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Judge Dread

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Everything posted by Judge Dread

  1. I've had a "every other word delete" filter fitted. "You never listen to a word I say!" my better 3/4 says. Quite right dear, says I.
  2. We call them students around these parts, mostly from the land of Hornby train manufacturers. Gone in a cloud of dust and swirling newspapers!
  3. Have you endured grandchildren yet? More or less the same as children but when you grow tired of them, you can give them back. This was the 9 year old (going on 30) grand-daughter's latest question, "Grandpa, what was it like in the olden days?". My reply, "Much quieter than it is now, right up-to the moment your mother was born!" Give me a jet engine any day, at-least you can shut them down when you have had enough! I shouldn't be so cynical but I find it so easy.
  4. I'm the same, some times I think if life gets any-more exciting I may wet myself!
  5. No he's not! What do you think?
  6. And the band played "Believe it if you will".
  7. No one told me I will have to spend a weekend with Chris Hewitt and Paul Gallon behind me. Stuff the check, I shall be wearing camouflage. As to your pot hunting, well done and so you should be. Here's a view from the York show the other week when Hospital Gates won a trophy. As you can see there are some who think coping your dress sense will advance their street cred.
  8. The beauty of being retired is time on your hands. Look what I have found, safely protected by a layer of dust. It seems I don't have Part 1 but I do have parts 4 & 5 & 6. Feb 1961, I was single in those long gone days.
  9. I've still got the removed pages in a folder somewhere but where, that's the question, where indeed?
  10. No, that's one of those aircraft I let H.S.A. keep.
  11. Have they tried switching it off and back on again?
  12. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "You are too skilful for your own good and I am jealous of you!" Well done that man.
  13. My late father had two spells with the B.S.M. before going it alone. He brought home lessons he received in the R.A.S.C. to be an instructor in the Western Desert amongst other places. His favourite quote, "Only one tree in 600 miles and everybody hit it!"
  14. Learn the route the night before and only pretend to be following "instructions". This message will self destruct in 5---4---3---
  15. The water tank on this loco is a little on the tall side, the second reference in this link gives away why, http://www.tri-ang.co.uk/saddle.html. The first loco was clockwork powered and that's the reason. I owned one way back when and managed to lower the tank to something more acceptable I thought.
  16. It is true to say that Hawker Sidderley built these aircraft at the Brough works in batches of 26 but it was always claimed that there were actually 27 built. The odd one was taken home by some-one. I hasten to say, that person was not me! OK, a couple "tye wraps" and the odd length of cable (and the even one as well) but not the complete aircraft. Yes I had a "large" dinner bag but that size!!!
  17. Some are born great and others have greatness thrust upon them. Welcome to the "ton up" club.
  18. I should suppose that surfing in this country needs the right day. Any one care to guess where this brave soul is, besides in water?
  19. Not that I should drag this subject off course but there was another memory from those days on the S & T Dept. Nowadays, most people would say of an "old soldier", he (or she) will never talk of their military service. Well they did in those days, to the point of as I was "the lad" and responsible for keeping our mess and tool van clean and tidy, I would be told to get my best brush at dinner time to sweep up the sand from yet another trip to Sidi Barrani, Mersa Matruh or of course, El Alamain. Cracks of thunder brought forth the command, "Tin hats lads, Jerry has found the range!"
  20. As this posting is supposedly about primary school memories, I had better list one. First year at St. George's Road school in Hull in about 1948/9, using a individual slate board with a chalk stick. Scroll forward to 1959 and joining the S & T Dept, still in Hull. I was thrown in amongst the collection of "old soldiers" who told me that they had left school at the age of 14,(that had to be pre-WW1) with no real formal qualifications, but if you asked them how much you should get back on a "flag bet" at certain odds, they would tell you to the penny!
  21. Spending his early completion bonus no doubt.
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