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Wigan Wallgate OO Gauge

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Everything posted by Wigan Wallgate OO Gauge

  1. Hope you don't mind me borrowing your design technique James
  2. Think it's time for me to undertake my first scratch building attempt! Let the fun begin
  3. You could set up a club of key investors who will pledge more and have like a special livery produced for them?
  4. Hi Peter, Huge huge thanks for producing the benches, I'll certainly be placing an order for 6 X four seater, 4 X three seater with armrest and 2 X three seater without armrests. Where will I be able to purchase them from?
  5. A class 319 in OO gauge (as it doesn't seem that Bachmann have any plans to upscale their N gauge one)
  6. If you could send me a message with your email I'll send pics and details across!
  7. I was thinking some station benches, signs, bins and a miniature steam loco planter
  8. Wizmacnz, big fan of your work and I too am based in New Zealand! Im looking for someone to do some commissions for me, would you be interested? (I will send more details across, if you are)
  9. Hello Simon! Is this any good? http://www.halling.at/blackpool-flexity-2-tram?languageid=2
  10. Thank you Pete!! Let's hope I do a good job of it, you can see my progress on my topic
  11. Cheers Pete!! I too am using C&L Finescale track so should be fun, I think I'll try out the PVA between each sleeper method
  12. Huge thanks for the link Simon. I can't wait to see your brilliant work progress.
  13. Hello Simon, what ballast do you use? As it looks incredibly realistic
  14. Brilliant work as ever Mick! My layout, if you check the topic out, is going to have a very similar fiddle yard to yours but completely different scenic section. How would you recommend wiring it and making control panels? Would you recommend having an isolated control panel for all of the electronics (car lighting, building lighting, colour signals, points, street lights etc...) for the scenic section and then having a separate on for the fiddle yard? (To save on wiring length) or just have a master control panel? Also, I'd love to know more about the copper joins between boards, I don't know very much about them. Cheers, Tom (Wigan Wallgate OO Gauge)
  15. I'll be operating one of my clubs layouts at the Wellington RailEx so come along and say hi on the 19th and 20th November

  16. Interest registered in 92016!!! Personal favourite (no overhead wires even pass through my station so I need an excuse now)
  17. Maybe they'll really surprise us and it'll be their 90 or a DBSO?
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