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Everything posted by Northroader

  1. Most excellent, the goings on at a very simple branch line terminus. Really enjoyed the video.
  2. Please sir, a question on your use of “offside” and “nearside” for a van, as it not a term I seen applied to a railway vehicle before?
  3. Some time ago I wanted to replicate the GER “painted teak” shade, and asked Mr. Phoenix Paints at a show for it. He told me they hadn’t done it, as he had never been able to find a proper sample to work from. Mind, I have the view that working from a prototype sample will make a lot of paints look too dark on a model.
  4. Can’t you just cure the hump by going along shoving beermats under the legs?
  5. Very nice looking job. “All the builds on this thread have been completed”, what are you taking??? I want some of it.
  6. I would say that the first deficiency is the will to fight. The vast bulk of the Army are conscripts who didn’t want to become soldiers in the first place, those would could have fled out of Russia. The propaganda machine is working overtime, but I doubt very much that the poor sods are indoctrinated enough to fully believe Putins take on what’s happening, and I’m sure there’s just enough little scraps coming back from the front to their families which undermine a wholehearted acceptance of the propaganda. So there they are, clutching an old gun, clothed poorly, and being directed to advance by officers who still have a WW2 mentality to the cheapness of life, I.e. if you retreat you will be shot, and you can clear a minefield if enough men advance. What to do? Get a skinful of the bottle of vodka that’s thrust in your hand, and stagger out trusting to luck. You could feel really sorry for them, but for the fact that as an occupying force the Russian army has been proved quite ready individually to murder, torture, rape, and loot. It can’t go on.
  7. It’s interesting how the mighty, powerful image of the Russian Army, before their invasion nearly a year ago, has been transformed into a completely deficient organisation in every aspect.
  8. ODSHERREDS JERNBANE - OHJ. Thank you, Mikkel, I thought Southend beach got crowded! That passenger/ goods vehicle is as good as anything Colonel Stephens could do. The two OHJ 0-6-0s look very attractive, as well, plus the stars on their chimneys: I see it’s still functioning, although these days using nice flashy rail cars: http://evp.dk/index.php?page=ohj-vl-stationer
  9. DANISH 0-4-0T Looking at the 0-4-0T in the museum, it is very delectable, so here’s a picture of four Danish beauties: I don’t know much about three of them, but then the fourth is the Hs 0-4–0T in original state, and on a passenger train, too. (I think it’s a quayside shuttle service connecting to a ferry) Here’s a write up with pics: https://www.jernbanen.dk/damp_solo.php?s=1&lokid=72 The later series were done with flush fireboxes and the combined steam and sand domes, a really Danish feature. There’s an interesting build running for a very similar litra (class) N 0-4-0T, which has the attraction for the modeller of not having outside valve gear, a very tempting idea:
  10. If he is going downhill, you’ll have to push a couple of those brake levers down on the hoppers?
  11. Some time back, HRH the Princess Margaret was attending a racecourse meeting, passing graciously along the crowd wearing a dashing fashion ensemble including a red hat. Somewhere in the crowd, a broad Wiltshire voice loudly observed: “Red ‘at, no knickers”.
  12. SKORSTENSBAND. I did do a link back on page 6, but I copy it off here, “skorstensband”, with a few accents, refers to the coloured band round the base of the chimney for steam locos in Denmark. The national system,DSB, used the national colours, but the privatbaner, of which there used to be quite a few, did their own thing. The Danes have a strong maritime tradition, and you could draw an analogy to the funnels of shipping lines being done in “house” colours. Down the Mersey way back, “Ellerman”, “Canadian Pacific”,”Cunard”, and so on. Fancy if British pregroup lines had done it?
  13. IL MONDO DEI TRENI Just idly browsing this morning, and I found a useful website to further assist anyone interested in Italian Railways. Loads of blog type articles on different aspects, plus the index will take you to loco lists, descriptions of individual lines from the historical development angle, and so on. I’m on Apple, so trying to get the translate to work at present. http://www.ilmondodeitreni.it
  14. I have a friendly, outgoing American country girl in mind, as the ideal occupant?
  15. Without checking dimensions, off the top of my head, I would suggest you need to shorten the front platfom, bringing the buffer beam nearer the smokebox, and move the bogie centre forwards, shortening the back end a bit.
  16. If petrol was still 9 cents per gallon everyone would have pumps that size!
  17. CHEMIN DE FER ORIENTAUX. (CO) plus TURKISH RAILWAYS. Just jumping around a teeny bit, here’s a slightly fuller account of the development of the C.F. Orientaux: http://www.trainsofturkey.com/index.php/History/CO You can also find links on that site which can get you round the history of railway development in Turkey generally.
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