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No Decorum

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Everything posted by No Decorum

  1. I'm not an expert but building a lightweight train out of bricks strikes me as poor engineering.
  2. One here at any rate. I'm a sucker for Bachmann's GWR and BR greens and was tempted but my black insufficiently modified Hall ended the temptation. I think we need a little more tar than a ha'penny would buy, though. No tender pickups, no provision for a speaker, no fall plate and a jamming vacuum pump. I can't help feeling a little sorry for Bachmann after all the expense of the recall.
  3. That's very encouraging. I have avoided Hornby crimson CCTs because of the translucent paint. Translucent steel angle irons? Oh dear. A preliminary squirt of white or grey would have helped no end and done justice to the exquisite lettering.
  4. On the subject of rakes, I don't often envy N-gaugers but I note that Revolution Trains are planning to produce not only triple packs of the TEA wagons but also a rub down set of data panels to allow simple renumbering of the TOPS versions. That is an excellent idea, especially now that Bachmann seems to be economising by producing re-runs of wagons without re-numbering them.
  5. Tut tut! All the same, I'm not greatly concerned. My ancient IC 225 will soldier on until Hornby produces a Mk. IV DVT to the standard of the Mk. III, a full-blooded 91 with lights, central motor and dangly bits on the front and preferably coaches to match. Hornby has already "lost" the 59, the 90 and others and will lose more unless the new, and welcome, productivity is pointed in the right direction.
  6. I asked if I was in the first 250 and received confirmation that I was. Nothing more since.
  7. Very sharp-eyed observation. I had to blow the image up just to see what you had spotted. It looks to me rather like a stray.
  8. No flywheel? That's a bit naughty when Hornby still includes it in the specification on its website. I find the trouble with three-pole motors is that I can get a good one or a bad one. That's as true of Bachmann as of Hornby. Five-pole are much more consistently good. For all of the many faults of Hornby's eight-coupled tanks, they were very easy to work on and it wouldn't be difficult to pop in a five-pole, if only one were available.
  9. I have to concede that point. Drivers also look as if they're wearing Balaclava helmets. It's amazing the difference it makes to paint a tiny line of flesh colour over the collar at the back. Instead of a blob, a thin layer of flesh colour over black produces a reasonable representation of a dirty face and doesn't hide the detail so badly. Of course, the ears need attention as well.
  10. I'm sure it costs much more now. Even if it costs double, I think it's well worth it.
  11. No doubt you've seen the CAD image of the bogie front on Hatton's 00 Gauge King, page 21, post 514. There's even a plate covering the hole where the coupling pocket on the real thing was removed. (Ahem.)
  12. One would think that having got it wrong on the J15, Hornby would check them carefully. The J15 having a 5-pole motor and the Black Motor having the old 3-pole makes me suspect that they come from different factories, which makes it seem rather odd. Dread thought: could it be a production economy? Something to do with releasing the boiler from the mould?
  13. Tooling has begun. More details in Kernow's newsletter today. Nice box. Nice cab interior.
  14. This response from LTM might be of interest ro some. "With regards to sound, there is a break out section in the seating unit on the power car with holes in the chassis to let the sound out. It has been left up to you to make your own mounting unit for the speakers - however you wish to go about this, as some speakers come with a sound box that already have mounting brackets on them."
  15. My apologies. I now see what you mean by "modern spec." The wires can indeed be a bit of a mess, especially on a short drawbar setting. In the case of the Modified Hall, there isn't even a fall plate to hide them from above, had there been any. As you say, frustrating, when I expected a much higher standard than the Hornby Hall. Perhaps the original Hall in Bachmann's pack is better than the Hornby but I doubt that it's much better. Can anyone comment?
  16. I've dithered over the green Modified Hall (mines black) but the dithering is now over. I won't get one, despite Bachmann's incomparable green. I dread to think of the mess I would make trying to carry out the surgery you have. Besides, may I query your use of the term "modern spec."? To my mind, if these Halls were to modern spec., surely they would have provision for decoder and speaker in the tender and (less controversially) Bachmann's neat arrangement of low-friction tender pick ups.
  17. You could always get hold of Bachmann's 37-162 8-plank fixed-end wagon "R. W. Hill & Son" to complete the trio. Incorrectly labelled as era 3, it has "Marylebone G. C. R." on its sides. At Invicta, currently £7·99.
  18. Same here. I left mine running in and came back to find it jammed on a 6' radius curve (with a little kink in it where the lengths of track join).
  19. Only my opinion but I think SRman's got it right (post 550). DCC-controlled rolling headcode blinds would be wonderful but difficult to achieve. No overlays is good news - they didn't look convincing. Pop out windows might be most practical.
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