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Everything posted by Al51

  1. Al51

    Weird Lingo

    Mentioning Stanley Unwin always brings to mind: "Are you all sitting comftybold two square on your botty? Then I'll begin" Al
  2. I'm using the free license. I've got eight projects and I can still open all of them and the folders and files in them. I can also create a new one using the Data Panel. I don't really see anything different to how it's always been. Al
  3. Does this mean that Michael Portillo is really Dracula?
  4. Maybe he's the one who pinches you...
  5. Four hexagons going by this image Al
  6. Breaking News: The Pagan Summer Solstice Festival at Stonehenge has been cancelled based on government advice. A spokesman for The Druids said, ''It's unfortunate but we're all going to have to make sacrifices.''
  7. It annoys me no end people who get well-known phrases wrong .... I mean, its not rocket surgery.
  8. My ex just phoned and asked if I had a sharp pain like someone had a voodoo doll and was sticking a pin in it. 'No' I repled. 'Oh' she said, 'How about now'...
  9. The butchers are for the chop
  10. I've been learning how to guess the weight of dogs... I picked up a couple of pointers yesterday
  11. To get an array of circles on a curved line in Fusion 360 try using 'Circular Pattern' or 'Pattern on Path' under the Create menu. Make one Circle and extrude it first before trying to pattern. Example of both: Al
  12. I'm reliably informed that JWs have stopped door knocking and holding their meetings due to the current situation. Al
  13. Tescos, good, occasionally busy later. Sainsburys, moderate to good, sale on Corn Flakes. Asda, slight to moderate, heavy crowds by evening. Marks and Spencers and Co-Op, fair. Waitrose fair to moderate, spillage in aisle 7. Lidl, rough at first, moderate later. And that's the end of the Shopping Forecast.
  14. Here in Portsmouth we have a Fawcett Road, and of course a pub on that road that is called 'The Fawcett Inn'. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.7910228,-1.0762432,3a,75y,181.97h,84.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stKyNgdV7tsGLZ0JCIWaCkA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Al
  15. Only the Good Die Young - Billy Joel
  16. Wake Up Little Susie - The Everly Brothers
  17. Love of the Common People - Paul Young
  18. Don't Let it Bring You Down - Neil Young
  19. The Ice Cream van brands I remember from the Havant area in the late 60's were Verrecchia and Tonibell. Bedford Dormobiles were commonly used. Are you going to have a sound file that plays the 'music'? Al
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