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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Fit them with a set of front and rear bumpers and nerf bars...
  2. Yes, but its much more interesting and informative than Hislops Trains! (OK we get the hint!)
  3. The local Co-Ops are usually good for "local" beers and often have them on offer, round here the local beers are £2.20/40 range when not on offer (Worcestershire). The big supermarkets are hit and miss if you want local beers and not the usual crap, though the Sainsburys in Burnley had the Coniston beer and one in Edinburgh has some Stewarts on at under £2 a bottle which was really good!
  4. It's a request, not a rule or the law, so how do you propose we "enforce" it, Bernard? Also how do we enforce social distancing when we have no control on who travels?
  5. Summarises what we've been discussing, good idea to make people wear them in enclosed spaces but impossible to enforce without massive costs and change in the law.
  6. To the general public it's the name on the side that they'll see , whether it's one of their drivers is not relevant So my comment stands, it's bad publicity and in view of the relatively small costs involved I recon the company will make sure it's sorted... Changed now... https://trans.info/en/eddie-stobart-drivers-vote-in-favour-of-february-strike-action-219378
  7. I've had that happen on the trains, but still very rare, I'll also be glad when I leave, too many self entitled people around nowadays! I'm basing my views on non-mask wearing when we had to wear them last year and it was in the minority and many people did wear the lanyards, indeed many of us still do!
  8. Wow! Thank goodness my Doctors when I was a kid never tried me on them! I can remember when we went in one day and Dr Wilkinson said that he had something for me that would help my asthma and proceeded to show and demonstrate the Spinhaler, talk about life changing! No doubt there are side effects of the inhalers (too much steroids!) but I never saw any.
  9. From the day of sentencing as far as I know, so if he did serve the full sentence he'd be free to drive again (albeit illegally) or even take his test if he's a reformed character upon release! Daft or what!! EDIT: https://police.community/topic/299075-when-does-a-driving-ban-start/
  10. Behind him by the look of the truck! Went down the wrong street and misjudged the 3 point turn?
  11. Another "big name" in the limelight, I'll bet Eddie won't be a happy bunny, he'll be queuing up after the Police to get his hands on the driver I expect!
  12. Are there really that many, though? If someone is wearing a sunflower lanyard I'd regard them as genuine as they've taken the trouble to get one, but there aren't that many people with them, certainly not "so many", and they are in the minority judging by their use when I'm going through New Street at work. It's also not only those who have breathing problems, another common misconception from your post, I know people with other issues that prevent them wearing masks. To me you are generalising far too much, perhaps we'd both better leave it at that? Spinhalers were not around when I was diagnosed either, they only came in when I was about 10, until then the only thing i had was the blue antihistamine tablet and to shut myself away to stop my parents panicking when I had an attack, and it wasn't easy when you're only 4 or 5 years old.
  13. And I don't understand those who feel the need to question those of us that struggle either, I just find it b****y annoying... I've had asthma since I was a toddler, I can remember when Spinhalers first came out as they enabled me to play footie with my friends! However I can't wear a mask for more than a few minutes, at that point my breathing goes fast and I struggle. I'd also add that I mainly breath through my mouth, not my nose... I really wish that people would accept that not everyone is the same and I also wish that people wouldn't keep repeating the old "I've got asthma but can wear a mask" argument, it's been done to death and I'm well and truly fed up with hearing it, you are not the same as me so please don't assume we are.
  14. "Although to get up and around the bend in the hill you have to approach it at some speed yourself. I'm surprised we haven't had more crashes here." Really? With modern cars and lorries, I don't think so!! I can only think of a few hills in the UK that a modern vehicle will struggle on, and they aren't in Plymouth under a bridge... (From that Plymouth newspaper link above)
  15. We started with a Dawncraft 25, but that trip was done in an Enterprise, another fibreglass 25 footer but very upmarket, shower, inboard/outboard, flock on the walls to prevent condensation, but still cramped for three people over 5 weeks!
  16. Nearhomer, I missed the "shield" but my point still stands, the staff who weren't wearing masks were wearing shields so they must do some good.
  17. Thousands. Don't you have newspapers over there? They are death sentences for spiders and flies! Stuff the "protected" bit, if it's on the train then it's not got a ticket and isn't in it's "native habitat" and so fair game!!
  18. Our '75 trip was from our moorings at Scarisbrick on the Leeds Liverpool near Southport, down the Leigh Arm to the Bridgewater, then down the Trent and Mersey and across to the Shopshire Union, down and along the Staffs and Worcs to the Severn, down to Sharpness and then back via the Avon to Stratford, along the southern part of the Stratford canal (we were the last boat out as they ran out of water!), down the GU and Oxford to Oxford down to London and back home via the GU, centre of Brum and Shroppie/T&M and Bridgewater, also stopping off at several "remainer" canals en route... We sent our log book off to the IWA and then ran into problems as my calculations of mileage was out (I only had the Nicholsons guides and they aren't very accurate) but they let us off that because we had done more miles than needed... The main issue was around the fact we hadn't had the log book signed by some "authorised" person when we went up the remainer waterways! I pointed out that when we went up these canals there wasn't usually a BWB guy standing there to sign the book so we had to get whoever was there (usually a local walking a dog!) and we did have some photos... They let us off in the end and gave it to us, i still have it, though considering how important it was back in those days there's surprisingly little online about the award. The final part of the story was at the Mersey Motor Boat's annual do at the end of the year when they gave out a cup for the most adventurous trip carried out by one of their members, most people thought we were a shoe-in for it that year but we were "new" to the club (about 3 years at that time) and, true to form, we didn't get it, instead it went to someone who went up the Wigan 21... And back down again... Obviously more adventurous than going to London and back via Sharpness! Dad was disgusted by it, as were several others, even some of the older members were embarrassed! The next year Mum and Dad did the "21" on their own but still didn't get it!!
  19. It depends on the type of mask, some are effective or hospitals wouldn't still insist on people wearing them. I love rjs's confidence that we train guards could actually police mask wearing... I'll give you a clue... We can't!!!
  20. It wasn't edited out, I also heard it but with all the other rubbish I just laughed it off. Just yet another innacuracy. It's been a long time since we went up the Bridgewater (as part of a silver sword awarded cruise in 1975), but wasn't it a barge canal (14') rather than a narrow canal?
  21. Just drinking Bluebird Bitter, bottle conditioned as well! Picked up from sainsburys in Burnley last week.
  22. Different use of the word "plan" I expect. There will be plans in place to roll out if they need to, but no plans currently to introduce them!!
  23. I thought the block was the same, Alastair, at least my book on the engine doesn't mention other blocks being used, though dependant on use of course the crank, etc., could be modified as appropriate...
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