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Status Replies posted by ColHut

  1. Caught up with Sunday's Doctor Who. As the thread is locked here are my thoughts.

    Major spoiler 1: YES!

    Major spoiler 2: What the ...?

  2. More than £100 later and we have now had the £1 charity shop CD extracted from the CD player in CTMK's car. I'm now playing it as I type this, some rather lovely Handel baroque music that I haven't heard before. But I wish it hadn't decided to bug*er up the car CD player.

    1. ColHut


      Some used to come in a case that went into a special slot in CD players. :)  I just donated an older car with tape still firmly wedges in place!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. This site has been very slow and cranky today anyone else having problems viewing stuff?

  4. Having fun shooting down so called know it all's who want every detail on there loco correct and perfect only to put a orange stripe and headlight on when it never carried them

  5. His energetic fist should be ready to resist / A dictatorial word...

  6. Tired of psychics outbidding me on ebay

  7. Was Dr Beeching right?

    1. ColHut


      The idea that you can cut less productive lines without this having an impact on the 'fat' lines was laughable, and just hastened a decline brought about by essential Government policy.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  8. Mum was 87 yesterday. Passed away today.

    1. ColHut


      Sorry to hear. I wish you all the best.




    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Arr!!! How long does it take Amazon to post an item that is "fulfilled by Amazon"!

    1. ColHut


      could be worse, I accidently bought an ebay item with the global postal option. Hidden charges and 2 part shipping. May eventually artive.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. HMS QE is leaking 200l an hour, that’s about 2-3 bathtubs full.. seriously why is the BBC making such a fuss of this, they leak more cash every hour than that.

    1. ColHut


      wow seepage along the gland. 'Who 'd a thunk it' as our cousins would say :)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. My twins are four years old today. Who hit fast forward?

  12. after two years of looking Clare my wife has found a job

  13. Now burning incense in the railway room following the accidental incarceration of the cat.

    1. ColHut


      Yes, nothing worse than the cat leaving its mark!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Mum has got terminal liver cancer. She has not long left. I feel dreadful right now.

  15. Who turned 'brexit' into a noun - idiot!!

    1. ColHut


      usually the other problem: there is noun that can't be verbed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. just under 2 years ago my brother was told he had a rare type of cancer for his age (under 30) we have spent that time hopping one of the trial drugs would work then on Sunday night he was ill from his chemo so he went to hospital we have now found out that it has got much worse not much time left for him. thing were looking better last night but this morning he has taken a step backward.

  17. Thoughts are with the family's impacted here in Melbourne by the nutter who drove a car through the malls and injured so many.

  18. i cannot believe it is 25 years today since we lost Freddie mercury

  19. Just wondering, is there anyone in the UK or Europe who is actually happy with the result over there?

    1. ColHut


      umm a Supreme Court Challenge or a second vote anyone :)

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  20. "A night at the opera" blasting out of the Cars 1700W speakers with dual subs + Tweeters. The only appropriate way to drive home today. Happy Birthday Freddie!!

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