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Everything posted by johnarcher

  1. I emailed David recently (buying a 517 kit) and he seemed to suggest he's aiming for retirement about the end of the year. The loco kits he said will go back to Pete Waterman, the rest of the business will be for sale (successfully one hopes).
  2. Thank you, that's interesting, as you say that's surely pre-WW1 and she seems to be in the same condition as in 1928, apart from the firebox and number plate position So it is very useful confirmation of the bunker type. Here's the picture that started all this for comparison
  3. Could someone who possesses the 1921 GW Loco Allocations book possibly let me know what is recorded for Kington (sub-shed of Hereford I think)? (I can't really afford to buy the book for just two numbers) Of course if anyone has any other note of Kington allocations 1920-30 that would be very handy too. (According to the New Radnor branch book 517's and 0-6-0T's 1920-25, mostly 517's 1925-30, but it doesn't give numbers)
  4. That's a very nice shot, thanks yet again. It does seem likely that that is the arrangement the Hay engine had, and possibly 1434 (if that isn't the Hay one anyway. I think the number plate is differently positioned on 1434). Where did the 1466 picture come from? Have you got the Golden Valley book, if not I could scan and post the 1434 picture I suppose (as the picture that started this is the one not posted), or would that be breach of copyright? (Do you use reply with attachments to do that?)
  5. I have thought that about the Hay picture, it looks like that to me too. On the same page as 832 - there is 828 with a type 65 bunker (I think), with a cab, but it seems to show the start of a curved front sheet to the bunker infill, which then lies behind the cab rear. (I can't get a link to that picture to work). Still searching for a type 65 (thanks for the number) with an open cab, probably quite rare.
  6. Thanks again, I must search for a decent picture of a 3E with an open cab, which I am pretty sure is what 1434 has. I am ordering the two issues of GWRJ which had articles on the 517, maybe there will be something there.
  7. Thanks for that link, I assume it only covers Wolverhampton types, though their 3A looks like the type 61 under discussion which is Swindon? The one I think 1434 has looks like 3E, but they suggest that only goes with a closed cab, but again maybe that's only in the case of Wolverhampton.
  8. On the 1434 picture you can just see the horizontal front end of the beading that runs around the cut-out on the front of that type of bunker. So it does seem to be one of those, however there seems to be an edge above that beading, so I think it is the sort with the extra boxed-in bit above. I can't find a picture of that sort online, howver it is shown in the old MRJ article where Guy Williams built 1468 from a Mitchell kit (though in that case with a closed cab). I wonder if any two 517's were alike. Thanks again for all the contributions.
  9. Thanks again, I hope you didn't spend too much modelling time on that. I hadn't considered the implications of her being converted at Swindon, but what you say makes sense (as usual). I have been looking at the picture of 1434 with a magnifying glass, it is not clear but one can just see the front edge of the bunker, and it does look straight rather than curved away like a Collett one. I suspect it is the sort you mention, probably with the cut-out sheeted over as I recall seeing sometimes. Incidentally if 1467 was converted to long wb then wouldn't one expect outside bearings? Thanks again
  10. Thanks for all replies - Edwardian for the RCTS stuff, and Miss Prism for the handbag, sorry,, pictures. I hope 1434 was in the same condition as the picture of 1439 - I like that look. It seems quite likely. Thanks Asmay for the link too, silly prices as you say, and me saving up for a 517 kit.
  11. Thanks again. As I said i can't get hold of the RCTS volume, so if at some point you can get at yours, and it doesn't take too long, I'd be grateful for a bit more confirmation about 1434. Thanks
  12. Thanks. I have searched online but the relevant RCTS volume doesn't seem to be available anywhere at the moment (if anyone knows different please tell me). From the thread you linked to, the GWR.org article etc, am I wrong in suspecting that the 15ft wheel base ones were built with inside rear bearings, so if one has outside bearings it has been converted to long wheelbase? Or is that too simple?
  13. Yes, like that. It seems a bit late for one of those, anyway I hope 1434 had a bunker like your first suggestion, it's more attractive. Incidentally (I haven't the RCTS volume) was 1434 built medium or long wheelbase? If the former I assume probably converted to long before this date?
  14. Thanks for the suggestion, it seems the most likely answer (though in the same book there is 521, about the same date, with a rear spectacle-plate bunker). They are unpredictable little engines aren't they?
  15. Another 517 question if I may. In Smith's 'Golden Valley' book there is a photo of 517 No. 1434 c1927, a 517 in the place, time and condition I want. It is broadside view, but the back end is cut off. It has an open cab, but doesn't show the bunker. Does anyone know if there is another picture of this engine, about this date, that would show what bunker style it had then?
  16. I've not used it myself, but I've been impressed with th elook of the river on Llangunllo - PVA I believe. The method was also used by Chris Nevard and Allan Downes. The Llangunllo blog seems to have gone, but here's Mr Nevard's description of the method http://nevardmedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/pva-water-allan-downes-way.html
  17. Has anyone made one of these yet? If so, what's it like as a kit (Finecast so should be OK), and does it allow for many (any?) variants?
  18. Has anyone made a Finecast 517 yet? What's it like, are there variants allowed for?
  19. Looking at old mags compared to modern ones it's the drawings that seem a sad loss.
  20. I agree with all the good wishes, Happy Birthday and may you keep on spreading the word and sharing the experience for a long time to come.
  21. And is it called something different if finished by the person who did the design etc or by someone who bought a print from Shapeways. Beats me, a new world needing new terms?
  22. Please keep us up to date with this, I've been wondering whether to give one a go. You've done wonders with the castings
  23. Isn't that exactly the satisfaction of doing/making for yourself that Tony mentions very occasionally? - just as good an area to do it in as locomotives etc. Plenty of people who'd happily take on an etched kit wouldn't know where to start with that (me for instance).
  24. Nice example Tony. That Bachmann A2 could have been used as a toy (by the six-year-old I mentioned above), but instead it received the individual skill and creativity that, to me, makes a model. (Which, as you say, can be applied to RTR, as well as to a kit or a scratchbuild). So they're not totally different things - ends of a spectrum perhaps? I don't think applying 'model railway' rather than 'trainset' to Little Bytham would be pomposity, accuracy rather. If anything is a model of a railway, rather than just a set (collection) of disparate train related bits then LB is.
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