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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Oh I don't know, I could be tempted if I was one!
  2. Just been watching the end of England Women's annihilation of Latvia, some pretty impressive play by the England team and a result the current men's team would dearly like to have!
  3. As far as results are concerned, no, not at the moment, but they are still the biggest club in the world so they are still "massive"! I agree wholeheartedly with the rest of that paragraph, though their fans need to give them time, as do the owners, and I don't see the patience from either of them to allow it to happen, hence the sticking plaster expensive players and up and down results. Regarding the manager, whilst I have some sympathy with what you say, for it to work you have to have the right manager in place to do that and be trusted to do it, I'm not convinced that Ole, nice bloke that he is, is that manager at that level.
  4. I said before that one player can't "save" a club. I was chatting with a United fan a day or two ago and we both agreed that whilst they have some great individual players they are just that, "individual" players, and don't seem to like playing as a team. The top three on the other hand also have some great players but they play as part of a team and don't do their own thing. Of all the United players Pogba is the best example of this lack of team play, though Ronaldo isn't a great deal better. Contrast that with Salah who was often seen going to help out the defence when needed on one match I saw a week or two back. There's nothing wrong with buying in older players, plenty of clubs have done it successfully, but they have to fit in and play as part of a team. I just don't see that at United, sadly. Trouble is next time Ronaldo or Pogba turn up and score goals they'll be hailed again as United's saviours whilst the truth is very different.
  5. I recon the argument back would be that they are also flimsy enough for a vehicle to push them to one side, albeit (hopefully) with some damage... Though I doubt they'd get very far with their argument because the highway code is VERY clear (291): "Never drive onto a crossing until the road is clear on the other side and do not get too close to the car in front. Never stop or park on, or near, a crossing." So unless they break down (that's covered in 299 and advice is to get out and leave the vehicle where it is) there is no time when that should happen if the vehicle is being driven legally.
  6. I can't decide whether it that he was let down by his players or out of his depth?
  7. When I worked in one of our sub branches the local factory must have paid Thursday morning as we were mobbed at lunch time with all the women workers paying their Grants (and other) catalogues with screwed up £1 notes. It was so bad we couldn't get the paper wrapper round a hundred of them! Rest of the week it was dead!
  8. Ermm, I know that!!I think you misread my post, I was querying who they'd asked to get a figure of 82% actually wearing masks because it wasn't what people on here were saying was happening (including me!)... The bit I quoted was from the article that someone else posted (on the Beeb I think)! As for the "new normal" that went out of the window as soon as foreign holidays came back, just the same as any concern about climate change...
  9. Well out of the way of the inevitable crash at the front...
  10. Ah, 'Spoons... I'm becoming increasingly worried about them, we've had some dire experiences in them recently with especially poor beer which wasn't our experiences a year or two back. The latest was in Stourbridge where my pint was so bad I took it back, got a pint of something else (replaced with no argument which was a plus) and I gave up with that one as well. We ended up in The Duke William, a Craddocks pub, and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone having to wait for a bus/train in that town! (I'd also recommend the one in Droitwich as well!)
  11. "And 82% say they wear a face covering now, down from 97% in mid-June." Judging by the comments from those of us on here I do wonder who they asked! 82%?!!
  12. Also from the same source (formula racers on twitter): "Daniel Ricciardo has been arrested at the circuit for the style of his beard."
  13. Anyone put this to Ms Thunberg? (BTW I agree with both posts and therein lies the problem... Typical "do as I say, but not as I do", politicians I expect that from sort of c**p from, they have history, but it's the self righteous "celebrities" that really p' me off!)
  14. I think the pont he was making was that she thought that everyone else should change their lifestyles to suit her, something that is often an accusation made about our young people. So she is just doing the same as they. I think most of us on here have taken a more practical outlook and adjusted our lifestyles to suit rather than expecting everyone else to act in accordance with our wishes to the detriment of their own.
  15. Most i see, though, when out and about aren't the medical use versions, as that photo of the Commons actually shows, there's only one of the type we see in our local hospital, the rest seem to be a combination of home made and those cheap ones you can buy in the shops... From what I remember they aren't as effective, though better than nothing. It was still just a stunt, though, and so was the response form the opposite benches, neither did anything positive for mask wearing.
  16. Big open country = big cars... The US seems to be the same!
  17. Of all his cars I still feel the Maxi was his best design, though compromised by the company (doors from the 1800 anyone?!), plenty of room inside (same as the 1800!), practical hatchback and decent boot and smooth ride. I'd mention the five speed gearbox as well, though I know many disliked it, I learnt to drive in them so never had any issues... I never felt that the 1800 back end looked quite right!
  18. I am sure someone mentioned earlier that it's classed as a "bubble" so they aren't required... I agree about his response but could say the same about the opposition as well, the whole stunt was a bit childish.
  19. Have you seen the (infamous) MINI countryman, looked bigger on the outside than my Golf Estate (I was looking up into it from my seat in the Golf!) but smaller on the inside... Style over substance...
  20. It'll be interesting to see how many go down with Covid in the next few weeks.. Or not... I wonder what the situation was like "off (TV) camera" out in the rest of the building, whether the wearers were still wearing them when the cameras were not on them... Cynical? Moi?!
  21. Our roads are a bit smaller than yours, Monkeys, and so our cars tend to be as well... Mostly! TBH most of us don't need anything much bigger than them either, if truth be known. The Octavia has a boot space of 640 litres and that's plenty big enough for our wheelchair, 3 wheel walker, toilet seat surround(!) and luggage for four people and other odds and ends... I doubt most people would carry that much! That's the trouble with many people, they persuaded by the glossy adverts to think they need a larger vehicle but most don't, but because they buy them anyhow we end up with gas guzzlers all over the place that can't even fit in a standard parking space!
  22. I was quoting the Highway Code wording! "GREEN means you may go on if the way is clear."
  23. My wife reacted the same way to hers this year, John, but I had no reaction at all!
  24. I think that summarizes the general feeling in all the places I've seen reports from in the press. But I suspect that also virtually guarantees the things will become legal (with the inevitable "extra safeguards" to try to appease those who feel like us!). I'm just glad than in less than two years i won't need to visit the centre of Brum ever again! Motorists are the least of my worries, the pavements and road junctions are so much more dangerous, especially if the cyclist/moped rider/scooter rider has one of those "Just Eat" or "Deliveroo" boxes on their back!
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