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Posts posted by Hobby

  1. 17 minutes ago, TT-Pete said:

    Yeah, and despite my best efforts I managed to get a couple of air bubbles, grrr. Like a lot of my modelling it looks ok from a distance. :^)


    Thanks, I must give it another try, my previous attempts were abject failures. I have a Russian AM1 railcar and Hungarian Mk49 in H0e where the front windows really should be flush glazed...

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but I'd have thought an 0-6-0T as being one of the easiest locos to design and tool, especially if it's inside frame and no outside cylinders. So maybe an easy fix if they want something quick to keep up momentum? Would also be good for the 3D body printing brigade!

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  3. OK I stand corrected, though I honestly can't remember repeated references to window sills, perhaps I'd switched off by they time they were mentioned! I suppose when comparing TT120 to 00 any small space would be considered as fair game!! :)

  4. 6 minutes ago, Michanglais said:

    Fair enough, but SK has repeatedly mentioned things like 'window sill' layouts, which, apart from maybe dioramas, are not tooooo suited to big locos and the 'longer' trains we've been told we'll be able to run. 


    I just wonder whether the TT:120 announcement was a bit tactical (I'm afraid as a fresh returnee to UK modelling I don't know all the ins-and-outs but there seem to be lots of new manufacturers bringing out quality - and cheaper - models than Hornby


    Has he? I can't remember any comments from him about those sorts of layouts in relation to TT120, but I may have missed the odd comment!


    I don't think we'll ever know the "tactics" behind the launch and it's timing, though a lot of pages were dedicated to that on this thread early on(!), but I don't see any TT120 stock being brought out other than Peco's (which seems on a par price wise) let alone cheaper than Hornby's. Perhaps accessories such as buildings, but there again Hornby's buildings are "ready to plant" whereas the others I've seen so far have been kits which require building/finishing. Are you talking about TT120 or 00?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Roy L S said:

    Now it could be that Hornby are content to let people like me fall away, as it seems as if they are more targeting people who will be happy with a big loco and three coaches on a layout based around developing a trainset oval. If that's the case that's fine by me, after all it is their (or should that be their investor's) cash at risk and their vision. I just wish I had realised a bit sooner before going beyond the basic set, but that's on me really for not realising lead times are likely to be so long for the launch range. The basic items bought will still be there if and when things turn out to be more favourable, it just means I'll not commit any more cash to TT120 for now.


    Judging by Social Media that's exactly who they are targeting, successfully it seems as well, and I suspect those sorts of people make up the majority of railway modellers. Someone on here or another thread rightly pointed out that the types of modellers seen on here, or the narrow gauge forums I'm on, make up but a small percentage of railway modellers as a whole. Like it or not most will be quite happy being able to run the stock they've bought round and round on an oval with simple and crude scenery! So they'll rightly target that market before someone who wants to build something like a shunting plank or branch line terminus, I suspect their investors would agree with that aim as it will maximise sales!


    Like you I would like that 08 (or a small 0-6-0T would have done), but after reading the stuff they published early on and then the delays due to the wheels getting "fixed" it was clear that this was going to be a waiting game. As I've been waiting for British RTR in TT for 40 years I'm quite happy yo wait a few years longer.

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  6. 11 hours ago, Porfuera said:

    21T mineral wagons for Era 4 and Era 6 have been added to the shop for pre-order:


    I've been looking at photos of the area my my proposed layout is based in and really wish they'd chosen what I think is the 16T mineral wagons and not the 21T, loads of 16T-ers on pick up goods in my area but no 21Ts!! Come one Peco, please make one, you know you want to!!

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  7. As it says in the article Germany have won an exemption for vehicles using ICE engines but using e-fuels so it isn't the end of ICE engines as you've said.


    Whilst i welcome their initiative I suspect by then the emissions in Europe, which are already heavily regulated, will be miniscule compared with those from China, India and developing 3rd world countries from which I haven't heard the same commitment to reducing such emissions. I commend the UK and EU for what they are doing but fear that it will be pointless unless those other countries get involved.

    • Agree 3
  8. Well it ran "OK" at Narrow Gauge North, three of the points played up by not switching or doing so intermittently. I had bought a CDU but hadn't fitted it, I have done so since and all works OK, that'll teach me! I don't think sitting outside in the car the night before in minus 5'C conditions helped matters, though, I don't think I was the only one to have a few issues!

    • Friendly/supportive 3
  9. While you are here, John ( @hayfield) can you possibly explain something for me. The battery they are talking about is 2.3kWh, what does that actually mean in real life, i.e. what could it power and for how long? To keep it simple, say lights, a kettle or an 800w microwave?

  10. 15 hours ago, Michanglais said:

    Just a quick question.


    Do we have any idea of the progress on the 08s? 


    Nothing yet, though it's supposed to be around now. After some of the early issues they are QC-ing more things before release (hopefully!), hence the delays...

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  11. Many thanks to @hayfield and @sjp23480, you've both confirmed what I thought about the batteries and I think I may leave them out at this stage, other than lights and the kettle most of our electric use is during the day when it would seem we will get maximum benefit from the panels, not after 5pm when we wouldn't. I have a suspicion that they won't be able to fit 14 panels on the roof, and it would seem that perhaps 14 will be a little OTT? Is it worth going for as many as possible or just 7/10, any thoughts?

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