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Everything posted by woko

  1. An update on some of the progress so far on this GER Buckjumper. So thanks to @thegreenhowards for lending me a 7mm Dapol Terrier chassis in which to build this around, and the reason the wheels are still in LBSCR Umber because I still have to purchase my own Donor Terrier and paint and line the wheels. So I have been busy getting this to fit onto the Dapol chassis, and now it works seamlessly with the same screws that screw into the terrier body as well. This being my first attempt at a locomotive, and my first O gauge loco, I really wanted to practise and have a go at hand lining with a pen, its not quite as I would like it if very honest, but hoping practise on future models will sharpen these skills up more. But I used Chris Arundell's Easi Liners, of which I have already managed to break one!!! My fault for mis use entirely. The GER blue is also not quite right, but I am happy with it, and its closer to the NRM J69 blue which is obviously a bit darker. I now need to source some transfers for this little loco, and decide what number to make this. I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed putting this little loco together, and even more so painting it, and now considering what next to build in 7mm, preferably something GER as well to accompany my little Buckjumper on the Club Layout, and something that could potentially easy get hold of a chassis for to build the locomotive around. Cheers Rob
  2. Yeah I know exactly what you mean, I ummed and aahed over the Phrozen 8k, but i think having something that large will definitely help with the O gauge stuff im hoping to print, and potentially the 28mm war gaming terrain stuff I build as well. So I took the plunge, still waiting for it however, and I figured ok, its expensive, but the enjoyment, and knowledge II get from prototyping and printing my own stuff since I have started this 3d printing malarkey has been off the chart, so I can’t wait to see if its any good, or just another big paperweight
  3. Thanks Annie, and for your help, will post the prints once I start them all being well
  4. Just adding some GER 4 wheelers to the collection, hoping to do some test prints in 7mm to go with my GER Buckjumper I am currently working up for the club layout.
  5. Had a bit of time this afternoon to do a bit more on these GER 4 wheelers
  6. Ohh so you have gone for the new Elegoo Jupiter @monkeysarefun I almost went for one to, but figured I would wait and see what this Phrozen 8k is like when it hopefully arrives in October, however I am already a wee bit disappointed by the longer printing times due to having to slow down the lift speeds to reduce crazy suction issues! But hoping the size will make up for it! Who says size isn’t everything Be interested to get your thoughts on the new Elegoo, if its any good I may take a punt, though hoping Prusa finally release their XL printer this year for some larger scenery stuff I want to tackle, my zortrax is a bit long in the tooth now!
  7. Morning James, I did not realise this, being a complete noob at this stuff, and of course on closer inspection I can faintly now see the K&ESR on the side, so will make some modifications to this 3d next week, and any roof details you may have, would be much appreciated, and thank you kindly for taking the time to help. cheers Rob
  8. Wow thanks Annie, you are star, and this is super kind! There seems to be very little on any of the GER coaches, especially the older 4 and 6 wheeler types, but these drawings are fantastic, I am super grateful for you sharing them, and looking at the details they do indeed have gas pipes and gas control on the ends of these carriages along with gas tanks below. And even more interesting I had no idea the GER had 6 wheel Clerestory coaches to, something that would look fantastic if I can model a rake of those to go on the layout. Cheers Rob
  9. Apologies for resurrecting this old thread, but I was recently reading through this fascinating post on monday evening, whilst researching GER coaches to build to run behind my Buckjumper, and decided to knock up a 3D model of one of the 4 wheel Brakes, mostly going off the excellent photographs posted by James on this thread, this one in particular I used for the general feel. So my questions to all you GER knowledgable folks is There seems to be some unidentifiable details on the roof, what are these? Would these coaches have had Gas pipes on the roof? A gas tank underneath between the wheels? On some Mid Suffolk Light Railway variations I have seen extra Grab Handles on the roof, would these have been on the GER versions? What other details are potentially missing from this model I have also just noticed the guards observation window in the ducket is way to high and needs dropping down Any thoughts or observations would be gladly welcomed, so I can knock up a third and a first to run behind this Many thanks Rob
  10. Some great questions Philip I bought 16oz of Resin, it came in 2 bottles of 8oz's I used about two thirds of the resin for these two small examples, it took a good 20hrs to go hard, and I would make a better job of sealing the resin at the ends next time than I did. I did use acetate sheeting with pva, and masking tape, but one side leaked on one of the models... hence its a little rough. I just bought crystal clear epoxy resin 1-1 ratio mix, i went on that well known site that sells everything and picked the cheapest, they are all pretty much the same price, but this cost me 11 quid, I think In future I would need 4 times as much for a larger river at this depth, so may make it a bit shallower to bring the cost down. It didn't smell no, but you need to mix it slowly for a good 2 minutes. Slowly mixing so as not to introduce air bubbles, though a heat gun will get rid of any bubbles once poured i found, but you need to keep checking as they continue to pop up over 20mins or so of the resin curing. I look forward to seeing your river Philip Cheers Rob
  11. Having never attempted water before and faced with the fact the I have to build a river for my Dads model railway layout, and that the club require an extensive river on the new extension to the 4mm scale layout I figured I best do some tests to see how this resin malarkey works, and whether it is a total ballache to get right or pretty reasonable at creating water effects. I wanted to give epoxy resin a go, as I had seen quite a lot of successful looking rivers in magazines and online that had used this method and it looked pretty convincing in the pictures. So I opted for a simple 1-1 ratio resin mix, as didn't fancy on my first attempt at trying my hand at the different ratio mixes you have out there which will more than likely require a person to have a lot more maths skills than me, and some kind of digital scales to get the correct ratio's right. So keeping it relatively simple i bought a simple resin 1-1 ratio mix kit off T'internet and cracked on by preparing a couple of test bases for the resin to be poured over. I used some spare insulation sheets I had left over from my studio build, and carved out a river, my first attempt was a bit ambitious and I ended up carving out essentially a Large Valley, realising this was completely unrealistic for what I was looking to achieve i chucked it and had another go and thought I would create a simple river lightly banked either side, and more of a rocky stream you might find in the Lake District. It is important to note that you need to seal this insulation stuff before pouring any resin onto it as the resin will react with it and essentially melt it apparently. So not wanting a saggy river, I covered the insulation in a layer of plaster, this gave me something firm to paint, and create a river bed in which the resin can sit on top of. So I painted up the river beds, added bits of stuff I found in the garden and then primed the lot with a Burnt Umber, sieved some soil on the ground, painted the rocks, added in some small details to break up the base, quickly created some fish... rather large fish I might add in 3d and printed them off to sit in the river bed, I think next time I will go for a slightly sandier river base, and paint the fish a bit darker to provide a stronger contrast between them. I would also like to add some lily pads to the shallows, however I think i may have to cut these out of paper and paint them, will investigate further and see how I go, and potentially add them in next, along with some subtle white water effects on the stream variation. Hopefully this has been slightly useful to some folks
  12. Painted test version of the London Brighton 7mm Signal Box, I think for the club layout I will resin print the lower windows omitting them from the FDM print to get a cleaner crisper print. I also need to sort out the glazing for the club version I need to model the interior next and the larger version for the club layout
  13. Hey Din, as I say im pretty interested in trying out your site for all my models, let me know when you would be in a position to start getting stuff on, and what needs to be done my end. Cheers Rob
  14. First attempt to print this off in 7mm, some small issues with a bit of warping that I hope to correct in subsequent prints, along with dropping the printed handrail for actual metal wire that I will hope to bend. Then I need to get my hands on a donor terrier for trial fitting, although be good to know if any kit companies sell their chassis separately for further locomotive builds I would love to do for the LBSC and GER, LNWR, and GNR? Primed version to show detail
  15. YeahI have to agree speed is not my primary focus either, though can understand from Din’s perspective how that would be a bit of a factor! But im finally looking forward to printing larger items, especially some O gauge locos, and, 6 wheel carriages. I’m also looking forward to the new prusa XL rumoured to be out this year, for doing buildings etc.
  16. I have the phrozen 8k on order to dude, looking forward to its eventual arrival, however apparently despite the mono screen its super slow
  17. Would this new larger printer happen to be the phrozen 8k by chance
  18. Well it sounds good to me Din, I would happily trial some of my stuff on your site when its up and running, as I certainly have no intention on using shapeways because of it being so expensive, for both the creators and buyers a like, but I do hope you can get it to work, and it would be awesome to have a dedicated platform for 3d printed railway modelling and miniatures for folks to sell or buy from.
  19. update on the interior of the J69, its mostly what I have managed to see through glimpses through the cab door in various photographs online, so here it is the latest, which im hoping to print a test this week
  20. Hello Din This sounds like a fantastic idea chap, I could well be interested as I much prefer spending my time creating and prototyping new designs than printing models out. I have quite a bit of stuff potentially, mostly 4 mm wagons, and 4 - 6 wheel carriages, some buildings, along with some 7mm stuff I am working and some Bolt action wargame buildings also I have been working on, be good to know what you are thinking of charging, obviously dependant on the model size/time etc?
  21. Cheers chap, no it will fit on my mono X so hope to start running some prototypes off soon, need to grab myself a donor terrier though to get it to sit on top properly.
  22. So finally taking the plunge and hoping to model some pre grouping locomotives in 7mm, and whilst I know a lot of really good kits already exist, I wanted to try my hand at seeing what I could potentially model and print, and more importantly practise my painting and modelling skills, so I thought I would kick off with this GER J69, modelled mostly from photographs found online mainly taken at the NRM. So I already know my interior for this isn't correct, but figured I would mock something up anyway when looking through the cab door. Once I have finished I hope to fit into onto a Dapol Terrier chassis as recommended by @thegreenhowards who gave me the idea in the first place. Progress so far, i'm sure I have a few bits they need attention but looking forward to working out how to paint and line this baby, once I have printed it.
  23. Thank you Nick as always very helpful, and knowledgeable, and gives me a great head start on my painting of this little box, I will post when I have finished the paint job, I then have to make a slightly longer version for the club layout so can iron out any issues with the second printing all being well, and subject to hopefully getting my fdm printer back online
  24. Quick question if any of you knowledgeable folk know what colours this Box would have been in lbscr times, the weatherboarding im guessing a pale cream, the frame and roof supports a dark red, windows a white, but what would the stairs have been? Red, or the pale cream? Or even white perhaps? Im searching online now and struggling to find any solid examples. Cheers Rob
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