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Michael Delamar

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Everything posted by Michael Delamar

  1. trying to resist the temptation to call into Hattons
  2. first day back in the gym in ages, wasnt too bad

  3. going up to Shipley

    1. Mallard60022


      If you find the remains of my cheese sandwich would you post it back to me please!

  4. had to rush back to halfords before it shut to get another can of brooklands green, looks superb on the 502

  5. no jltrt EMU dark BR Green :(

  6. black beetle wheels fitted to the 502 and it runs :)

  7. pondering EM wheel choice for my Bachmann 03 seeing as Ultrascale is going to be a long time

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mallard60022


      AS mentioned a while back, let us know how this goes. Ta!

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      just took it apart but could really do with gibsons I think, but will need new rods so thats something else to think about

    4. halfwit


      Note that the rods are different sizes - the front rod is quite a bit thinner than the rear two rods. Something manufactorers fail to provide, even in 7mm...

  8. big thanks to Tim E for fitting gibsons on my black 5, runs lovely :)

    1. Timara


      Pleasure mate! It worked fine on a few layouts at Expo North! :-)

    2. Michael Delamar
  9. just ordered black beetle wheels for my 502 :)

    1. beast66606


      Shirley you can't be serious ?

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      haha, I am serious, and dont call me shirley.


    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Johnny, what can you make out of this? - This? Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl... :-D

  10. just ordered airplane off amazon

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. beast66606


      The manual inflation valve is located on the belt line ...

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      I am serious, and dont call me shirley :)


    4. beast66606


      Channing or non channing ?

  11. looks great with the weathered stancions, almost looks eery as if that is what it would have looked like had the roof been removed in real life.
  12. watching the great st trinians train robbery, for the trains of course

    1. Jim49


      Oh aye, that will be right.

    2. Trebor


      I tend to find that film somewhat distracting.....


  13. wish ultrascale would hurry up

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Treat them like Murray Mints - 'you can't hurry a Murray!'...

    3. Mallard60022
    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      in 3 months ill be bored and be doing something else


  14. for those interested in the restoration of the last survivor, please see here.. http://www.d8233.org.uk/5705_bogie_appeal.htm
  15. no f1 this weekend so watching the 1996 brazilian grand prix, bbc in full.. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQwNzg2NTEy.html

    1. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      Nice, think ill do the same haha.

    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      i watched the BTCC

    3. jeff mcghie

      jeff mcghie

      BTCC for me as well, might as well get used to no F1 for next year....:(

  16. these arnt mine but some of Chris Hewitt's on his old layout Swan street which I now own. all Bachmann ones.
  17. caught my first glimpse of a class 70 tonight at 1.30, on the Bootle branch Liverpool

  18. managed to find a Bachmann 03, already dcc fitted, now hurry up ultrascale :)

    1. halfwit


      Ultrascale and hurry.

      Two things that don't normally go together...

  19. class 77s at bury http://www.flickr.com/photos/kerryp28/6092938435/in/photostream
  20. struggling to find a Bachmann 03 d2388

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      thanks, found a couple now :)


  21. off to Skipton show tommorrow, cant find any info on rmweb about it however

  22. thanks Mike, I did look on there first but couldnt see the sentinel listed. Mike
  23. Is there a phone number so you can call up and order these? my friend wants one but is not very computer literate Mike
  24. struggling to find a contact phone number for my friend to order a Dapol sentinel

  25. nice birthday drink tonight I think :)

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