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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. A bit of Stanier hooter on that last one if my ears didn't decieve! ;-) That J17 wotsit will look even better with the leading cabside windows glazed. Tellt! ;-) D4
  2. That’s a proper left field conversion that. A masterful piece of butchery that tolerates closet scrutiny Well done, bud! D4
  3. Right. Not many more words are required beyond; “I’m deliriously happy with my NCB pair”. Thanks for having the courage to have a punt on this model, guys!
  4. Deploy the Mellotron!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BoD


      Break out the Theremins

    3. Londontram


      You hum it I'll play it

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      What is it with Nixons and tapes..? ;-)

  5. All this talk of citizenship made me think about my Irish granny and my qualification for an Irish passport. I may have some detective work tracing back the relevant birth/death certificates mind since I have none already. No work today or tomorrow so I have my 6 monthly service at the vascular nurse at lunchtime where I suspect I’m going to have statins heavily pushed. After that I’ll be planting my late crop spuds and various other veggie matter. If it rains in between times I have a couple of Pickering Scottish coal trader wagons to finish off. The first of yesterday’s shift was somewhat interesting as the old Dart I was driving decided to have several hissy fits in the EMS which required a stop and shutdown/reset several times. Compounded by a diversion enforced by a serious RTA I had a tense few minutes negotiating the diversion which was essentially single lane due to parked cars either side of the route. Wouldn’t have been a great place for the old girl to sit down again. Still, if that’s ‘a bad day at the office’, in stress terms it’s still a galaxy away from the old days in the Rozzers... D4
  6. I imagine a thin film of light oil applied to the relevant area before painting would facilitate easier removal. D4
  7. Aye, and well done, the two of you!
  8. I never did become a parent but I always schemed that if it happened when was she was of courting age, I was going to make sure that the night she brought her boyfriend home he was going to see 'dad' sat at the coffee table in his boxers, sharpening a large knife on a whetstone, interrupting his 'thousand yard stare' briefly to smile to the lad and say; "Hello, son. Nice to meet you; take care of my daughter, won't you?" before resuming the sharpening...
  9. Happy wi the wee Barclays? Aye, fair tae say! :-)

    1. Londontram


      Translater please!!

    2. Hroth


      He's pleased with his new Hattons Barclay. (I think...)

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      C'mon, Steve. Didn't you get the glossary when you joined the CRA? ;-)

  10. Morning all. Tea and Dawn Chorus here. So nice to have a still morning with clear skies as I head off to work. 06.30 start today and done by 15.30. Might take a run out to Silloth when finished; it makes such a difference having s car again at this time of year. D
  11. Gents; if you’ve got the Hornby Green Blues might I recommend an airbrush application oh Tamiya X24 clear yellow.

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      It’ll give your model soul! B-)

    2. vitalspark


      I'll try that Dave ..I have a spare Patriot body.

    3. Metr0Land


      Any chance of some pics MadMcC? I've been using 3 THIN coats of black followed by 3 THIN coats of oily brown. This is ok for a loco that's not too bulled up and not too dirty either but would like something that looks cleaner on my King.

  12. Gents; if you’ve got the Hornby Green Blues might I recommend an airbrush application oh Tamiya X24 clear yellow.

  13. Cheers Porcy. I checked that sheet out before but in terms of font style, etc it’s actually a bit of a dog’s breakfast. Yer man CCT doesn’t have anything like this, does he, I wonder? D4
  14. Hell’s bells! Hornby’s BR loco green is a truly lifeless and dismal thing. Even after gratuitous T-cutting!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I’ll give it a try at some.

    3. Norton961


      Try finishing with Klear that makes a difference.

    4. BoD


      Gratuitous T-cutting? Is that legal?

  15. In my opinion, Hornby's Gresley and LMS bogies are infinitely superior to the horrible efforts that lie beneath the otherwise excellent Bachmann models. Hornby are on a rally now and I believe they deserve a bit of credit for finally taking the leap and producing not only a fine industrial loco and a very useful North Eastern loco, but at last having the courage to announce a classic Scottish 0-6-0 which I guarantee has won them a great deal of goodwill from Scottish modellers. From the conversations I've had, we are ready to dig deep in our pockets to support this commendable effort. D4
  16. Well, that's the insurance and breakdown cover sorted. Just got to tax the wheels when I pick them up tomorrow and I'm mobile again after 16 months! :-) #bangernomics

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Did you shoot the meerkat or did that lass in the silly naval uniform meet your needs?

    3. 60159


      You as well! Mr Spark looks like he's also "investing" - but nothing modest or sensible of course.

    4. Horsetan


      Your motoring is our concern

  17. I understand the Paxman version wasn’t unlike an HST without the amazingly screechy turbo!
  18. This as been the longest, coldest most leaden winter I remember in a long, long time with no sign of a let up yet either. Last one that comes close for me is ‘79 and I don’t remember the summer being much better. Until school went back in August of course... Ironically I’m working today then off for three again. Beats full time though. I now need to find a way of disposing of some surplus models as it looks like I’ll have a car again on Wednesday. Been a long time without! Have a good day folks and kind thoughts for those who have difficult tasks ahead. D
  19. I take it Buy and Sell isn’t a thing here any more..?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      So it doth appear!

    3. 60159


      Sadly I resort to Ebay but for selling wait for a deal such as 50% of final fee or £1 final fee but Paypal still rob you. I sold summat for £235 recently and the £1 fee saved me £22.50.

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Used to all be so easy...

  20. Words are redundant tonight. :-( D.
  21. The primary advantage for you here is that you have absolute control over the final end product. You’ll only stop when you’re satisfied with the result. And of course, every one you do will be just that bit better, particularly as your research and observational skills develop. I must be careful here, I’m talking myself into actually doing something for a change! ;-) Dave.
  22. Another wagon of interest to a mid ‘60s ScR scenario. Cheers! D4
  23. Stick in man. These things do happen, but at the end of the day your own creativity and skill has produced something that is uniquely yours and it has heart and soul that is all of your own making. You can always upgrade it as time goes on but you will always have the satisfaction of knowing that your model exists purely because of your own imagination, skill and persistence. I’ll take that feeling over cracking open another RTR box any day - unless it’s a classic Scottish 0-6-0... ;-) Dave.
  24. Nippy thumb from the flux, but at least with tonight’s Soldering, a 4MT and a Royal Scot are closer to going into service. And a Caley diagram 11a CCT edges nearer the paint shop.

    1. 60159


      Look forward to seeing them, Dave, even before painting. A run on Larbert maybe?

    2. Bob Reid

      Bob Reid

      01:43hrs - no wonder you've got nippy thumb Dave :) at the moment I feel like I'm watching paint dry. because I'm watching.... your paint shops going to be busy.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I think Larbert will get a visit from these ones, aye! :-)

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