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Everything posted by binesrail

  1. That looks like one impressive layout! keep the pics comming. Chris
  2. Barbra Streisand, ohohohooooohohohooooohohoh. TUNE!

  3. what should i do if a 7 year old is destroying the layout???

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. darren01


      Want so glue for that bit he has in his hand?

    3. darren01
    4. sir douglas

      sir douglas

      hide the layout from the child and secretly

      rebuild it

  4. i just let out the biggest badest canyon storm youve ever hered!

    1. Horsetan


      That was a one-off. You cannot beat me for constancy!

  5. oh yer! thomas chocies :P

  6. I just coughed up lung juce onto my floor and cant be asked to clean it up. :P

    1. 46444


      Can't beat expectorating sputum! Nice!

    2. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      Did we need to know that. Yeuch.

  7. GWR 4-6-0 no 5029 Nunney Castle enjoys a boiler washout in the yard at Minehead in 2010. Chris Bines
  8. "The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosive." Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project

    1. binesrail


      LOL! that actuly made me laugh :D

  9. toga, toga, toga, 2000!

  10. been reading Brian Cox's book about the universe, its realy good. :D

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      What scale would that be then? ;-)

    2. darren01


      1-1 I think!

    3. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Not Universal? ;-)

  11. made a towl rail for my grandad this morning. boring i know!

  12. what am i going to do with 5 squair feet of tinplate?

    1. scots region

      scots region

      build a pint-sized hamlet?

    2. skipepsi


      Keep 1sqft for yourself and sell the rest.classifieds are your friend!

  13. got boiler, rivet gun, rivets, blow torch, 2ft of copper pipe, a safty valve and a foot pump adaptor, now ordered. what am i going to build now?

  14. bored of christmas now

  15. its christmas and i dont care, Bahumbug!

  16. Ellie Goulding is AMAZING!!! I love her and her songs since i first herd of her over a year ago when she first apeared on the music seen!

  17. Just watched Spirited Away on tv, What a great film!

  18. got a few snow balls thown at me by some chavs whilst i was out taking photographs (whitch i do to make money!) and they got a nice big snow ball right on my £800 camera! great just bl***y great!

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      While I was railfanning several days ago, some kids targeted a lavatory on the platform near where I was standing with snowballs. I can assure you I would not have been friendly at all if they had hit me!

    2. darren01


      hope your camera ok mate, next time duck!!!

    3. DonB


      Did you get their photos?

  19. watching Severance on TV, this is one funny film! (in a horrer film kinda way)

    1. binesrail


      a little bit, but its all good when they put a guys leg in a fridge to keep it cool. :P

  20. making sure ive got my winter flab for xmas by eating some hot choco pudding!

  21. cut my finger open whilst laying the new floor in the work shop.

  22. Whitefield Ln is looking fantasmagorical!

    1. darren01


      With the help of a Grass Master


  23. going to throw a stick grenade at one of my layouts on saterday!

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