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Michael Delamar

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Everything posted by Michael Delamar

  1. should have some more shots of the sectorplate and fiddle yard somewhere, I didnt take many the other day, some more I did take, should have been having a proper running session but was mucking about running anything we wanted and taking photos, hard to get good shots with everything in focus but they at least show the atmosphere. the young boy continues to swing on his rope, we spoke to someone who said they actually used to do this here when they were kids, when they look down this is the view they would get.. this is the view Eric Treacy would get... Mike
  2. Jubilee's I think? only as far as Leeds or York I think.
  3. lost my phone so need to get a new one, debating on what to get, something I can go on the net I think

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      I heard you the first time :)

      still deciding, going to go window shopping in the next day or so

    3. coachmann


      Had my phone for donkeys years. It was old when I bought it to fit the cradle built into my Ford focus and despite the mickey-taking from my grandchilderen, its a phone as far as I'm concerned... Good luck with your spanking new machine.

    4. Timara


      If you're after cheap, o2 are doing an i-Phone 3 for 21 quid a month, which is a pretty good deal! I'm still happy with my clamshell though....

  4. spent a nice day at John's today. had a run anything day so I brought along a couple of things.. firstly, my 502 built by Matt Farrell, somehow diverted from Liverpool exchange my Black 5 detailed by Max Stafford. a shot along the bridges. Lime street itself being watched by the local bobby John's sound equipped class 40 sounded great and John's Prototype deltic Mike
  5. thats why I started this I never would have noticed thats a rare one i would say its something like b213828 is what I can barely make out
  6. yeah he's got some great shots. all very rare locations. I know we shouldnt trust old colour slides all the time but that mineral wagon does look a lot bluer like we were talking about earlier in the thread
  7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/happyraildays/6046867613/in/photostream/ !!!!!!! A green class 40, centre headcode, on the bootle branch, with a brake tender, I need to go lie down!!! and a nicely weathered 16t too
  8. nobody likes my manors

    1. halfwit


      Unkempt country houses?

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i have bad manor :) no one wanted to buy it

    3. halfwit


      Probably a bad time to sell as everyone is on holiday or skint. Just keep re-listing.

  9. I love between 44 sec - 56 sec this is the race my uncle went to, they went in his friends brand new Cavalier GSI to see the touring car ones. he gave me the programme, he's got some photos somewhere. he got talking to Andy Rouse about his Land rovers he used to tow the race cars with. Andy had some special ones that went over a famous mountain pass somwhere I forget, my uncle recognised them as he liked Land rovers at the time and they had a long chat about them Mike
  10. oh wow! if my euromillions comes in ill have that just sold some tamiya cars, a mint unbuilt piumini trampioni one which I had intended to paint up one day as Gravett's trackstar or one of the Labatts cars. never got round to sorting out decals tho. think you can get smaller die casts of them now so will get one of them one day,
  11. Of time and a city on BBC 2, brilliant!

  12. hung over, need a bacon butty :)

  13. couldnt believe it when out the blue my date she said to me, dya know what I love model trains and making things

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jim49


      There's a frightening thought!

    3. Pugsley


      That's a result Mike! Looks like you've got a keeper there ;-)

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      she definatley wasnt a fella in drag trust me haha


  14. off out on the town soon, not looting, but hot date :)

    1. Jim49


      Answers in a plain brown envelope to RMWeb.

  15. love the sound of a black 5 working hard, turn up the volume http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGs4JbgXXyQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Worsdell forever
    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      ill show that one to my dad wordsell, thats how he remembers them struggling up on the line near his house

      as a kid

    4. LH&JC


      Heard 44932 from my flat and she sounded good.

  16. I feel like I am a kid again on Christmas day :)

  17. Donnington was fun,was a Ford RS owners club day so plenty of stuff on the track, just didnt seem fast on a wide circuit with nothing around like buildings, was the fastest car on the track but he wasnt the fastest of drivers. we went out on the motorway later to a Halfords to get some bits and then it seemed fast
  18. big changes afoot which may mean model railways take a back step for me for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Spare women, Max?

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      yeah Max you can have the now ex

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      be dear as she weighs a lot, professor peach would like her


  19. aye, this was when Martin Johnstone owned Tim Harveys car, same guy who took me round Donnington in his touring car spec RS500 before he got this one. dont think he owns it now, hes the fella with the green t shirt on..
  20. wish people would talk to me rather than run to teacher

  21. wish people would talk to me rather than run to teacher

    1. mason


      hahaha some homour out of the madness brillent


    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      total carnage :) gotta have a bit of light relief, absolute madness whats going on


  22. very nice, I like watching the m3's race, they look well balanced. Frank Sytner was a nutter Ive been around Donnington park with a guy who owned a full BTCC spec RS500, he later bought Tim Harvey's Labatts car, restored it and let Tim go in it.. this is another classic race, I love mk1 Escorts.
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