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Everything posted by dave750t

  1. It's not secure, so some browsers will block it. They have a phone number and address:
  2. A bit unfair. It's not as though the story is about a particular piece of track that the picture is purporting to show. It's just a nice-ish stock photo.
  3. So you're not familiar with the layouts of the great Dutch railway modeller, Driving van Trailer?
  4. Only half facetious - try leaving the track power on all the time. More seriously, would some sort of electric fence work?
  5. basic error. That tender was only used with the later, unstreamlined rebuilds.
  6. It looks as though Dapol decoders have been added to the latest test releases of JMRI. See https://www.jmri.org/releasenotes/jmri5.1.2.shtml
  7. I wish some people would consider that "these people" might be sick to the back teeth of being presented with learning opportunities by, among others, p*ssed up middle aged men in fancy dress - "we love this village. Came for the scenery, stayed for the casual racism". There's plenty of opportunity to delve deeper into the history if you so desire without getting a demonstration outside the pub on a blank holiday afternoon. I have a good idea of what bear baiting looks like without seeing a live performance.
  8. dave750t

    John Miles

    He appeared on Andrea Bocelli's track Funiculi Funicula on his 1997 album Romanza. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Miles_(musician)
  9. I don't think anybody is trying to do that. I find it strange that some people seem to get so upset when shameful events from the past are investigated. Surely the point is to learn from them and not make the same mistakes again. That isn't unpatriotic or disrespectful. Quite the opposite really.
  10. The Daily 'Hurrah for the Blackshirts' Mail. I wouldn't house-train a puppy on it.
  11. The thing is, those gloaters haven't been ordering millions of people not to do what they are doing.
  12. Apparently it's a way to generate fake reviews. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54055669
  13. A German shepherd craps in my front garden every morning. Today he brought his dog.
  14. So they should leave the illegal loggers alone? Not resist criminal gangs acting with state connivance. In a lot of places in the world even just writing a letter to a newspaper can mean risking a bullet.
  15. There are more than you think. Many are risking their lives and liberty to prevent environmental destruction.
  16. Any money saved would be unlikely to be spent more wisely elsewhere. It keeps quite a few people in employment, it probably prevents some more polluting flights occurring, it's very useful to a number of people and gives a lot of pleasure to more people. I think this country is rich enough to afford it. Given half an hour, I'm sure most people could think of bigger and more outrageous wastes of public money
  17. I thought that the correct usage was Fahrenheit for hot days and centigrade for cold ones.
  18. I believe he can do an uncanny impersonation of Justin Elliot. It's a pity he looks nothing like him :-)
  19. From https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/feb/09/county-council-to-reconsider-cumbria-coal-mine-application ( my emphasis ) The proposed £165m mine would produce 2.7m tonnes a year of coking coal, for use in industrial applications such as steel-making, as opposed to thermal coal for burning in power stations. Kwasi Kwarteng, the business secretary, told MPs last month that this meant the mine should be allowed to go ahead, as it fell outside government pledges to phase out coal for electricity. But green experts pointed out that steel-makers would be forced to reduce their emissions too under the UK’s net zero targets, by using new technology, such as hydrogen. About 85% of the coking coal from the mine was planned for export, and there is no shortage of such coal globally.
  20. Might be a bit of a tough sell to visitors though. It's bad enough being fobbed off with a clapped out rattling DMU when the steam service isn't running.
  21. Digitrains actually contacts via the JMRI webserver rather than Withrottle. Similar but different. See https://www.jmri.org/help/en/package/jmri/jmrit/withrottle/UserInterface.shtml
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