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Everything posted by polybear

  1. Unusual - have you tried wetting the suction cup before sticking it on? Does it have a suction lever to increase the suction?
  2. "In my teaching of Excel one thing I’ve noticed I can’t say “calculate a percentage” and expect mostly right answers. Half the students struggle with that calculation and twenty percent say “what’s a percentage?” This despite these things allegedly being taught at GCSE" Jeez.....is this a Degree course? When I was doing an HNC back in the early 80's we were expected to do Calculus - I sweated blood learning that and never used it since. "When I was looking at the maths attainment gaps fifteen years ago I was shocked to learn that you could score 20% in a GCSE Maths higher tier paper and still get a ‘C’ grade." That's obscene - they'll be giving them away in Tescos before long ION..... I started watching a Dr. Who (for the first time in years) whilst waiting for something half decent hopefully watchable to start - Jeez, wottaloadacrap...... BG
  3. For what? Getting people to bvgger off home at the end of the night?
  4. Bear here..... A day of essential dross, as expected - along with some more bathroom cleaning. Gee, what fun... Postie (in fact a very nice Postess) delivered Bear's replacement Printer Cartridge, so that's a Tick; the Big River also managed to deliver a parcel as promised - dumped on the doorstep and no knock/ring. T0ssers. That's the second time they've dumped parcels on the doorstep since I changed the settings to ask them to leave with a neighbour if no answer - so that was pointless. I've also not had an email saying it's been delivered, nor is the Big River website saying it has either. Unusual. I guess that qualifies as a Rant. ION...... I see the Dutch Contestant for the Eurovision Howling Contest has been booted out for being a naughty boy - he'll be popular back home.... (And no, I definitely don't watch such cr@p). BG
  5. I wonder what the insurance situation is for events such as that? Not sure I would've bought it where it's situated......even if it was a hundred yards (or whatever) away from the edge when the sale took place.
  6. According to the BBC website he was arrested so my guess he was p1ssed.
  7. Does that apply to static grass applicators as well?
  8. Bear here.... A reasonably productive day yesterday - though all (essential) dross stuff. More of the same today, sadly - I was hoping to go to ExpoEM but PPP on behalf of Bear has screwed that. Poo. I did see buddy over the road yesterday though - and gave him a wedge of documents for safe-keeping "just in case" a Certain Bear falls under a Bus; that's the very last Tick in a very long string of Tick Boxes. I'd offer cake all round but I've got n'owt 😢 (have I mentioned that?) BG
  9. Bear has located a Chemist just a couple of miles away that does private jabs - they offer a choice of vaccine as well; the 'net suggests that less people have issues with Pfizer than with Modena - guess which one the NHS use......
  10. What, worse than it is already? Sounds like you need one of those leccy zappers like wot they have in upmarket chip shops. Or the tennis racket version - they're great fun
  11. There were two or three that worked at The Great Empire in the 90's (I think) that were into, er, "unusual practices" involving a hammer, a nail, and a certain part of the male anatomy. Once the story broke the Nationals had a field day "Rocket Scientists etc. etc....." and they were shown the door PDQ. At least one served time because (IIRC) one of the group was under 21(?) which made it some crime or other.
  12. Bear just happens to have an opening in his busy schedule....... The unwritten rule being that it must be a nice review of course......
  13. The TV prog with some posh t@rt called "Bucket" ** in it - he's her BiL (I think), much to her dismay. **Though she insists it's "Bouquet"
  14. Oh yes...... The ink cartridge supplier (with a bit of prodding and a scary growl) has decided to do the honourable thing and send Bear a replacement cartridge. 😃 Polite snottograms do work sometimes.... Bear's review never appeared on their website though - s'funny that..... BG
  15. iD @iL Dottore - is this what you mean by a UPF? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c51n0p14y1lo
  16. Oh yes..... I've just had a reply from the ink cartridge supplier following my review (which hasn't appeared on their website......): We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us and we do apologise for causing any inconvenience you faced with your recent purchase of our high-capacity black cartridge. We would always recommend performing up to 6 print head cleans and running these cleaning cycles in pairs and then following this with a print test, to help improve any print quality issues, as part of routine maintenance. I've responded, pointing out that the Printer actually runs a regular routine cleaning cycle (usually during the night) to keep everything sweet; I also reminded them it was fine immediately prior to fitting the new cartridge - and the problems started immediately after it was fitted. I don't expect they'll take any notice, somehow. Yep, Rant. ION...... A friend had a C-19 Jab (Modena) yesterday afternoon - and was rather ill indeed last night, which is highly unusual. Seems some don't respond too well after having it. BG
  17. Bear here..... First load of Washing done - now it's time for the Mattress "Topper" & Pillow. Percy the Printer seems to be playing nicely though, so that's a Tick - I got the important stuff printed off without any grief. Sadly it seems that I've only got one clean din dins plate left in the cupboard - and that just happens to be the Pizza Plate. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.......😁 BG
  18. It's often/usually much better to take such donations direct to the Charity if you can (Oxfam Bookshops often seem to get the best prices where books are concerned) - I've heard that many collection agencies are basically companies that take a slice of the action/sell the contents of donation bags to Charities.
  19. Unfortunately that "thing" would've had a close encounter with an engine intake during start-up.....
  20. Perhaps the UK should start issuing secretly coded "One use only" Passports - they'll let the scrotes out but not let them board a Plane/Ship/Train to come back again...... Bear has just started a "Special List".......
  21. Bear here...... Today sees a driving session lesson with the Bertie the Bosch (Washing Machine) once again. Oh joy. I also have some rather important paperwork to print off - just so long as Percy the Printer decides to play nicely, that is. Incidentally, I've just submitted a (fair) review of the new (in January) ink cartridge that played up a few days ago immediately after I fitted it**; the supplier has immediately picked up on it (probably cos' I only gave it 2* out of a possible 5*) and responded with: "We're really sorry to hear your first review isn't positive, we take product quality incredibly seriously and one of my team will be looking into it to get you sorted." I don't hold out much hope though, nor do I expect the review will appear on their website. We'll see. Apart from that I have all the joys of cleaning the Bathroom to look forward to 😱 Jeez, I only did it a year ago FFS - beats me why they need cleaning so often.....🤣 Bear gone. **It took lots of Inkjet cleaning cycles before the new cartridge gave decent lack prints; each cycle wastes ink in the process. Poo.
  22. Perhaps it's time for a resurrection - there are certain members of society that shouldn't be allowed to reproduce at all.
  23. Bear's Thought for the Day...... WHY??? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68977469 There's some very, very weird people in this World.
  24. Bear here..... Warehouse again - all good stuff, though I did have to attend the compulsory "Manual Handling Course" so a Tick could be put in the right box.....'elf n' sayeftee n' all that. Nothing to do with Litigation Avoidance of course.... I did spot there were two Donuts still left over from yesterday.....one disappeared during the day (and not at the paws of Bear, amazingly); I resisted all day...and it was still safe n' sound at 3pm so Bear decided that once we were back from our last run (which was slightly later than usual, meaning that 99% of the Warehouse Staff had gone home by the time we got back) I'd rescue it and take it home for Bear's Tea. Guess what? Someone snaffled it 😭 Rattin' Piggin' Turdycurses. ION..... Apparently Wandsworth Prison is overrun with Vermin. Yep, they're called Prisoners..... BG
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