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Everything posted by NickBrad

  1. Wow, that rewrites the history a little, Promontory being lauded as the first Transcontinental railroad and I, like many others i suspect are unaware of the truth, (or falsehood,) of this.
  2. That's a cool little scene, any idea where abouts it is? Would love to check it out on google maps and get a feel for the wider area
  3. This looks really great, kind of regretting my choice of going for a countryside/edge of town setting for my Inglenook after seeing this.
  4. That spreader is a bit of a beast
  5. Hmmm, it will be interesting to see what track plans develop for this
  6. I look forward to seeing this progress.
  7. Well, you've been more successful than me at getting a railroad up and running. Space wise, N would make so much sense, but i just cannot bring myself to go smaller than HO.
  8. Welcome back to the Darkside Rob and also, Happy Birthday!!!!
  9. I'm really keen to see this progress, not being a fan of steam, the other projects hold little appeal. Hopefully this hasn't been shelved now the car is presumably finished.
  10. Do you have plans for these, a bit of a random bag there, but nothing that some repaints can't fix
  11. Out of curiosity, how does someone search for a seller, rather than items? I've never been able to figure that out.
  12. Good spot, there's a few of these about at the moment, they'll most likely be hitching a ride to Altoona for repaints after getting rebuilt.
  13. I imagine that a flat pack erection shop will be required in the US at the very least, either way, it does set up potential extra business for European manufacturers.
  14. I'll have to take a look, any additional shops selling american outline models is a good thing, especially as Macs models has been offline for a very long time now.
  15. That looks fantastic, I'd love to own such a railroad.
  16. Anyone for a patchover party? Minutes later, CSX want their loco back and they brought reinforcements.......
  17. Interesting plan with the sweeping curves at the ends....I look forward to seeing this progress.
  18. That would actually be very helpful, thank you. I just had a quick browse through all the books I have here on the line, the Middleton press one does have plans, but for some reason no measurements to accompany it.
  19. I like 1 or 3 personally, the area was quite sparse and having the 3 "buildings" lined up along the back to try and achieve a sense of balance, ends up losing the realism IMO. I love the station building, it's something that's on my list to do unsurprisingly, I really should make a start on getting all the buildings done rather than waiting for the space to build my W&U tramway model..... before anyone suggests a shelf layout for now, that space is taken up by my US shortline and sadly I don't have space to store one whilst using another.
  20. Oh nice....is it just the bodies that are shipped by train or do the wings etc come through too?
  21. Time for something a little different over in Georgia.....
  22. Do you have a link to your ebay please? I'm just catching up on things and there's a couple of pieces I may be interested in.....
  23. A better picture to show, Heritage unit passing through
  24. Caught just now on the Dalton, GA cam...... just before the gates started going down, you could hear the screech of brakes from both the pickup and the car following
  25. Has this roll through earlier......would love an HO version
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