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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. Nippy thumb from the flux, but at least with tonight’s Soldering, a 4MT and a Royal Scot are closer to going into service.

  2. Wasn’t it a kind of marine reptile from pre-history?
  3. Thanks Michael. Most of it looks like it can be put together without major drama but I’ll contact you if I do require any guidance. Sometimes it just nice to have an opinion from someone else before you commit. Dave.
  4. To the best of my knowledge there has never been an instruction sheet for the etches so I’m assuming people used the likes of the GA and detail drawings in the Wild Swan guide? Dave.
  5. Carlisle’s Bog Junction looks like a near perfect small layout with a plausible scenic break at either end. Only problem would be the gargantuan fiddle yard and stock requirements; even in 1967...

    1. vitalspark


      Dave we have the space at the club so get modelling!

      Interestingly the overbridge on Currock Rd looking at the junction still has the makers plate..

      'P&W McLellan Clutha Works Glasgow 1876'

      Saw a similar plate on a footbridge in Singapore recently.

      I remember the works in Kinning Park and had an auntie stay in the tenement building opposite with the claim to fame as being the longest unbroken tenement property in Glasgow.

      ..probably in Scotland!

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      My dad showed me that row of tenements in 1975, just before it was demolished. I’m sure he said it was the longest in Europe. It was long for sure.

      And sooty Black!

  6. Carlisle’s Bog Junction looks like a near perfect small layout with a plausible scenic break at either end. Only problem would be the gargantuan fiddle yard and stock requirements; even in 1967...

  7. Carlisle’s Bog Junction looks like a near perfect small layout with a plausible scenic break at either end.

  8. Got a set of those etches myself. I’m tempted to just wing it and knock up the sub assemblies anyway now. They can always rest in a box until I figure out what I’m going to do for a boiler and firebox I suppose!
  9. Had the baddest of bad heids today so I've done no modelling. What a damn waste!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Well, I got three in OK-ish.

      Psyching myself up for another today! ;-)

    3. Horsetan


      Were the bad heids caused by modelling?

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      All sorts mate. All sorts!

  10. I try not to owe anyone money although through necessity I had to use it a few times a couple of years ago and I’d been slow paying it off when I went back temporarily to full time work last year as I wanted to clear the overdraft that had also accumulated first. Once that goal was attained, I transferred the balance to a new card with a long term 0% deal in order to pay it down at leisure. I have used the card in the last month to pay the deposit on the Rails 812s. I’m about to clear that but I’m considering pre-loading the card with £10 a week so that the models will esssntially be paid for when dispatch time comes. Unless anybody sees a flaw in that logic I think I’ll go for it. D4
  11. I reckon you’re bob on with that, Clive. Admittedly, I’m going to get all my half-built kits completed before I try to scratch build the chassis for the Wee Smellie Bogie I found on eBin! D4
  12. AAAHGGGH! FFS! HORNBLOCKS! Stick to rigid, folks, life’s too short for this faff!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ROSSPOP


      I suspect that if you can`t fit hornblocks you are unlikely to be able to lay or build tip-top track......

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I guess I’m screwed then...

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      I've never regretted going down the 7mm route, even better now with all the rtr stuff now available. Much easier to build if you have sausage fingers like me....

  13. One guy I read of a few years back built a large scale Duchess from card! D4
  14. Duncan, I hope I’m reading your description of events correctly here, but if a driver of a large vehicle can’t see you then you are clearly too close to them. You’d be surprised I expect by the limited vision a bus driver has. Please, always work on the principle that if you can’t see the mirrors of the large vehicle ahead of you there isn’t a snowballs chance he can see you. Even with you all lit up like a Christmas tree. I don’t want to scrape you off the back of my bus mate, so please drop back enough to see our mirrors. Every one of us will be a lot happier for that.
  15. Translates literally as ‘fast tree’...
  16. He should have listened to 'Call Kaye' before he wrote that... In all seriousness though, your point about willingness to learn is a valid one. It's more a question of where someone's personal priorities lie and if you're looking for a bit of escapism and enjoyment in your life, it doesn't automatically follow that you're going to get that enjoyment from trying to get some approximately shaped bits of metal or alloy honed into something resembling a locomotive. You might at that time, gain more solace from learning the banjo or creating scale telegraph poles from scrap balsa. D4.
  17. How quickly one side of a vinyl LP goes. They seemed to last longer when I was in my 20s...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      That would be a rather diminutive loco, Ivan.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      It’s like those wax cylinders of yours, Obi Wan, but on a flat disc 12” across... ;-)

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Depends who’s on the single, Horse!

  18. Still got a couple of NB 4-4-0s to build and fettle. Must get them done since there won’t be any more coming. Must get a couple of generic 4-4-0 chassis etches too. D4
  19. Instructions: indeed, the make or break of many a kit. From personal experience I can tell you that there are some older kits whose instructions weren’t even worth looking at for all the good they did. However, at the opposite end of the scale you have guys like Chris Gibbon and Pete Stanger who produce excellent, well designed and produced instructions that pretty much take you by the hand and lead you through the process which if you follow it exactly will lead you to success. No connection other than as a satisfied customer. Good instruction makes building easy. The quality of the instructions in a kit are capable of inspiring confidence when done correctly. I’ve had plenty of experience of the other kind too which is why I only started proper kit building 9 years ago... D4
  20. It’s a Scots language word; you can. Find the various uses by following the link :-£ http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/lows_v_1 D4
  21. Quick hour in the garden then some modelling, all being well! Have to weed the cat toilet, sorry, raised bed...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Gadening time definitely drawing near - took herself out to buy some seeds today. All she needs to do now is dig the veg patch and get sowing.

    3. davefrk


      And I thought you had a dug.

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I have, but the dug has the courtesy to go away from the hoose to do her business...

  22. Gauge 1? That’s probably the biggest FUD I’ve yet heard of. Has anybody actually seen a FUD that large? Quite an undertaking given the trials reported in smaller scales. D4.
  23. Better to quit while you’re ahead rather than carry on making the same album for 45 years like other ‘Rock Giants’ I could mention... Shame though, Rush were the only big rock band that remained consistently interesting and creative throughout their career.
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