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  1. And just to really confuse everyone, the new station on the Okehampton line next to the A30 is to be called Okehampton Interchange. Though it seems to be a better description of it’s purpose than Parkway.
  2. Oops….obviously the year should be 2024! Apologies.
  3. Photographs of the event are on todays news section of the CRS website. http://www.cornwallrailwaysociety.org.uk/latest-input--news--old-pictures-etc Look for 14 July 2014. 2024 edit to correct year.
  4. You’ve posted this in the wrong place m8. Try the Dapol section.
  5. An update as promised: A special memorial train in honour of Maurice has been organised to take place on the Bodmin Steam Railway on Saturday 13 July 2024. All who knew Maurice are welcome to attend. Train departs Bodmin General at 1800 probably hauled by one of the 55XX Prairies after Morris Men have danced on the platform. Cream tea or pasty available but must be ordered by 11 July, you can do this by email to Roger Webster: rogerwebster@hotmail.com.
  6. On the Industrial Railway Society forum it is reported as follows: “The funeral of Maurice dart is on Friday 10 May in Truro, at 9am. I do not know the exact location. It will a very short committal, paid for by the state, and no service. To commemorate Maurice's life a trip is to be organised on the Bodmin and Wenford Railway, at a later date. I will advise on details in due course.” When I see more I will post here.
  7. Here is a bit more about Maurice from my own recollections of things he shared with me. He was a Plymouth boy, and was one of the informal “St Budeaux Railway Circle” a group of lads who gathered at the two stations in the suburb served by GWR and SR to spot. He joined ECC in the laboratory at Lee Moor, then transferred to St Austell where he remained for the rest of his life. He never married but often turned up at events with a variety of lady friends. His local accent was so thick you had to concentrate to understand, especially after a pint or so. He & I were undertaking a mini tour once of tramways in clay country, on a Tuesday, and we stopped at the pub in Stenalees for lunch. It was packed with clay workers, and everyone knew Maurice. It took a bit of effort to get him back out the pub and on with our tour! Maurice was also into the Folk scene and was a member of the local Morris Men. A friend of mine from Bodmin Folk Club said to me this morning “I knew Maurice well over 50 years and he looked the same all that time!”. He was a wonderful character. R.I.P.
  8. Maurice Dart It is with great regret that we announce the death of Maurice Dart, age 92, who died on Tuesday 2nd April 2024. He was a member of the Cornwall Railway Society and was one of the old guard of the railway enthusiast world. Maurice wrote many books over the years, together with arranging many walks and visits over Branch Lines around Cornwall and farther afield. The above is from today’s CRS website. Maurice was a good friend over the last 40 years and I am very sad to learn this news.
  9. Your imagination is running away!! Sorry, Can’t say too much other than that.
  10. I have seen the drawing of the road bogies, which was in a MoD document on the wagon. I speculate that this may no longer exist since the wagon is long gone and the document would have been withdrawn and shredded. Unless some enthusiast type quietly kept a copy!
  11. There is an interview for local radio on BBC Sounds with Will Smith of the SDR about the making of the episode. I cannot work out how to link to the clip, so search on the Sounds site.
  12. The loco used was GWR 45xx 5526. As the series is set in present day South Devon, no fiddling with era was required. The elephant in the room is all the filming is done in Looe and South East Cornwall!
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