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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. I think the point being made was that Heljan seemed to indicate with their announcements that they were much further down the line than "3 or 4 years away" and so cpuld have got in first. Perhaps they weren't being as truthful as some gave them credit for...
  2. I'd expect that from someone claiming for use of a personal car for business use. But this is for a hobby. I'm not in it to make money so if they cover my fuel costs (which are for a normal car, not a gas guzzler) I'm happy, I won't bother claiming if I was going to go anyhow. Perhaps some people regard their appearance as some sort of profession, perhaps they are in the wrong business! Above is a personal opinion BTW!
  3. Hobby

    On Cats

    Fussy b*ggers! :)
  4. Hobby

    On Cats

    Ours won't eat anything else!
  5. 25p/mile equates to 28mpg, that must be one thirsty car, I've a feeling 25p would easily cover most people's fuel, I'm surprised they didn't tell you the rate beforehand, everywhere I've exhibited has... Regarding the rest I can't help thinking that you may have been better airing your complaints to the organisers first and await their response.
  6. Such as an 08... Once they'e issued the green version which should be out sometime next year...
  7. It's not a cut and shut, there a guy who produces characatures of various standard gauge diesel locos and DMUs in a size to suit 009 and mount on a Kato chassis. He has a whole range of them!
  8. So's Marston Green and is only a couple of minutes away.
  9. The Classic Car Show seem to take up 6 halls this year, which I think is more than last year! I was helping out on a stand in Hall 5 thinking that I was going to be here again in 2 weeks time!
  10. https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/chaos-on-scotrail-services-between-wick-and-inverness-333969/ "Chaos"?!! - a slight exaggeration! "Blockage on both lines" - it's single track judging by the photos, perhaps both directions?! Do HSTs really get that far north?
  11. Who's selling the ducks, @Phil Parker, and how much?
  12. I'm pleased that I'll be getting to see one of my layouts there, albeit no longer owned by me! B18 "A Taste of Alber", Czech 760mm narrow gauge in TTe using Z gauge track in 1:120 scale. Nice one David Paylor (the new owner!). How it started and how it ended up:
  13. It's also about the length of the loading bay, many SUV "estates" are quite short.
  14. I'll try to keep within the HC, Alastair, like most other people!
  15. We were talking about specific roads, Alastair, not your 166, on the two I mentioned there is plenty of room to stay to the left and leave room to overtake and yes they would cross the lines to do so. As I said there are those who deliberately try to block overtakers by hugging the middle of the lane and even the white lines. I'm not bothered about the legalities of it all, though you seem obsessed by it. I've no doubt you'll come back with loads more telling us all how to behave, have fun!
  16. Therein lies the issue, one person who doesnt want to be overtaken and doesn't understand the "keep to the left" bit... the A5 north of Shrewsbury is the same.
  17. Such as small boot for size of car and short loading bay... Yes, probably isn't estatey enough!
  18. Quite probably, it's always been two lane as long as I've known it, since the late 80s, though it looks like a three lane road. There is an alternative which may suit that bit of road and access/egress from the side roads, the one where you have three lanes and an alternating two lane "overtaking" section with double white lines to keep the other traffic in it's lane. That seem to becoming quite common these days, I also saw quite a bit over in Germany earlier in the year.
  19. Hobby

    On Cats

    Stick with Laddie! :)
  20. The MGs are quite popular on Motability due to their low APs, I've seen very mixed reviews about them, people seem to fall into two categories, either love 'em or hate 'em! Don't know why, there's no common denominator from either camp.
  21. However the Astra doesn't compete with the Passat, it's competition in that segment is the Golf, from £27k upwards, Astra £28k upwards. Not to mention the Golf's cousins, the Octavia and Leon which both start at around £25.5k. Vauxhall don't have a car in the Passat segment any longer.
  22. That's a bad section of road, one day they'll sort it, it seems to change every time I use it!
  23. Granted, but I don't think he was suggesting that, if you took that to it's conclusion you'd have to ban overtaking completely as it's inherently dangerous. On the section of road I mentioned there's plenty of places a three lane could be used. I do wonder sometimes if we are pandering to the lowest possible denominator in these sorts of cases. Bewdley Bypass, three lane section (on the hill), no accidents on there as long as I've lived down here: https://www.google.com/maps/@52.366496,-2.3131047,3a,75y,289h,72.56t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUmQ4HvviQN6W2L4xbqFrxA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DUmQ4HvviQN6W2L4xbqFrxA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D176.31186%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  24. But conversely on a road that's wide enough and with good visibility such as yhe A5 north of the Shrewsbury bypass they kept people to the left. That section is now two lane and people sit in the middle of their lane and it prevents overtaking. I'm with Alastair on this.
  25. Yes, I've been watching them, but the electric version is not on Motability and the plug in hybrid has an astronomical near £8000 advance payment against £1600/2500 for the 1.2 petrol. I'm afraid any savings I might make using electric will be eaten up and more by the AP! I'm assuming Vauxhall don't really want Motability to have the PHEV! It's interesting to see that the boot capacity (516l) is the same in the PHEV and EV versions, I assume some of the batteries have ended up where the fuel tank used to be!
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