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Everything posted by Ely_South

  1. Superb photos Aha, OK.... That shot of 91115 and 37219 has given me Morning Glory....LOL I'll get my coat.... Cheers Rob
  2. Great pictures as always. Berwick Street is the random one - I work not-too-far away from there. Trying to think if there's a hidden meaning behind it, and can't..... I travel over the crossover at Cambridge regularly (your shot a day or two ago). There can't be many platforms that fit a minimum 16 coaches (and perhaps 20 at a push)? Rumour has it that it dates from the days that the College's ruled Cambridge. They wanted sight of the up and down platforms from one place to monitor any students trying to escape, so has them built in a long line (hence the crossover)...Sounds about right for Cambridge; the Colleges still have great power over the city. Cheers Rob
  3. I'm guessing it was parked up overnight at Hornsey? Caught a glimpse of something yellow sandwiched between two 37s on my way past this morning, whilst sat on a happy 365..:-)
  4. Just paid my deposit invoice for a GBRF sound fitted one :-) Slightly confusingly, the deposit request said it was for the N-gauge Class 92 Project.... A quick check of the product code reassured me that I wasn't button-happy when I expressed interest, and that it would be the OO gauge one Looking forward to this one :-) Rob
  5. We're there - I just received a nice surprise in the post - Special Delivery Now to open them and get side-tracked from all the other tasks I had planned today... :-) Cheers Rob
  6. If it's like mine, then not in the box - It's in the document wallet attached to the outside of the packaging, along with your receipt. Cheers Rob
  7. Sentiment agreed. Shame we can't gift-aid such things too, to get them some more. As an aside, I'm personally glad that they're delayed a month or two. Having shelled out over £400 to Locomotion at the weekend (another charitable organisation well worth supporting), the revised timing certainly helps cash flow. Cheers Rob
  8. No. No payment made to date. If it's at all reassuring, I'd heard nothing since signing up on the Sunday at Warley (the only emails I receive from LTM are sales ones that I received anyway). However, when I called, I was lucky enough to speak to Sam; the lady that took my details on the day at Warley. She opened her safe, located my specific bit of paper, read me back my details and clarified my dodgy hand-writing (reassuring) and updated my card details It's at that point that she said that she anticipated contacting everyone (Warley people) prior to charging their cards; just out of courtesy. So I wouldn't worry unduly... Cheers Rob
  9. Not as such. But I did call LTM last week, as I'd ordered at Warley without paying and my credit card expired in May (not the one I'd used as it turns out; dozy me...). Whilst I was on the phone, I suggested that they must be due within the next month or so. There was no commitment to my suggestion, but there was no resistance either..... Read into that what you like :-) As an aside, it was suggested that those like me (ordered and not yet paid) would receive a courtesy call prior to payment being charged. So we'll get advance warning at least. Cheers Rob
  10. That's where you're falling down I'm afraid. We get used to many RTR models working out of the box simply because they are built to run non-prototypically (forward = daytime headlights; reverse = rear lights); no doubt partly to save cost, but also perhaps partly to take advantage of some 'default' programming on many off-the-shelf decoders where the white and yellow wires are pre-set to work in exactly that fashion. Rapido have built a prototypical model, and therefore the DCC decoder actually needs a bit of programming. It's not the model's fault, or Rapido's fault. It's just something that's a requirement with DCC if you want to things properly. Simon has summarised the solution above, but programming is not easy to get your head around the first time you do it (it's easier with tools that cost money...). However - I suspect there's a very simple solution (although you'll need to confirm) - Give Legomanbiffo a call. He has the programmer (for ESU chips); he knows exactly what functions need programming, as he'll have done exactly that for the sound-fitted chips. I suspect he'll be the easiest and most reliable way to get you running. It might help if you if you buy a chip from him to make it worth his while. The ones you have will probably work fine in other RTR models... I hope that helps, and restores your confidence in the model :-) Cheers & Good Luck Rob
  11. 2000 cries of 'HSDT'.... We're all waiting! Take our orders and our money. Just don't tell us when it arrives this time though........ Cheers! Rob
  12. In case anyone with a DC model is interested, DC Kits are now advertising the Legomanbiffo sound chips for sale: http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/dcc_digital_loco_sounds/legomanbiffo_diesel_electric_digital_loco_sounds/prototype_apte_advanced_passenger_train_legomanbiffo_.php Not for me. I have a sound one already (smug smile....) Cheers Rob
  13. This thread is now reminding me of those early years of fatherhood (at least the firstborn). Excitement at the conception (steady now....), anxiety levels rising as nine months seems to turn into years, nerves becoming a bit more fraught as the impending birth nears. And then the birth - It seems to go on and on (others around you have theirs after all!), minutes seem like days - but it eventually comes, and you suddenly have completely irrational fears that something is wrong.... Only to find out (at least in most cases) that everything's okay. Mine is born now (Sound number 1008 :-)). All that's left for me to do now is to invite the grandparents around to visit :-) BUT THEY'RE NOT BABYSITTING YET! Oh, and I'm already starting to think about a second (Stirling Single) and a third (HSDT). The first is just SO FABULOUS (although I currently have an irrational fear of dropping it....) Praise for Rapido, Locomotion, and all other parties involved is really very well deserved. Rob
  14. Blimey. 99p start too. That's brave. because I bet that there'll be one or two still available for sale at Locomotion if you could tear Sandra away from a roll of tape and pile of boxes.
  15. Have a chat with Legoman (via Charlie @ DC Kits); he produced the sounds for this. It might not be possible to get them after-market, but it's worth a try.
  16. I ought to reserve judgement until I've seen the actual model - which let's face it is probably only a month away now - But I'm going to give my thoughts anyway: Can anyone think of a product where; from announcement through to delivery; there's been a continual dialogue on here between manufacturer (Rapido), commissioner/retailer (Locomotion), original project engineer (Kit) and the customer (me and you) for a period of two years or so?? Absolutely fantastic. That's been part of the enjoyment of for me - the complete story of the model told out in 73 pages, including the fun side (the talking train video, the Benny Hill-style train chase), the technical story of the original iconic train itself (Kit and others insights), the product updates (samples on display at various sites; the photos of noses in production and packaging drop-testing), and now of course the final details of shipment to the UK, transportation to Shildon, and onward packaging and shipping from there. If you have to announce products (and even take some money from customers) two years before they're available, then the story that's been laid out in this thread is surely the way to go. There are other manufacturers that could learn a lot about such communications. Okay; perhaps the re-tooled Class 158 might not stretch to 73 pages, but having a thread showing progress would be fantastic. Rapido and NRM@Shildon are the manufacturer/commissioner/retailer partnership to beat in this respect in my view. My ten penneth Rob
  17. I had a chuckle yesterday when I saw Brian; the chairman of Locomotion; playing trains in the videos. There are many companies out there that would be sooo much better if the chairperson got to play trains every now and again. I may set up some track on our boardroom table
  18. Do bear with them. They're a tiny outfit. They spent their weekend in Glasgow rather than at home, and Sandra was posting on here at 10:30 last night.... I sense they're busy. I appreciate the frustration of being so close but not certain of getting one of these, but it's my experience that Sandra is also very efficient - My suspicion is that your name is against one, but you don't yet know that. I've been saying for a while that there will be some spares available. I have no association with Locomotion; I simply use cold hard maths to tell me. With at least 1000 people on a wait-list for a year and a death rate of around 1%, the law of averages suggests that ten people have sadly died waiting. So it could be worse... By the way - Post 1630 has her mobile number.....:-)
  19. We're due a Locomotion monthly newsletter imminently I believe - Here's hoping....!
  20. Forgive me for not reading the linked document fully - Surely it means they'll take slightly longer between Litchfield and Glasgow, but remain faster between London and Glasgow overall?
  21. I notice that Phoenix Paints prices are due to rise on 1st Feb (via their website). A rise of nearly 10% for the 14mL tins it seems. I suspect I'll take the opportunity to stock up this week I have no association with them etc etc. Just passing on what I saw. Cheers Rob
  22. I should probably keep my trap shut, but I'm going to share my story regardless.... I was late to the APT-E party and missed the deadline for orders in April (baby and toddler in the house; the usual 'life' excuses). However back in the mid-summer when I finally noticed this thread, I thought I'd chance my arm and give Locomotion a call. It was a very lucky day; I phoned on the same day that someone else had cancelled, and got myself on the list for a DCC ready version. To cap it all, I chanced my arm again at Warley. I spoke to Rapido and asked if it was possible to get access to an aftermarket DCC Sound chip. They suggested I drop by Locomotion and belatedly request it fitted; sound fitting being separate to manufacture, delivery being a couple of months away, and all that. Yesterday, I got confirmation from Locomotion that I'm on the list for a sound-fitted version. The upshot is this (and Locomotion might shoot me for suggesting this..) - If you think you've missed the boat on this, give Locomotion a call. There's nothing to lose. It's payment time for everyone on the waitlist over the next month, and there may be a cancellation or two become available. Sad for the canceller, but last-minute opportunity for anyone who thinks they've missed the boat. Needless to say I'm a very happy bunny. And that initial call back in the summer opened my eyes to spending more money with Locomotion (& Rapido) too (DP1, Harry Patch, NRM 40 wait-list so far, and HSDT will certainly feature in the future). No era/region justification for all these together, other than 'it's my railway'. So it's been beneficial to all parties. Other than Sandra's workload...... Rob
  23. Very pleased indeed :-) Although not surprised. I have gathered a Grand Central dummy power car and Genesis Kits cabs in the last two months. That pretty much sealed the deal that it would be announced.... Rob
  24. Likewise, I've received mine via RM Special Delivery this morning. Grinning from ear to ear :-) I note that it's franked at £26.60 (for the 8 car set). A bit of a bargain given that I paid a tenner for shipping. Thanks LT Museum and Bachmann for indeed making my otherwise dull workday !
  25. The lights are all fine on mine, but the fan didn't turn. Called Rails of Sheffield who helpfully opened up their whole stock to confirm exactly the same problem; no fan mechanisms are fitted. Good luck to them putting the bodies back on! I might call Hornby to ask. Their website certainly claims that they rotate. I have to admit it's not a deal breaker for me though - But it's a bit annoying that something is claimed, and then not delivered. Rob
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