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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. I removed the option for centred text as that's just for weirdos; what you should see is left aligned or justified options.
  2. Oh FFS. Mine had disdappeared too, I've disabled the Follow module, re-instated the Top module and re-enabled the Follow mod again which brought it back on mine at least. maybe worth a refresh.
  3. Give it time to settle down and track activity - I can't see how it would pull content you've not followed, it must be tracking something.
  4. It's showing ones I've set up to follow since the update.
  5. Just to let you know that the box for Followed topics has been reinstated at the top right of the Activity Stream pages. The feature had been set aside by the software developers but an independent developer kindly scripted this one for me as a little job.
  6. Spooky that you should bring this up Mark as I'm currently swearing at the Google Maps API and trying to integrate with the site for Exhibition entries in the Calendar.
  7. I have; they're in invisible ink along every other damned thing I type.
  8. I have installed a new feature for members; a capacity to bookmark content within RMweb. From the dropdown menu accessed by clicking on your username at the top right of the screen you will see a My Bookmarks link. From here you can create your own sub-folders for bookmarks e.g. modelling reference, prototype reference etc. You can then access any bookmarked content from here. At the bottom of each post (please note you can only Bookmark posts, not pages) there is a Bookmark link - clicking on that adds it to your bookmarks and if you have created any sub-folders you can choose where to save it to. You can choose for your bookmarks to be public or private - I would suggest private (in fact if I could have removed the public option I would have). Bookmarks can be removed at the relevant post or within My Bookmarks. This is a neat way of saving material for later reference without being reliant upon your browser (and saving space in your browser's bookmarker.
  9. I'll say it again; I'm not going to repeat myself.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Hroth


      Glad to hear it!


      Now, can we have square frames for our avatars, rather than these silly post-modern portholes?




      Edit for added grovelling....


    3. Patrick


      Andy, what was it that you said you wouldn't say again? :bomb_mini:

    4. AndyID
  10. I'm looking into that at the moment; it doesn't seem to behave as you'd expect it to.
  11. At least that rules it out of being an animated gif. Puzzled.
  12. Interesting, could you try it again please and see if you be a different outcome now please?
  13. They're just being fair and ethical and not wanting too much blood to mop up off the floor each day.
  14. Changes were made earlier today to improve speeds for users, so what's wrong with it now? You don't give anything of substance that I can get a grip on, just another moan and NO you cannot have the old RMweb back again. I get really tired of throwaway comments like that.
  15. Thanks for the further unnecessary dig Phil.
  16. It does if you have the Read Status filter set set to read rather than 'everything'. Setting it to everything leaves the read topics visible but unbolded.
  17. Go to your saved Activity Steam rather than View New Content at the top right - also look at the Content Types in your filters to determine what you do or don't want to see.
  18. Change the Show me filter to Items only, change the Read Status to Content I haven't Read - then save that as a custom feed for yourself.
  19. I've just had the system recount your content and it's come out the same as before; have you had any posts go missing?
  20. Well you live and learn; I found that a) Admin can change the default settings within each activity stream so I've set that to 7 days for several and longer for ones where you're searching stuff you started or followed etc and b) that I could set up new Activity Streams for all users (there's now one called View New Content for which I used my settings as a template) and also select the default which will appear at the top right of the screen. That would have saved a lot of earache from those demanding instant solutions when the update was done (rather than looking at settings for themselves). It takes me a time to work through getting the best out of the system but a few don't seem to have the patience to await such tweaking. There's still a lot to fix and build so I'm best just left to it and we'll get there.
  21. I have looked at the settings for this now. Can moderate own blog entries? On The user will be able to: edit comments and entries, delete comments and entries, and lock entries from further comments. I am not sure whether it means any comments will require approval or whether you will just be able to retrospectively manage comments.
  22. I think you're right Mikkel. I can't even think what my figure was before the changes anyway.
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