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Status Replies posted by Craigw

  1. If anyone has a Malcolm Mitchell 45xx 4mm kit or a 55xx 4mm kit, please can you send me a PM. Ideally, un-built. I would also consider the Churchward Models 45xx kit too. I'm happy to pay sensible prices.

    1. Craigw


      Pretty fearsome horse - as an example, I have 2 x45xx, 2 x 44XX and 2 x 517. I worked on the idea buy when I could afford and once upon a time you could buy Finney and Mitchell kits cheap on Ebay too!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. If anyone has a Malcolm Mitchell 45xx 4mm kit or a 55xx 4mm kit, please can you send me a PM. Ideally, un-built. I would also consider the Churchward Models 45xx kit too. I'm happy to pay sensible prices.

    1. Craigw


      My policy of buying kits and the Ultrascale wheels to match has paid off!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Please delete my account, there are far two many childish idiots using this site for my taste

    1. Craigw


      Nobody holds a pistol to your head and forces you to read things. It is quite possible to scroll past things and ignore them. I was going to do that here...

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. is experiencing a new high working in the shed. 108°F/42°C! Ballasting in short spells today!

    1. Craigw


      A fairly common Sydney summers day horse!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. is finding the shed a tad too hot today. !00 deg F in there. At least no track distortion having allowed rail expansion at one end of each baseboard!

    1. Craigw


      30 in the shade? I thought you said it was hot?


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. £756 for OO Slaters kits of a GWR Toplight E88 (£250), Toplight D47 (£206) and Toplight C28 (£300)... I think I'll need to spend a very long time lying down in a dark room!!

    1. Craigw


      I think putting them in a bank vault might be better at that price.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. is relying on the electric blanket this week

  8. In 2014, I re-wheeled a Bachmann 4F to EM. In 2018, I converted it back at about same cost. Moral there somewhere...

    1. Craigw


      You could have saved money by staying with EM?


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Parcelforce.More like Parcelfarce! 24hr delivery..... It's spent 39hrs sat in there sorting office at Preston. A quick phone call to them and they say itis with a privert contractor that works for them and will be with me this evening. Bull (insert own word), their web site tells meit is still sat at Preston. I'm looking forward to phoning them tomorrow............

    1. Craigw


      Not any more admiles. found that out with two signed for deliveries from Ultrascale and brassmasters.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Parcelforce.More like Parcelfarce! 24hr delivery..... It's spent 39hrs sat in there sorting office at Preston. A quick phone call to them and they say itis with a privert contractor that works for them and will be with me this evening. Bull (insert own word), their web site tells meit is still sat at Preston. I'm looking forward to phoning them tomorrow............

    1. Craigw


      Tracking and signing does not work once it leaves the UK horse. pretty galling to pay for things and not be able to track or sign!


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. Parcelforce.More like Parcelfarce! 24hr delivery..... It's spent 39hrs sat in there sorting office at Preston. A quick phone call to them and they say itis with a privert contractor that works for them and will be with me this evening. Bull (insert own word), their web site tells meit is still sat at Preston. I'm looking forward to phoning them tomorrow............

    1. Craigw


      Well, if you use Royal mail and send via international signed for, the tracking now stops once it gets to the airport and so signing either. I have a Finney duke that has vanished on the way to me in Australia. All postal services seem to have gone to the dogs.


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. An evenings searching and the county wheels are still mia, no doubt to finally show themselves when I buy replacements. For now a set of P4 45xx wheels are in use as a substitute for mid build testing

    1. Craigw


      Had me (and John J) a little gob smacked. Almost as much as discovering that tracking apparently stops when it is handed to overseas shipping, but Australia Post do not track either!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. An evenings searching and the county wheels are still mia, no doubt to finally show themselves when I buy replacements. For now a set of P4 45xx wheels are in use as a substitute for mid build testing

    1. Craigw


      I can beat that, I have a Finnney Duke kit somewhere between the UK and australia. 5 weeks so far. was sent insured, but cannot claim for 90 days.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hmm, the Ultrascale wheels have arrived before the kit they're intended for...

    1. Craigw


      I don't know... 7 months from Ultrascale, maybe look at the timelines for the RTR manufacturers.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Go Aussie Dollar Go, now above 58p. Good news for UK online retailers!

    1. Craigw


      After the comments by one of the ratings agencies today the rise of the AUD against the GBP might slow down a little.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Lack of modelling time is making me seriously consider reverting to OO. Just can't find the time to convert stock and get it running properly!

    1. Craigw


      Will you be happy doing that? if not, scale back your aspirations and build something smaller and more achievable.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. is not looking forward to this week's heatwave, and is now looking for an excuse not to be in the non-airconditioned office :-(

    1. Craigw


      I am with Doug again. That is a nice temperature!


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  18. is not looking forward to this week's heatwave, and is now looking for an excuse not to be in the non-airconditioned office :-(

    1. Craigw


      Im with Doug, can you define heatwave? Give me a temperature !


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  19. EBAY, What a bunch of idiots!!!! they've only gone and done away with the best category for model railways. Finescale stuff is now scattered far and wide all mixed up with broken Lima, china mugs with train pics on and glass train ornaments. What a bunch of toxxers.

    1. Craigw


      I found that too this morning. Even though there were some random things listed in there, it was a good catch all for higher end kits and bits. Now a Mitchell kit is listed under "other rarer gauges". Seems perfectly obvious doesnt it?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. is looking forward to the Australians winning the EuroSong contest.

    1. Craigw


      Doug, SBS paid a fee for him to compete :)


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just realised that the cat is 17 years old next month, apparently 85 in human years. At least her highness has given up going on the prowl and bringing us "presents", now spends most of her time sleeping and annoying the dog.

    1. Craigw


      We have a 16 year old diabetic Burmese who has insulin injections twice daily. A wonderful mate so it is all worth it.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I do belive that ebay has crashed.

    1. Craigw


      It looks like it is world wide. I have tried logging in via Australian, UK and US sites


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. has been admiring the etch for a VR "J" class 2-8-0. Now to find a suitable picture frame and a place on the wall.

    1. Craigw


      From where I am you are upside down...did you realise that?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. And don't forget. When your elders forget, take them by the legs and throw them down the stairs

    1. Craigw


      If you think your toys have gone berserk its an illusion Max

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. And don't forget. When your elders forget, take them by the legs and throw them down the stairs

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