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Everything posted by halsey

  1. Better already...……….. Please don't be too harsh - this is only the start but it already feels right and massively better than my first attempt. The (15mm) strip wood platform side ensures great smooth curves and I'm happy to paint and "weather" it - I've bought 3mm ply for the top but now I'm not sure about its ability to be shaped (it can go back). I would like other suggestions - I bought ply as I can't seem to find 3mm MDF locally (yet)
  2. Thanks for the link - I think I've been thinking too lightweight and trying to be too tidy (for no good reason as the layout is permanent) - I quite like the stripwood and battens mdf tops idea as smooth curves can be replicated things can be sanded to suit and I need to cut my cork ballast back to the sleepers just in these platform areas. Back to the drawing board...………...
  3. Thanks for this - oh and for giving me such long curved platforms!!! Cheers J
  4. Getting stuck with scratch-building curved platfoms. What distance from the track to the platform edge - what height off the base board - what is the best material to use - tried XPS foam and foam board neither good so a bit stuck. Is there an established medium out there - these are long and curved over their whole length (app 4ft) ! Just looking for tips - happy to "experiment/play" even though today has been a bit disappointing...…………..thankfully time isn't my enemy Cheers
  5. Thanks for this, I have now decided to send it back as I'm not knowledgeable enough to resolve the issue and they are generally good guys just failed me this time - I "suggested" Zimo simply because all my stable are Zimo but IMHO its up to them to get the right fit, advise, and test. Thanks
  6. Worth a try and the pickups weren't right but still no change - packed up and going back tomorrow - watch this space - last and only Heljan and last "brand new retail" as I don't see the point - with this level of hassle I could have continued with my eBay philosophy which has only caught me out once in 10 locos and 5 years and even then only cost me £30 to resolve. Its all a good learning curve …………………….. back to modelling …………..
  7. I agree but for the fact that these guys have been really good to date with all my DCC issues incl sorting my duff eBay loco - but it doesn't make sense - a quick look at the pickups might resolve it otherwise I'm sending it back to them tomorrow (more postage) to sort it. Not the end of the world...……………….
  8. "P4'd it"??? I will have a look at the pickups tomorrow but am reluctant to do too much as its new and under warranty albeit that I have created some confusion here by independently fitting DCC. Clearly another part of my (DCC) learning curve is "its good when its working but far tougher to address when it isn't" I'll report back.
  9. No I haven't added lubrication as it is already very evident - it runs reasonably well in one direction but very badly in the other with something electrical going on (in the poor direction as the lights are on/off
  10. Hi, I'm having problems with the same new model just arrived with a Zimo 21 fitted - smooth running one way with lights but poor speed control and v poor running the other way with no speed control to speak off (nearly stops!) and poor lights going on/off. Bought new sent direct to another dealer to fit DCC then on to me. Is it the choice of decoder??
  11. Hi, My Railbus has finally arrived but is very disappointing...……….. Bear in mind this was bought brand new from Kent Garden Railways and then sent direct to AGR for the DCC fitting The model is great and lives up to expectations BUT its running is poor - my controller is a PA2 set 1-28 speed - (I have never bought brand new or Heljan) - in one direction it runs smoothly with lights on but after 18 nothing changes BUT in "reverse" it runs very badly almost stopping regardless of the speed setting and the lights turn on/off at will whilst it is circulating on the main line loops (and not always in the same spot). Is this normal for running in?? There seems to be grease/oil in evidence but I don't want to take it apart as its new - not to self - perhaps eBay isn't all that bad after all as I missed/avoided a DC one of these said to be a good runner for £30 less! Advice please - especially regarding "normal/expected" running in issues Cheers
  12. I've finally got around to putting my Lanarkshire Brake Wagon "track cleaning" conversion to good use - I've only had it for 3 years! It works brilliantly and makes cleaning easy and fun - FYI I used it without the retaining bar as its much easier to apply the IPA to the roller (not the beer as that would be sticky - drink that instead )
  13. Just to finalise this topic (from my perspective) - having been using them almost daily since my last post these are great little levers easy to use VERY easy to fit and they certainly add something to the experience - highly recommended.
  14. I'm a total DCC convert The ultimate in control has to be forgetting you have left a shunter on speed setting 1 (of 24) and noticing 10 mins later (whilst running 3 other locos) that it isn't where you left it - I never even remotely achieved that level of slow speed running with DC. I have spent quite a lot of time familiarising myself with what I bought and am very pleased with the decision - handheld is a must for me its just a shame that the P2 wireless upgrade/conversion is so expensive as not to be worth it. W&M railbus eagerly awaited - "faulty" LMS diesel now perfect. Just listed my DCC fitted and working Bachmann LMS Fairburn Tank on ebay - let me know direct if you are interested its as new I've just never really liked it . All good.
  15. I decided to bottle it I'm afraid due to the many comments about getting this model apart I bought one brand new retail and have had it sent to AGR who are rapidly becoming my DCC go to guys to fit the decoder and set it up. I should get it in app 2 weeks all set up...….tried and tested!
  16. Something of an anniversary today - see below - 3 months and app 300hrs later...…………….all working and all background painting completed so I unpacked the buildings from the old layout and started laying them out for real - feels good...………..very pleased - celebrated by ordering a new Loco - a Heljan W&M Railbus.
  17. Hi, That's interesting as I'm thinking of buying a W&M railbus at this very moment but have been put off by a) not knowing anything about Heljan and...…... b) reading far too much about DCC fitting to this particular model being a nightmare I'm not looking to fit sound so what would you say to the challenge I might face and what do you think of the model and its ability to be converted by an experienced novice?? Will a Zimo non-wired/direct 21 pin fit?? Cheers J
  18. I don't think I ever replied to this - I decided to model my birthday era 1955 as it fits all the requirements - means got lots of weathering to do and some carriages to move on! I bought a Bachmann model of the first LMS diesel "10000"and I am now looking for a W&M railbus which just fits the timing - not sure about Heljan though or that particular model as the reviews esp those involving DCC conversion/fitting are poor
  19. I said I would report back - there was something wrong on the PCB relating to one of the (21) pins - cost £25 plus my postage to them (£12 incl insurance) - now on its way back all tested so for me that's a good result - no more non retail DCC ready locos off eBay for me - this was a costly lesson relative to the loco cost but the only one I've ever suffered so I'm not overly concerned.
  20. I've finally done all the cleaning up and I now have trains running very smoothly (for the moment) - I had fun staging these shots just playing with bits of scenery and buildings...…………………. I will colour wash the "blue" foam with grass and coal yard background paint colours next...……………………………………... The top photo is the top left hand corner of the layout with the headshunt in the foreground - loco going the "right" way The bottom photo is the entrance to the under workbench covered loop to/from the bridge (bottom right on the layout plan) this will in time be a tunnel mouth with the retaining wall/arches retaining the canal basin sides -loco going the "wrong" way
  21. Thanks for this and your continuing interest - it is too late for now - time will tell if you were right! (Edit) I think there is more modelling interest without these mods leaving just a little more space for buildings service facilities etc certainly the headshunt mod doesn't work for me Cheers
  22. Just a progress report...…………. All track now glued down - excess cork removed to create track height - and my version of "ballasting" now completed, this wont suit all tastes but I'm happy with it as it is fairly quick and presents far fewer challenges to the track work esp points and when "landscaped" up to its edges with grass/gravel/coal dust etc effects it works well - its a bit of a faff cleaning off the track after spraying (7 cans of Humbrol dark earth acrylic) but ensures a real focus on getting it clean and operational after the build process - a day or so detailed work to come doing that ……………….
  23. Why is it so topical to knock the PA2 - I admit to no knowledge of the alternatives BUT this is a great starter outfit well priced great backup and I don't ever see the need to change it with my size of layout and stable
  24. As I have done - having 19 points in total - 11 on the mainlines are motorised with Peco surface mounted (remembering my base requirement that all wiring and building had to be above the boards) with a good old fashioned switch board with layout drawn on it, then 8 in the goods areas manually controlled with caboose levers which I love.
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