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Blog Comments posted by ianmaccormac

  1. PCB Wizard! Yes that was the other software with Control Studio! I had my year 8 students making all sorts of alarms for their easter eggs, bikes, diary, etc. I find it hard to believe that I have been retired 4 years now due to Tinnitus, having stopped lecturing after 13 years in the Merchant Navy College at Fleetwood then and that it was whilst teaching in secondary schools design & technology two years before that, when I had to stop from the initial bout of Tinnitus, that I was using that software etc having been I on its initial trials about 8 years before that with Manchester University teacher training people. Golly, 27  years ago! Well, it is still very nice to see people putting into use some of the things they may have learnt in schools, that bit of being a teacher never leaves you. Do you do this just as a hobby? 

  2. That looks interesting. Haven't seen that for about 20 years! Used to use a programme called crocodile clips and control studio that digitised the unilab systems boards and then output a pcb. I then had the students make up pcbs using the UV exposure and bubble etch tanks. There was a whole test procedure so everything could be made to work so a great motivator for them, I used to teach this with 13 year olds and they loved it. Nice to see people using this sort of thing in the hobby and being able to talk about it so well. Makes for an interesting blog. 20 days already!!!!

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