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MGR Hooper!

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Everything posted by MGR Hooper!

  1. Because there's a larger market for new/existing kids rather than adult collectors.
  2. They obviously won't charge you £25 for shipping. It's just an error. Email Hornby's CC and they will sort it out.
  3. So I am assuming that would mean it will cover the Franco-Crosti boiler ones as well?
  4. Glad I found this topic. I also have a friend who has been trying to register on rm web for over a week now and has been unsuccessful. I've already tried doing the registration on her behalf without any success. This is exactly the kind of response I got as well and I'm sure she mentioned the same thing Is there an alternative way? She doesn't use facebook.
  5. Thank you for sharing that. I'm quite pleased with what I see. Looking forward to it. Now Hornby, where's the Mk3 coaches to these standards???
  6. My best guess would be.... They already have a large production run and therefore aren't advertising it anymore until a further batch is announced in 2022 or later. It would seem rather silly to invest heavily in the tooling for an APT-P and then only have one run. But who knows... I am just guessing here.
  7. It was and still is part of the 2020 range. And it was advertises as part of it. No additional APT-P sets were announces for 2021. So that's probably why it hasn't been advertised.
  8. With the current state of affairs, if I bought the catalogue, it would be another 3 months until I even got it at best. As for copyright infringement, whilst that may be an issue, it doesn't look like Hornby mind it. Hornby themselves are actively re-posting images from various customers who uploaded images of their catalogue on Instagram. But if it is an issue here, then so be it. No harm in asking.
  9. Same issue with R30046 Class 47 in the Rail Operations Group livery. I cannot find it on the Hornby website, searched for it on Google and only the Hattons listing showed up for me.
  10. I still don't think it's something Hornby will touch. Hornby doing 2 AC electrics in a year or so is something we can only dream of. We already have a Class 91 in the works alongside an APT-P. That in itself is enough. One-off steam locos is Hornby's thing. One-off diesels and electrics, not so much. Hornby is a steam-centric brand. As we have lesser and lesser locos to make, they'll do more steam locos than anything else.
  11. There's a big difference between constructive feedback and the grumbling you see from bashers and trolls. A few people have provided constructive feedback in a polite manner. And there's a handful of select people who choose to flood almost every KRM thread with their nagging.
  12. I'm fairly certain that if you email Simon Kohler and point out these findings, he will seriously consider it. So please do that if you can.
  13. The Class 89 isn't Hornby territory at all. I have no idea why people imagined a Class 89 from Hornby in the first place...
  14. Completely untrue... The Hornby Terrier didn't start out as a Hornby project at all. As per one of the magazines and various other sources the Terrier was initially an Oxford Rail project. It was later passed on to Hornby to complete and release. Almost all Hornby "duplicated" models have actually been started on before their rivals did. It's just unfortunate that Hornby make an annual announcement and therefore they end up announcing theirs after the rival company. This just gives trolls and conspiracy theorists a chance to "prove" that Hornby are duplicating a rival company. And let's be honest even if ABC announces a model of XYZ and Hornby decides to let people know that they have already been working on it (rather than wait for the January announcement date) , the trolls would still blame Hornby for trying to steal the limelight EG: L&MR 3rd CLASS OPEN CARRIAGE. Either way it seems that whatever Hornby does is wrong and what everyone else does/says is correct.
  15. Simon has already publicly shared his email ID via one of the TES blogs. So I don't think that's an issue.
  16. Nope! The initial batch of 4 Class 91s are yet to come. They are currently reviewing painted EP samples and and are scheduled for production in March.
  17. All Hornby Railroad PLUS models come with a full spec paint job and etched name plates. Eg: All modern era locos will have warning flashes, data panels etc. All steam locos will have full detail banding and lining rather than simplified and so on. And ofcourse etched name plates.
  18. Simon did explain the reason behind it in the video.
  19. Not really looking for realism or accuracy with mine. Just want something for the Terrier to pull.
  20. Yes it was explained when they introduced the Railroad PLUS range was launched and Simon explained it again in the video.
  21. It is new tooling. It's actually advertised as brand new tooling.
  22. That's the first time I've seen those LORAM coaches. Quite a livery!!! Actually reminds me of sports shoes....I want the pair. And the DRS and IC Executive Mk1 as well.
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