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Ray Von

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Everything posted by Ray Von

  1. Unfortunately my local model shop, which I used regularly, has long since closed. In actual fact it's 27mhz....
  2. I'll check, that number was from memory....!
  3. *Update and a Question* A break in the windy weather and the boat was presented to it's new (7 year old) Captain today! Great fun was had, so much so that I forgot to take any pics(!) Dogs, including my own faithful hound, seem particularly taken by it (anyone who's seen Godzilla Vs King Kong will be pleased to know that shutting down engines really is the best way to avoid trouble!) Range was approximately 90ft - amazing for the price I thought. Battery life was around 45mins, but I completely lost track of time to be honest!!! We even managed to retrieve an errant tennis ball that was bobbing about some yards from shore. I'm very tempted to get one of my own (for races and whatnot) - the question is, if an identical model runs on the same frequency (24mhz) will there be interference of signals???
  4. Maybe that's what this is? Because I don't think they would draw attention to the fact that it's a "film set" carriage(?) I find it a strange gag to throw in to the film, it doesn't have anything to do with the plot...
  5. The "door" in question has no handle, the recess looks to be there but for all intents and purposes it's a fake door....
  6. The great Kathleen Harrison in "The Ghost Train" tries to alight at Fal Vale, but finds to her distress that the "door" is just a window. Every time I watch this film, I always wonder if this was a true design feature? I can certainly recall traveling on a great many "Slam-doors" in the nineties that had windows or door handles that were jammed resulting in a run to the next exit before the train pulled away(!)
  7. Really little things, tiny plants growing on the top of a wall- inspiration for scale park land?
  8. Here's the source of the fun I had today: Yes, I know what you're thinking... However, for a 7 year old boy I think it's a smashing little boat! I have to say - that at some years senior to that - I'd quite happily propel this around the boating pool til the cows came home! Now, on to the critique: I had great fun with this model at the beach today, no doubt about that. Quick tech specs, remote control - 9 volt smoke alarm type battery. Boat itself, nice little rechargeable battery pack - basically 4 AA in a shrink wrap with a connecting wire soldered onto a unique USB connecting charger. On arrival back home I noticed the inevitable sloshing from within the body of the boat, despite pretty rigourous sealing around the removable cabin (where the batteries live) As any good RMweb member would do, I dismantled the boat. Inside I discovered a rather vulnerable PCB, I found a ziplock bag and sealed this therein. I also noted that the water must have found its way in through the join between the hull and deck - out came the mastic! I'm reasonably happy that the boat is somewhat improved, but for fifteen quid I don't expect miracles!
  9. Hi all, I've checked the forum using the "hit and miss" search system and only turned up one vaguely pertinent thread for the above subject: I've just got back from the local tidal pool (very choppy!) Having taken a cheap n cheerful radio controlled boat for a test run. It is a gift for my partner's 7 year old - and of course, I had to try it out first(!) I've never owned anything radio controlled before, and I've got to say, what a great time I had!! I followed the shoreline - not wanting to have the thing go out of range in 8ft of freezing water! During it's maiden voyage the vessel was targeted by a very large breed of playful puppy, who made a beeline from the sands into the pool and plunged determinedly for the unprepared boat (full ahead both, out into deeper waters!!) The hound got within nipping distance before finally heeding it's owner's cries to desist! After this encounter, I piloted the little boat a full 30 yards away from me - along the shoreline about 5 yards out, before "coming about(?)" and returning to safe harbour. A bit more random manoeuvring followed, and a family passed by with a small boy, who immediately became fascinated by my amateurish seamanship: "I like that boat!" "Yeah?" (Be gone!) "I'd like to drive it!" "Hmmm." (Seriously, scram!!) "Can I have a go!?" (By now mum dad and little sister are off in the distance!) "You'd better ask your Mum?" (That'll get rid of him...) "Ermmm...." (This means "Mum will say "No." ") A pause. "Can I drive it?!" "Ok." - full steam ahead, becoming smaller and smaller - out into the cold and distant centre of the grey choppy pool! "I'm gonna make it go right out!!" (Argh!) "I think I just need to bring it a bit closer in..." (Hand over the controller, you little monster! - Mum and Dad still not concerned about their boy talking to a stranger.) Radio control safely back in my "capable" hands, he watches as the boat bounces along parallel to the shore, then he wants to know how it works - I lift the boat from the water, turn it over and explain (trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about) how, when you push the lever forward both propellers spin - WHIZZ!! round they go. At the same time, in comes his questing finger - to see what a spinning propeller feels like... I release the control lever, narrowly avoiding a severed fingertip for him - and probably a punch up the bracket from Dad! "Ok, well I'll have to be getting home now." (Little so and so, I was planning to stay much longer than this!) He follows me up the slope with all kinds of questions - not least of all "Will you be here tomorrow!?" I mutter noncommittally. Mum and Dad are at the top of the slope, I inform them that the boat cost £15 on eBay - they say thanks. The last thing I hear the boy say is, "Daddy, I need a boat!" All in all, I had a great time - and it looks like I inspired someone! Now I might have to get a boat of my own, any recommendations...?
  10. Paradise City - Guns and Roses
  11. People who leave the protective film on remote controls, or front panels of dvd/set top boxes etc! Arrrrgh! My mate had a really nice lap top that was swathed in scuffed, bubbled and torn clear plastic - that stuff should be removed the day you get it out the box!
  12. No laughing matter: I missed out on a flat in this block a year or so ago when I was looking for a new place. I hope nobody came to any harm. It's thought provoking to notice that the lowest floor flat has had its window smashed as well. Taking a step back and looking objectively at the building, this would be quite easy - if a little morbid - to recreate as a point of interest in model form. Here's some truly eclectic brickwork:
  13. Quirks: Authentic Mock-Victorian-LED-Gas-Lamp: Earlier model: About a 1/2 mile inland: If you've got a large vacant spot on your layout.... Just ballast it!:
  14. A few pics from the once "Well to do" town of Cliftonville. Mystery Building, situated on a narrow residential road that spans three slightly larger ones. These roads are almost entirely former hotels/guest houses: Old Coach House, I remember c1980 this still being used by "Kemp's Coaches": Bus "Stand" not Bus "Stop": Tile paving, this used to be outside every shop in the main shopping parade - nowadays only a few fragmented sections remain. I reckon it could be recreated in scale using the reverse side of a playing card....
  15. Sorry, yes storage. I get the two mixed up! My memory....
  16. I think that's the next model up, my one is 4GB RAM and 32GB memory, the other one is around £299.99 new!
  17. Cheers, I'm very lucky with the WiFi I have - I don't profess to understand it, I just went with the first provider that came to mind (TalkTalk if anyone's interested!) Strangely, my folks are with the same provider and live only a short distance from me - yet there WiFi speed is much less!(?) Anyway, for the time being I just have to wait for the Chromebook to arrive and keep everything crossed that it will be up to expectations....
  18. Well - the deed is done. I've picked up what I think is a good deal on a very good condition second hand one of these: https://www.acer.com/ac/en/GB/content/series/acerchromebook314 Obviously, the above link is the Acer webpage for that particular model, and is bound to paint a positive picture! But I think I've met all my criteria, and it sounds like it does what I need and more - so I'm reasonably happy with my choice, time of course will tell... Many thanks to everyone for the advice and input, I would not have known where to begin without your help! A quick Google search suggests that a brand new one retails for in the region of £229.99 (I paid £95 so I'm happy with that.) The memory capacity (32GB) is excellent for my budget and although my knowledge of tech specs is limited, the Intel processor sounds to be the bees knees, especially considering that I shouldn't be putting a lot of strain on it! There is also a memory card slot for added storage if need be, and as an added bonus - there is a padded zip up carry case included(!) Obviously, there will be drawbacks to be found - but for what I paid, I think I got the best I could hope for, watch this space. Thanks again all!
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