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Everything posted by jacko

  1. i was going to mention that the central belt of Scotland was probably Rod's biggest fanbase but, as an ex-pat Northumbrian i can't get on with his warbling and would rather listen to Kathryn Tickell on the Northumbrian small pipes
  2. Just picked up a a copy at my local Asda and they still had plenty left. Might be worth you touring your local supermarkets.
  3. I'll be bringing my grandkids along on sunday afternoon work permitting.
  4. Jeremy Vine questioned whether or not Rod had actually done all the work himself on his radio 2 show this week. I think he was a bit surprised when he had Rod AND Jools Holland call in to set the record straight.
  5. I'm hoping he's coming to Glasgow again. A chance for another chat with Tony AND seeing Alloa will make it worth the 30 mile drive Graeme
  6. I have that book. very useful and also an interesting read.
  7. Same here. Twice now at the Glasgow show Tony has very graciously invited what amounts to a total stranger to visit and help operate the layout. Someday I will make that journey because it's one of the few layouts I really want to see in the flesh. Graeme
  8. Charities already arrange walks along the bridge and sponsored abseils. Apparently a nightmare for network rail staff.
  9. and this is really the point I was making. Sure, there's plenty available online BUT why oh why can't they appear at shows so we can examine the merchandise and chat to the manufacturer (or whoever) about making the kits.
  10. Following an inspiring chat with Tony at the 2018 Glasgow show I then spent an hour and a half trawling through the vendors stands trying to find a brass wagon kit as I was dead keen to give soldering a try. Couldn't find a single one! nor any loco or coach kits and this, remember, is Scotlands biggest and most prestigious show. Now. Is this because there's no appetite in the community to build metal kits or are modellers not building metal kits because the vendors won't sell them? In the end I bought some plastic wagon kits; not as satisfying but they'll fill a hole.
  11. he usually looks like he's modelling a 'before' shot for hairspray.
  12. Stunning modelling Pete. Exactly as I recall the area from my time living down that way. Graeme
  13. As a huge Land rover fan it was inspiring to see 40 odd series landies still earning their keep as taxis in Darjeeling. MY wife enjoyed the show but did make the point that TR has piled on the pounds since we last saw him digging holes with the time team. Looks good for 72 though.
  14. When I saw the layout in Glasgow I spent over half an hour marvelling at the work and didn't notice whether any trains ran or not. Graeme
  15. Managed a few hours on Sunday with my better half and our 2 grandkids. They were mesmerised by the GRS Thomas display on the stage aswell as Tamshooglie. I loved the Trenches but have to say Grangemouth was my favourite layout although I did think there could have been more happening 'on scene' rather than just a string of passenger and freight trains on the mainlines. Next year's show is in the calendar. Graeme
  16. I took my grandkids on the Bo'ness and Kinneil railway through the summer and found the stock to roll noticeably albeit at unrealistically low speeds. Graeme
  17. Search on Ebay for LMS coaches under collectables. usually a few hundred listings on there. I've built quite a collection of Hornby and Lima coaches very cheaply. all awaiting weathering and general fiddling with. Graeme
  18. 'Aggregate' is an aggregate of sand and gravel. edit.. beaten to the punch
  19. Just got home to find the DVD in the mat. Supernatural forces at work methinks. Looking forward to a relaxing evening viewing. Thanks Graeme
  20. Just wondering if anyone has received their DVD through the post yet? Graeme
  21. I fail to see how adding the expense of posting the DVD to (potentially) everyone who buys the magazine makes good economic sense. For what it's worth I'm still waiting for the posted copy of the DVD but I have seen the LB content via other means - it is quite wonderful and inspirational. Graeme
  22. I appreciate the offer above to send out the DVD. However, I must be missing something. The text states. "Select 'Post' or 'Email' from the options below. You'll then need to log-in or create an account.". However, there's no option to select post or email. Do I have to register for the competition first or has something gone wrong with the page? Google Chrome and Internet explorer show the same results.
  23. The shop bought copy does NOT include the DVD. If you want the kit I'll happily swap it for your copy of the DVD as it's of no use to me. Also, the shop copy is £5.49. Far more than RM for a lot less desireable content.
  24. So we're being given a reason for them to have suddenly stopped giving away the DVD with the newsstand issue?
  25. Very disappointed now. I've been looking forward to seeing the Little Bytham session on DVD since it was announced on this thread BUT the WH Smith copy doesn't come with the DVD this month - only subscribers have the priviledge of seeing the footage.
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