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Status Updates posted by dhjgreen

  1. Livia, that's not Livia; more face changes than Dr Who.

    1. dhjgreen


      Why does Montalbano look no older?

    2. Dancess


      Just watched episode here on French TV, different one to what was on BBC and they all look much older. Remember that previous ones are now 5+ years ago. It all seemed disjointed and like they were cashing in on previous reputation.

    3. Horsetan


      ....and they call that "continuity"....

  2. Black pudding with piccalilli for lunch today on Bury market

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Black pudding - top marks!

    2. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Luverly. Fried in lard I hope? Any spare?

    3. BoD


      Black pudding, haggis and apple stack. Heaven on earth.

  3. Downloaded Scalescenes dark ashlar, perfect for the grimy retaining walls on Bolton Street

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Interesting - is there a thread - I know BBS well.

    2. dhjgreen


      No thread, but some pictures on my Blog, link in my signature

  4. Downloaded Scalescenes dark ashlar, perfect for the grimy retaining walls on Bolton Street

  5. Downloaded Scalescenes dark ashlar, perfect for the grimy retaining walls on Bolton Street

  6. The threads I watch on here have gone so quiet, I have resorted to modelling!

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      It's getting tempting for me too but I have birds to watch in the garden...

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