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Ben Alder

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Everything posted by Ben Alder

  1. See the pinned bookmark topic at the top of the section - we hope not.
  2. See my query last night, now pinned to the top of this section. Hopefully it'll be back.
  3. As is the delivery from every retailer. Their internal service and order turn round is excellent.
  4. Thanks, Andy - why not go and have a beer - that's what I'm about to do. Too late on a Saturday to be babysitting....
  5. Has this feature vanished from the new set up? Can't find it in replies and also can't see my bookmarked collection in my profile. I hope it hasn't gone as it was a very useful feature.
  6. I thought you might be interested in this lot I took in 1974 at Aberdeen.
  7. I had to search this thread out for a reference, which wasn't easy, so might as well bump it while I have it to hand.....
  8. These ones on ebay have relief. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16-SHEETS-stone-wall-21x29cm-OO-Embossed-BUMPY-LANDSCAPE-PAPER-b7y6/392766467552?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908131621%26meid%3D5e80cd663b5b49e1a4dd93e47e296389%26pid%3D100678%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D224148383951%26itm%3D392766467552%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2380057.c100678.m3607&_trkparms=pageci%3Adc3a1320-0110-11eb-b41d-525037333c2f|parentrq%3Ad1af1f101740a9cb8b4da89cfff5ab42|iid%3A1 There are a variety of finishes in several scales. Here is a pic of a shed I did recently using them.
  9. 1964 with this one - battery operated and no points. I remember being frustrated with the lack of play value as it was and the time it took me to save up for a point and extra track - Airfix kits were a weekly purchase as well.. The two open wagons are still in use, under new chassis.
  10. Yes, the whole Ben set up was a bodge, and really should have been kept away from the camera. The replacements have ground to a halt- the bodies are done and the first is being fettled to the chassis, and has been since before last Xmas...Here it is - I must get back to this one.... The T9 is really too large for any HR type, that actually existed that is, but Peter D drew up a range of locos that never made it and one of them was more or less a direct copy of his brother's T9, so one of my conversions now masquerades as an example of this proposed class... As its tender is going to be used behind the replacement I gave it a watercart one I had lying around. I know it is a D Drummond one rather than his brothers but as the two collaborated so closely I am sticking with it as it is...
  11. Hi, Any progress on this? - came across it on a ramble through Flickr looking for FNL pics and this came up in a link....
  12. Another variation on the dock shunter theme, and based loosely on a CR design, a mix of Heljan GW chassis and Triang Nellie cab.
  13. A late convert to Nellie possibilities, here is a quick rattle up I did, using a Heljan GW chassis. Based on a CR design, roughly,using the cab of a Nellie. I left the dome and filler cap as they were out of laziness although the dome should have been above the middle drivers. The dreadful finished state of it is due to a varnish bloom that I couldn't be bothered stripping off. As my layout is a model of Thurso, with the oft proposed branch to Scrabster present, but out of sight..., I am blaming winter storms and sea salt for the engines condition....
  14. Is the Ratio one this class? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ratio-Midland-Johnson-2-4-0-Motorized-HO-Kit-with-Lima-Tender-Drive/264836021641?hash=item3da974fd89:g:O~YAAOSwOFJfOtk~
  15. And highly recommended - a real treasure trove....
  16. Glad I'm not the only one with this shortcut.........
  17. Yes, I know - that is why it is plonked in the Imaginary locomotives topic..... I did look at doing it with a "proper" Five as a basis but what with one thing and another decided to base it on the drawing in ES Cox's book and as such it is a bit long, which is a pity as it won't fit on my terminus's 50' turntable, but the smaller Hornby model suited this better.
  18. My take on the almost built small 4-6-0 for the Highland lines that was superseded by the success of the larger Class Fives - Railroad Black Five loco with lowered boiler, GBL cab and Hornby Radial drivers pulling a Bachmann Crab tender...
  19. Thanks both - most helpful. I'll give them a call tomorrow.
  20. Can someone please refresh my memory as to who now markets this range of white metal castings please. Thanks.
  21. Been down that road over the years and for now have settled on Track Magic as the current default use along with cleaning loco wheels, backs and pick ups with Deoxit contact cleaner - the amount of gunge it removed from supposedly cleaned locos was eye opening, and has greatly improved smooth running. I do use graphite now and again as a quick sort out, but am enforcing a periodic loco maintenance schedule on myself.
  22. How old are your misbehaving points? For decades I used Peco, Code 100 and then 75 as they came with nary a problem yet the lot I installed new in 2012 have been giving problems almost from the start - not all by any means but about six have had to have attention and I have added extra connections to most of the rest as a matter of belt and braces, which has led me to wonder if might be a batch problem - mine are Code 75 electrofrogs.
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