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Everything posted by monkeysarefun

  1. THat IS pretty gory. Whats even more gory is that this being Australia you'd have about a billion flies all walking over that in 5 minutes. I just put this picture in the Whacky Signs or whatever thread, but then I came here and found your picture. I found this in an old overgrown pet cemetery (movie link! - though it wasn't built on an Indian Burial Ground) in an out of the way rural patch of North West Sydney. Appealed to my sense of humour.
  2. Mine turned up in yesterdays post. Found the required 'dark pen' decided on what 'mark' to use - thought I'd go with the classic 'X'... and put it in the wrong *#@&$# box! I have NO idea how I managed that. Its a simple question needing just a yes or no answer and I buggered it up. Think I will report it lost stolen or damaged and ask for another one.
  3. Stephen King ALWAYS comes back to just Indian burial grounds! I just googled "Shining Stephen King Indian Burial Grounds" and my computer exploded from too many hits. Once it had stopped flaming I checked the top entry, which as usual is Wikipedia, and it said , Among interpreters who see the film reflecting more subtly the social concerns that animate other Kubrick films, one of the earliest and most well-known viewpoints was discussed in an essay by ABC reporter Bill Blakemore entitled "Kubrick's 'Shining' Secret: Film's Hidden Horror Is The Murder Of The Indian", first published in The Washington Post on July 12, 1987.[87][88] He believes that indirect references to American killings of Native Americans pervade the film as exemplified by the Indian logos on the baking powder in the kitchen and Indian artwork that appears throughout the hotel, though no Native Americans are ever seen. Stuart Ullman tells Wendy that when building the hotel a few Indian attacks had to be fended off since it was constructed on an Indian burial ground. Blakemore's general argument is that the film as a whole is a metaphor for the genocide of Native Americans. He notes that when Jack kills Hallorann, the dead body is seen lying on a rug with an Indian motif. The blood in the elevator shafts is, for Blakemore, the blood of the Indians in the burial ground on which the hotel was built. As such, the fact that the date of the final photograph is July 4 is meant to be deeply ironic.
  4. We get the English tabloids down here thanks to the internet web thing, and I just have to ask..., Ex on the Beach, Love Island, geordy shores, chelsea whatever....... what the hell is going on with reality show english girls today?? All bright orange freaks with lips like goldfish and vacant stares and stupidly fake boobs like half rockmelons and really really really stupid eyebrows. Give me Sofia Loren, any day even if she did go to school with your great grand mother I did \like Misery, but the Shining DID have an Indian burial ground thing at the end I seem to recall....didn't it?
  5. What I hate about Stephen King is that he always seems to play the "Indian Burial Ground" card when his plot goes a bit shaky. Everything gets explained away because there was an Indian Burial Ground near by or whatever./. Full disclosure, I haven't been a Stephen King fan since the early '80's when it was mainly Pet Semetary and Salems Lot so maybe he's moved on and got a new plot device since then and I am being needlessly harsh.
  6. Thanks Allan, thats really nice of you to say, I must say that I've found rmweb to be on the nice side of the forum scale , I read more threads than I post in and I have seen very little pettiness, vindictiveness or trolling, which is a nice change from some of the forums I've given up on. Any heated argument seems to be due to peoples passion for a particular subject - debates about pre-war GWR handrails or whatever. I'll admit I'm an architecture modeller, not a railway modeller but I still enjoy all the too-ings and fro-ings about the tiny details that go to make up a model railway, and the depth of the knowledge pool about even the tiniest esoteric items. As to Mrs Downse's spider phobia, she has a lot in common with my son who is the worst spider phobic I know. If you are arachnaphobic then Huntsmen spiders are the worst and although they are harmless - basically they are just kittens with 4 extra legs - they are really big AND pop up in unexpected places just to freak you out. And they DO love freaking people out, this one travelled all the way to the UK just to mess with the locals: (For "Poisonous predator" read "not very venomouis" I can't believe your press prints such innacuracies..) http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/831493/huntsman-spider-uk-trek-from-australia I was driving my son back to his mothers place after he'd had tea at my house and unbeknownst to me a huntsman had appeared on the top of the windscreen on the passengers side, just above his head. IMy son was sitting in the passenger seat and one second later he was in the back seat, He had somehow undone his seatbelt and back flipped neatly between the two front seats and landed in the back. I only knew something \had happened because his foot clipped the gear stick on the way through and suddenly the car was in neutral. Every Austarlian at one point or another will come upon a giant Huntsman, in fact in acknowledgement of that the Sydney zoo - Taronga - holds occasional; weekend courses where you can go and they'll get you over the scared phase. Graduation is letting a Huntsman climb all over you, apparently once you've done the course you are magically cured and you have no fear. I bought a voucher for my son for his 18th birthday but he was to scared to use it. To bring this back to thw worlds worst movies... which I can.. , the movie Arachnophobia had cast its major big name spiders but still needed hundreds of supporting spiders as extras, so they evaluated various species via a kind of spider olympics and the Huntsman came out on top. They were intending to use Australian Huntsmen but Actors Equity - our actors union - feared that our spiders would be exploited and so black banned the movie from using them. However, l uckily for the movie producers, aussie Huntsmen had been sent to New Zealand in the '20's so the movie was able to use them since they weren't in a union. That IS a true story but I can find no proof on the world wide web. Which being a web, it is ironic that it hasn't that spider information.
  7. G'day Allan and Mrs Allan,, I'm not sure why everything is trying to kill me but you know what they say - Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that everything isn't out to get you! And when you consider for instance that the Sydney Funnel web spider which can have your relo's fighting over your inheritance 15 minutes after you've been bitten has a bite that is only lethal to primates, ie us - dogs and cats and birds and everything else just laughs it off - then it is a bit hard not to take it personally. And then theres the murderous marsupials, which this award winning short documentary illustrates (just brief boob glimpses sorry) Down here we admittedly do tend to take a perverse delight in talking about the many ways nature can do us in so to to avoid this post turning into a Crocodile Dundee style "Thats not a deadly spider - This is a deadly spider" (See, even our scientists do it) brag session, I'll hand it over to this thread of a couple of weeks ago that you mightn't have seen that is the natural progression of this in that there is me and a who's who of us Australians (and English visitors!) Rmwebbers doing it.. It IS informative, even I discovered that I didn't know everything I thought I did about Drop Bears. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/125159-for-those-that-fear-coming-to-australia/ (Can I just take a sec to mention I'm really enjoying your walk down memory lane of all the pics of your models you are posting up. Also the pics here of the pretty ladies..)
  8. Tarantino is actually a big fan of Australian '70's " Ozploitation' movies - a weird time when the government of the day wanted to rejuvenate our film industry and so gave very generous tax breaks to film investors. . Consequently this raised the quality of Australian films to new heights of brilliance because all those who wanted to get their hands on the money were true film enthusiasts with vision, and not in any way just fly by nighters wanting to make any old #@$#@ to make a quick buck. Actually, you can judge for yourself how that all went because a movie was made about these movies which has Tarantino talking about his favourite Australian movies, and how they made him the director he became.. Here's the trailer, its only a couple of minutes long and is a handy kind of "Stars On 45" type compendium of many of the worlds worst movies - the Australian ones at least. And if you commit to it, then I promise that at some point you will see boobs.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24E6AgsPFP8 My favourite Tarantino film would be Django Unchained, mainly for the over the top gun shot scenes, and John Jarrat of Wolf Creek fame getting a cameo bit.
  9. My partner has a rabbit, she'll love to watch this... In a variation on the theme, there is Black Sheep, an attempt to fleece the zombie sheep fans.
  10. This movie is the perfect date film - zombies and hotties for the lads, Jane Austin for the gentler sex: Pride And Prejudice And Zombies
  11. I know I should be spending every spare minute I have extending my model building experience , but sometimes I come home and the choice will be between cutting out several hundred slates and gluing them to a bit of cardboard roofing, OR logging into World Of Tanks and working up to getting the DERP gun on my Hetzer, I know its kind of stretching the boundaries of what this forum is about, but maybe if we start with games with trains in them we can prevent waves, and just go from there.
  12. As an overpaid home grown government IT consultant I'll just divert you with this picture of King parrots in my back yard ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... whilst I sneak away!
  13. Hey, we live in a magical place. Down here you can leave Liverpool and drive to Camden in 30 minutes. Perth takes 3 days but,
  14. This little memory was prior to the Waterfall train crash, which was tragic, and unfortunately occurred in a particularly rugged section of the line, being a sandstone cutting with difficult access which made getting equipment and rescuers to the site very difficult despite being about 20km from the Sydney CBD. Similar to the Glenbrook train crash of 4 years or so before that one - again in difficult sandstone country. At the time I worked at the Glenbrook RAAF base and the RAAF played a big part in logistically supporting the recovery operation there, In fact we had our Christmas party organised for that day but the food, BBQ's and RAAFie cooks were diverted to the accident site to feed the emergency services. I've not had to catch a Sydney train for quite some time so when googling for a generic picture of the destination boards I chose the first one. I know Waterfall isn't on the route to Blackwood because Blackwood isn't even a place - its BlackTOWN. I just found a random pic to illustrate what the boards here look like. But anyway, I was surprised to see the countdown clock thing, thats new, I guess its meant to stop people hurtling down the escalators and bouncing off the closing doors. And as to punctuality, the NSW liberal government fixed that magically by just changing the definition of a train being 'late' from 3 minutes later than the timetabled time to 6 minutes or something. NO need for expensive overseas contractors any more -Job done!
  15. But even worse than that was when one of your programmes got popular down here, and so once it started to flag there, the producers thought that they could milk it a bit more if they made an orstryalian version. First you send us your convicts, and then you send us "Are You Being Served Down Under..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGiEH5UpZm8 I know its not a movie but it should have been because it would have been shorter than a TV series . In horse racing terms that the Queen would understand if she reads this - It was just crying out for the stewards to put the screens up around it and let the vet put it out of its misery with a shotty.* *Shotty - Australian for shotgun. AND you know what that means when you are in a thread that brings up Australia AND shotguns at the same time - the greatest use of film stock ever - a little bit more of Mad Max one !
  16. My main issue with Blair Witch was wondering where they got those amazing camcorder batteries that lasted the whole weekend. My camcorder at the time would die in under 40 minutes., which would have made my Blair Witch movie ending with me working out where to park the car and then going back to double check that I hadn't left my lights on.
  17. Way down here our platforms have blue screens that announce train departures, like this: I remember one afternoon being on Town Hall station when the screens all crashed, and just showed the infamous windows blue screen of death, (file image!): Two little old ladies were beside me intently studying the screen covered in this microsoft gobbledygook , and one turns to the other and asks "Does it stop at Waterfall?"
  18. Here's one for consideration. I actually really like it but whenever I talk other people into watching it afterwards they always say "Thats the Worlds Worst Movie!" An early movie from Peter Jackson of Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit fame, and also owner of Wingnut Wings, a model kit company that makes the best ever plastic kits of WW1 aircraft. As a keen WW1 aircraft modeller himself, he wasn't able to find a decent kit of the planes he wanted to build and so when he got rich (despite this movie!) he created a company to make them for him. How cool that is. Anyway, this one goes out to Allan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4HvQtZWR2A
  19. "When the Wind Blows" was like that - my sister put it on for my son when he was about 8 because it was a cartoon. I don't think he's smiled since and that was 14 years ago..
  20. Hmmm, I just took the focus ring off of the original lens, am I the only one who did that...?
  21. That made me remember "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians" Here's the trailer, it only goes for 1:26, go on - do yourselves a favour! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnEJrwYXXsI
  22. You can annoy her again with this one then, at 5:12. German troops being shipped off to the Russian front with the help of the traitorous GWR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiZnPyNF2fs Other than that, this isn't a WORLDS WORST movie.
  23. And, on the subject of British horror, I'm surprised that none of Hammer's offerings seem to have had a mention yet. Mind you, As I recall, although Hammer's were often quite silly, not too many were completely devoid of redeeming features. They did venture into sci-fi with Night of The Big Heat, which was a bit iffy (well, I thought they did, although Wiki seems to reckon it was by Planet Film Productions). Especially laughable was the idea that the aliens were capable of completely incinerating a human with the energy drawn from a single car battery. Given that my experience of the average big, rubber car battery was that it barely held sufficient energy to start a car,I found this idea hugely amusing . I think Sci Fi movies generally are the worst since if the writers hit a plot hole they can just invent "Gravity waves" or "molecular regenerators" or so on to get the heroes out of trouble. Its lazy writing. Was it Independence Day that had Jeff Goldblum get into the Alien space ship and connect his laptop or whatever to their control system and save the world? (I forget the exact details so apologies to Independence Day fans!) How would that happen in real life? I have enough trouble finding the right lead to connect my phone to my car.
  24. I know the name of this movie! "The current Australian Liberal Party"
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