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Everything posted by Clearwater

  1. Wow! Impressive. I did say *most*... I suspect with 11(!) you're in a smallminority. Folks own fewer A4s!
  2. Andy Y's probably noting it down for next Christmas' quiz.... Great modelling - there's something about those stylish LNER trains with their coherent rakes. David
  3. I think you can make a good guess on product popularity by the number of pages in a thread and how quickly it grows. From a quick check, this is by far the longest Hornby carriage thread which augurs well for them. Given that most people will only buy one or two autocoaches or inspection saloons or whatever, you'd expect those to be relatively more expensive given the need to recover similar costs over a smaller potential sales base. David
  4. Unless I'm mistaken, feedback is self selecting - ie you have to have brought from someone to give them a rating. Therefore, if you've won an auction, you'll be ok with the price and so long as the item arrives well packaged, on time and per description, you're more likely than not to give a good rating. Equally the rating doesn't capture feedback on what has not sold (no sale therefore no rating to apply) nor from those who thought the item overpriced. David
  5. I think the caterpillar is a metaphor for the thread. From all this chaos, there is a cocoon building in the loft from which we hope a beautiful layout will emerge!
  6. Sadly the answer is yes. Some people make money on YouTube, famously there was the man chasing the dog in Richmond park. My understanding is that The business model works that you post a video and anyone who views it often has to watch an advert before. Advertiser pays YouTube and a portion of that goes to the video poster on the basis of the number of views David
  7. Thanks - this one didn't have the steps for the slots. I was disappointed by that! Had a white metal end to attach to the brass end piece. I used one of those wooden block things for that part - was pretty useful. Yes, am looking forward to getting it nice and shiny! David
  8. I'm led to believe the current Notwork Rail estimate for a pair of new wooden fishplates is approximately 100x that. The increase is accounted for by application of management overheard, recovery of lost track access income, surcharge for out of hours use of network, project office costs and charge for remedial works uncovered. Excludes contingency. Inclusive of reduction in underlying commodity price falls and VAT Dr Ker. Ching
  9. Agreed. With Hornby's record of occasionally grasping the wrong end of the stick, what are the odds of them taking 7013's spec and using that for a prewar 4082?
  10. Absolutely - without the randomness coupled to various outbreaks of modelling (I recall some coach soldering about 20 pages back- I may of course be mistaken), I doubt that as a relative newbie I'd have stuck with the forum long enough to gain confidence to reach out (apologies for the business Americanisms) for help. Following yours and Rob's suggestions, my part built coach will now roll around my simple layout. Thanks also to Tony Wright who helped manipulate the body square at the St. Albans show. Photo evidence below, video wouldn't load! I'm well chuffed, pun unintentional, that it works! I'm quite convinced that it's not the best brass coach build there's ever been but you've got to start somewhere.. David
  11. Ironically I brought a copy of those DVDs on Wednesday from antics online. They've arrived in sealed cellophane so assume is as new David
  12. Given the the new peco track thread only started yesterday am, at the rate it's growing it will overtake this thread within a few weeks....
  13. These days a lot of airfix kits come with paint, brushes and glue in the box already... Personally, I see the sense in that. No use you giving kit to your nephew or niece and then them not being able to do anything with it. David
  14. Bbc has a video here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35400377 Note they lead on scaletrix David
  15. Didn't the actual tv series film the railway shots at that classically restored LNER station on the bluebell railway using a (extremely) early version of a standard 4MT to pull the train? I knew that couldn't be Hornby as it had been delivered early!
  16. Given the bomber war was largely operated out of east anglia, the GW management may have considered it "out of area." I think, by way of comparison, that few of the castles, halls etc were named out of area. Re Fairey Battles and Blenheims, there were some suicidally brave crews in the Battle of France, eg Garland / Gray's bombing of a bridge in Belgium. Quite right to honour and remember. (Apols for the off topic nature!)
  17. The renamings were all done immediately post the Battle of Britain between November 1940 and January 1941. As such, those other late war successful types were not in frontline service and had barely flown never mind permeating public consciousness( I think the Lancaster first flew in Jan '41). What's more surprising is that no locos were renamed post war. However, even then, Bomber a Command never achieved the public appeal Fighter Command had in 1940. For example Dowding got a peerage whereas Harris never did David.
  18. I always think there's a certain irony that one of the least well equipped types to defend us has ended up as the preserved one. Great name, useful first time they met the Luftwaffe but pretty much a death trap for the crews after that David
  19. On the product threads, Andy Y has posted pictures of the EP. My resolve is weakening already. It looks reasonably advanced... David
  20. Eh! I hope that's not a denigration of by far the greatest football team the world has ever seen! Boing Boing Edit to correct an autocorrect(!)
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