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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Well we are a railway forum...
  2. Tried several different ones but can't get to like the stuff, I don't like their other "national drink" Irn Bru either!! Maclay's 80/- in the old days from a traditional Scottish Water Pump was nectar, however!
  3. Perhaps the real reason is that he's simply not good enough. He's been the same all season, never quite there on the pace in the race, the last few seasons Mercedes have had clearly the best car and perhaps that's flattered to deceive with ragrds to his ability. Whilst we know Lewis, like Max, is able to get a car to do things it shouldn't be able to I've never seen Bottas in that light. A journeyman, good number two in a decent car but not top level when not, at least not now. I don't think he doesn't care, if Merc thought that was the case they'd have replaced him at the half way stage in the season, he's just not quick enough. Though I'd agree that him letting Max past looked a little too easy.
  4. I agree with this, and it isn't the first time they've done it, their pet interviewee seems to be Horner as well. Time for C4 to be a little less bias and give more time to the other teams and stop acting as an advertising hording for Red Bull... Rather ironic that the main story, that of Lewis winning 100 GPs was discussed whilst the presenters surrounded a RB car!!
  5. Well at least RB have the right driver for their behaviour...
  6. Still the same reason though, lorry driver going under a bridge which was too low. To be fair it's most unusual for those guys to get caught out like that, some red faces at the head office of the haulage company who planned the route I would think!
  7. Hobby

    On Cats

    Our recent Amazon delivery...
  8. Haven't a clue, that article said every 6/9 minutes and I've no reason to disbelieve them. I know when we go through a long tunnel and we get some exhaust smell getting into the saloon via the aircon it clears pretty quickly once we are out in the open again, so it may be even quicker than that, gone in just a few minutes.
  9. I see the Rail delivery Group are, as usual, living in cloud cuckoo land... "Rail Delivery Group said most people are "doing the right thing" and wearing face coverings, especially when carriages are busy." To quote a well known pantomime saying "Oh no they're not!". The Unions actually point out the truth in this case whilst the RDG don't (speaking from recent experience on my trains earlier in the week), most mask wearing has gone out of the window.
  10. It is... https://www.ferraritractor.com/ Nice green colour as well, should be a bit darker, though!
  11. I'm not so sure about that, it's not about giving way, but knowing when it's better to give way and live to fight another day. Max doesn't seem to have learned that bit yet.
  12. There are various special bridges, on our local, The Staffs and Worcs, they have a slit down the middle of the foot bridges at the deep end of the locks so the rope can go down the middle and the horse draw the boat out, sometimes called a split bridge. Then there's the Turnover Bridge or Roving Bridge which allows the horse to swap from one side of the canal to the other without unhitching... (Both Wiki)
  13. Previous poster didn't know who brewed the beer he was drinking... But I am sure you knew that's what I meant!
  14. "It is a honour to own a football club, it is, but it is also an onerous task as well financially and people need to realise before they start vilifying too many owners that we are running out of owners in football, owners who are prepared to write cheques for £1m, £2m, £3m a month to finance football." "The desire to do it, the rationale, the benefits if we could pull it off to the city and the club were huge. I would sooner have tried and failed, than not tried at all. Do I regret it? Financially I regret it, I can tell you that." Both from that article. There's two sides to everything and there are good and bad on both sides.
  15. I haven't seen anything to indicate Lewis is wound up in the first place, all he's done is say that enough is enough and now won't give way as he and others have had to do, it's Max that needs to calm down and play the long game, Lewis already does that.
  16. Forget that thing on the front, I'm more intrigued by the reviews of the East European cars inside, what cars and what they said, can you post those pages? At least it has the right name!
  17. But they've put their money where their mouth is so you could argue that they have more say about what the club does than the fans as it's their money that's keeping it afloat... I'm not going to defend either side, as it's a shame that it's got to the stage where they are in conflict, but whilst many of you are putting the fan's point of view you seem to ignore the fact that the owner also has a stake, and in many cases if it wasn't for that owner your club would have folded. Look at Derby County, they are a well known club with a good pedigree but even they can't find someone to invest in them at the moment. People with money to throw away (as it's like throwing money down a drain owning a football club) aren't ten-a-penny at the moment...
  18. Had it's first outing at the ERA's Continental Sales Day at Crewe yesterday, in the morning we ran it with Austrian stock and in the afternoon Czech!
  19. But as I said that would not account for the other parts of Wales that are not tourist areas such as those that border England, you'd expect them to be the same as the English counties just over the border, but they are not, for some unknown reason they are worse, even though population density and income levels are very similar. Also you'd expect English "tourist" counties (such as the SW or East Anglia) to be the same as your tourist areas of Wales if it were tourism that's generating it. But they aren't. So who knows what's causing it. It's just the way your earlier post read, it sounded as if you were looking for someone to blame, sorry if I mis-interpreted it!
  20. And our wallets not so appreciative! Not a vote winner for any party but the Greens... Oh goody! Only squash and Real Ale in the pubs, no fizzy drinks and keg beer!
  21. I don't believe that the holiday destination is a valid reason, it's well known that most Brummies go to the SW, in particular around Weston-s-M for their hols if they are not visiting Stourport on Severn for a day trip, and also most of Wales in that map isn't a holidays hotspot but rural areas, just like Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shrops and Staffs just across the border which would appear to be doing better. If it were holiday-ers that were causing it I'd expect to see many other parts of England a similar colour... I'd look elsewhere for someone to blame, Neil. I'd put much of Wales (outside the urban conurbations and some holiday places such as the North Wales Coast) alongside the rural counties of England as similar in "deprivation", and the Covid map shows that it would appear that the English counties are doing better, no idea why, though, perhaps the opening up is have some benefit?
  22. "What has happened to the 3rd wagon in the train, it looks a little 'bent'" Worn out, that's all, the first looks the same, but not quite as bad... If you were carrying steel scrap around all day I'm sure you'd bend in the middle after a while as well!
  23. Or lack of proper ventilation at some stations, New Street installed some big fans when they did the refurb but thinking about it I haven't heard them used for quite a while now, when they were first installed they were forever going off when a Voyager or 170 came in.
  24. All pretty predictable stuff... If you are in a tunnel the fumes have nowhere to go but back into the train, if you are further to the back then you'll get more fumes as the number of powered units in front of you increase... Been the same ever since they brought in DMUs... If you take a road tunnel the same can happen, even on "ventilated" ones, and there's a good reason for that "air recirculation" button on your car dash as anyone stuck in a traffic jam knows... Perhaps there should be a recirculation option for trains as well for when going through long tunnels... TBH I only notice the fumes when inside or exiting tunnels such as Clay Cross or standing next to a unit on the platform, most of the time you can hear them but not smell them! Good argument for electrification or hydrogen power, though. (As virtually all modern trains are now fitted with sealed windows and aircon I'd love to know where "Passengers on trains pulled by diesel locomotives are more exposed to fumes when sitting in rear rather than front carriages, the researchers found, possibly due to the how the exhaust is drawn into the train’s windows " came from, perhaps they surveyed some 156s!)
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