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Ben Alder

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Everything posted by Ben Alder

  1. Plockton or the soon to follow Dornoch would both look at home, but probably I'd plump for Plockton.
  2. Shouldn't be a problem - several have been done in 2mm. Drop Pop Up a line and I'm sure Andy will oblige.
  3. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OpenFactory Not a lot is available on the page just now although he can do others from before but Iain Ross is planning discussions with him re alternative materials to reproduce the likes of board and batten more cleanly as it is impossible to smooth out striations from the current resin used. This is in hiatus just now until movement is less restricted.
  4. I have a collection of PO wagons taken by Roye England - got them as prints decades ago from some forgotten where and they are wagon porn to an aficionado. Best start laying in some kits!
  5. On its way to Pop Up is the laser version of Plockton - should be available soon, acc to Iain. More Highland temptation....
  6. On its way to Pop Up from Iain's desk is a model of Plockton - it should be in their list very soon.
  7. Looks good! 3D is certainly starting to open up many side alleys for modellers who pursue less well mainstream supported byways. Wizard does the old Mainly Train series of etches, one of which is a fret of cab spectacle guards and has a choice of diameters. A very useful addition to the parts box.
  8. I haven't tried any brick ones but that is what I suspected - certainly the stone is effective. I have another two types on their way to see what they are like.
  9. Not so far and another one arrived today through the post... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16-SHEETS-stone-wall-20x28cm-OO-1-76-gauge-Embossed-BUMPY-LANDSCAPE-PAPER-a3/313312564243?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2648 Here is a close up. This is a new one - the range is expanding apparently.
  10. Thought I'd give this product a mention - a wallpaper type embossed paper that comes in a wide variety of finishes and scales, that I came across in an ebay ramble a while ago. Although the embossing is a random pattern it comes out really well with a definite relief and has a nice matt finish and is thicker than normal papers and easy to work with. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-SHEETS-bumpy-EMBOSSED-BRICK-stone-wall-paper-21x28cm-HO-1-87/392313695374 If you go to his shop the full range is there and delivery, from Greece, just takes a few days. Here is a laser cut wooden engine shed covered with it.
  11. A Clan made it to Inverness once or twice - but even though supposedly designed for the Highland line they were a rare sight north of Perth. The LMS 8F's were regularly worked to there during the war if you want a bit of variety to a Five....
  12. Thanks for that - I tracked the number down on Gaugemaster's site but it is out of stock...Still, at least I know what to keep a look out for now.
  13. Some time ago a good soul gave me the sprue number for this item but I can't find my original query and would like to order some more. The relevant parts sheet is not on the Gaugemaster site - there are four variations listed but none are the tablet catcher version -and would be obliged if someone could advise me of the part number. TIA
  14. Glad you have found the thread of interest - just wish I could have afforded more film, but other priorities trumped that than....
  15. The 4543 is what I use - there is a wooden sheet by N E Scale Models in the USA but I'm not sure if it is imported here. The Evergreen is great to work with though. Pop Up Designs are shortly to prepare a kit of the station building for release - their kits are a bit basic by some standards but make up in to very nice models with a bit of work. Here is a link to their existing range - the Dornoch one will be sooner rather than later... https://www.popupdesigns.co.uk/product-category/railway-scale-models/
  16. These crops from images are the only ones that give details, appears to be double window centre and doors on each inner wall.
  17. Very true - the station buildings platform face seems almost unrecorded. Iain, who draws up the Pop Up and 3D buildings, and myself have been trawling the internet without success to get a clear view of this. However, with a bit of supposition he has got what will pass muster.If anyone can lay their hands on such a photo it would be very helpful.
  18. Link to am Baile (Highland region library) which has the Highland Railway Society's photo collection available on line. This is the Dornoch section. https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=am+baile+dornoch+railway+pics&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwju47zXwvbuAhWilFwKHebNBocQjJkEegQIBRAB&biw=1440&bih=791
  19. Ernies Archives - a treasure trove.. And Historylinks Dornoch - it has a good selection. https://www.historylinks.org.uk/ A laser cut kit of Dornoch station building is in preparation and will soon be available from Pop Up Designs as well. Dornoch makes for a very attractive little layout - perhaps you should do the HR 0-4-4T next as a MR special.... Edit - here is a direct link to the railway photos. https://www.historylinksarchive.org.uk/albums/railway
  20. Buried away in this thread are one or two posts on how to do this and what sleeper joins to cut. I have done this with three of mine successfully based on this info.
  21. It's got me thinking as well about Dornoch.....
  22. Ditto! Tried some Marcway points decades ago and backed away....No, these seem foolproof and will be a gamechanger. Here is the topic - he already does 2mm stuff so it isn't pie in the sky, as has been promised before and elsewhere. If you can be bothered doing what I did and add cosmetic chairs to Code 75 along with bullhead rail, they do pass muster but it is a tedious process.
  23. Looks promising indeed - I would say definitely go for bullhead - it shouts UK rather than Continental HO and to my mind is essential if one is trying to create a believable scene. There is also a very promising range of bullhead kits on the horizon that should expand your choices of pointwork.
  24. Mine arrived in the Far North this week and had a good running in session - performed perfectly - but when I tried it at a crawl and low speeds over points it was sticky and I could see from the firebox glow that current transmission was intermittent - its only advantage as far as I am concerned - so I gave the wheels and rear face especially a going over with Deoxit, which removed a lot of gunge, and it now traverses these at a walking pace without any juddering. Very smooth and should bed in even more with use.
  25. Still doesn't stop a what if.......
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