finishing off. But! Everything laid in the storage yard has been wired up today.
  12. A bit more track laying in the storage yard this evening.
  13. I did take that as a photo of the prototype had been uploaded as inspiration to aim at. Only reading subsequent posts led me to look again. And realise the aim has been achieved. Truly brilliant modelling.
  14. That's looking superb Rob. I like the start of the tractor tracks . Is this the topic you were looking for? : Edit : Always read to the end of the latest postings. I see @Rowsley17D got there before me!
  15. Yes. Similar here a bit further north. Was pondering about putting a shirt on over the string vest . . . .
  16. Nothing worse. Good move to replace them 👍
  17. Similarly aware in a (proper) Mini with HGV's that you could pretty much drive under (or they could swallow you)😬. . . . I'm sure they didn't have as much side protection closing off the under-trailer space in the 1970's as they do nowadays.
  18. Getting on with some of the items to be done in advance. Boards 1,2 and 3 have been slid across the room to make some working space. The storage yard, on temporary legs, has been covered and some track laid. This is code 100 rail to match the upper area of the layout so everything I own can be run. Code 75 is used on the descent and in the various yards on the lower section. The top of the single track traverser, lying diagonally in the first photo, has also been covered. The covering changes from black to white as I have run out of the black. The white came as part of some packaging and was identical in thickness, so was set aside for this use. I haven't fixed the track in the black area as yet to allow for some minor adjustment, if necessary, when the traverser is installed. I must have had the box of track for quite some time as the elastic band around some it had gone hard (!). I do have various long-ish oddments to do some of the far end track work but I will need to get some more track to finish it off. Track spacing has been reduced slightly to make best use of the available width. There will be ten tracks in the storage yard, each split into two roughly equal length electrical sections. These sidings will be controlled with centre off switches each with a pull and push to "on". There will also be a protective, removeable, bar to go across the traverser end. In theory it shouldn't be possible to leave a switch on and accidentally drive into the abyss. The closed end will just have a suitable fixed stop at buffer height. When complete the temporary legs will be removed and the storage yard fixed to the back wall and boards 2 and 3 fixed to the storage yard and the wall below the speakers/ stereo in the background. A backscene board will hide the storage yards. Access will then be from either end via duck-unders/ crawl throughs. There wasn't room for this arrangement in the house where this layout was originally. Cassette storage was previously going to be used. Discounted in this house for reasons given in earlier posts.
  19. The wall is looking great Rob @MrWolf. Interesting reading the various motorcycle horror stories. That mode of transport has never appealed to me, mainly for my ability to figure out what could go wrong. I am definitely not in the 'Tally ho chaps, it won't happen to me' brigade! We took our daughters to a local theme park when they were about 10 and 9. Eldest daughter spent most of one ride laughing her head off. When asked what was so funny, she said "You". She then explained that I was holding on for dear life and looked really worried. She wasn't interested in my concerns about the ride quality and when/ if that contraption that was throwing us about was ever maintained . . . . .
  20. Congratulations! ( My BRM arrived yesterday, out of the envelope but not opened the mag yet).
  21. Hi, this is something I am going to do. I was given an airbrush several years ago but haven't tried it out yet as I'm still in re-assembly mode for my layout. Please can you tell me what make of paint you use?
  22. Coach is looking great Graham. Half the problem with trying something new is the self doubt that it's bound not to work. I've found things often work out better than one anticipates. From the difference in time on the posts, maximum three hours ? Hope that helps? I like a challenge 😁
  23. Excellent. Glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully you will put a link on here to your new project so we can follow progress .
  24. Had a response immediately saying my address was changed following receipt of my original email. It seems the acknowledgement email has gone adrift. Thanks all
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