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AY Mod

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AY Mod last won the day on January 11

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    Dodging the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

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  1. "Hey Google, add panninis to my shopping list"

    "I have added pantyliners to your shopping list".


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      That really takes the pi$$

    3. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Once sent a text to my other half advising 'I have broken down at the hospital'........ a combination of sausage fingers and auto text thing meant that the phone changed it to and sent it as.....'I have broken down at the ubersexual'....

    4. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Also replied to an email from  a female supervisor who asked me how things were  going. I had seen her earlier that day and she was a bit busy at the time. My one liner ,courtesy of spell checker read....


      'Saw you earlier. Didn't stop. You looked really busty'

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