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Everything posted by NIK

  1. Hi, The motor they said was a Mabuchi and was offered to the 'B4' designer as a smaller alternative looks like the type fitted to Replica Railways motorised multiple unit chassis. Regards Nik
  2. Hi, The 21 pin connector standard seems to allow for F0r (Reverse light) F0f (forward light) and 10 further Function outputs. I think that is enough to give independent control of all the features you list apart from the fans which might need to work as a pair (as per the prototype?). I was going to count the transistor packages on the 21 pin HM7000 sound decoder photos on the Hornby website but the back of the PCB shows an integrated circuit instead. So I can't count transistors. My best guess is that the 'big' integrated circuit provides low current control and drive for most of the function outputs, higher current drive via some transistors elsewhere on the PCB for the fans and also does voltage step up control and regulation from the optional stay alive unit. Regards Nik
  3. Hi, I think the second episode mentioned a starter set loco having a resistor in place to slow it down. When I was doing experiments on RFID for MERG I was looking for a OO loco that would do 120mph scale speed in O which is 210mph in OO. I bought a Hornby GWR 0-4-0 but it only did 120mph. I eventually took the motor from that, glued on a propeller from a drone, wired it to a DCC decoder and stuck the motor on the chassis from a Bachmann 4 CEP trailer. That did do 210 mph or more but at 211mph it fell off the third radius curves even if they were superelevated. I tried an F1 style wing to keep it on the track but it added too much drag. I suppose they have to limit the speed of the starter set locos because if a loco flies off the track it could hit a youngster in the face. Regards Nik
  4. Hi, I didn't know Hornby were going to move the motor bogie - do you know where that info came from?. I agree about conductive couplings - especially the 14 pin couplings on the Bachmann Class 117 which are large and seemingly not adjustable. I'm looking into replacing existing multipole conductive couplings with a single pole coupling using magnets. The first application would be for Bachmann SR Mk1 EMUs/DMUs where there is only one motor bogie and each coach has wheel pickups. The idea is to use a single wire communication interface through the coupling. The return path would be via an electronic circuit (as already fitted to those Bachmann coaches) to the track . The coach with the DCC decoder would have a DCC function to 1 wire encoder and the other coaches would have 1 wire decoders to operate lights, end of unit uncouplers etc. Whether the magnets would be strong enough to allow consisting of more than one MU remains to be seen. Regards Nik
  5. Hi, I though yesterdays episode served its viewers expectations better than the latest bond film bearing in mind it didn't cost $300 million. At least the plot involved a preserved railway (at least I think it did - I'd just come back from a model railway club general meeting so my brain may have been scrambled). Regards Nik
  6. Joe Biden has asked the FBI to look for six documents in his home. They're not classified - its just he left the nuclear button and his glasses with them.
  7. A clever and dexterous chap in my club has fitted stay alive and sound to a Bachmann Hunslet - Britomart - Blue (391-051). Regards Nik
  8. So you didn't learn that coreless motors also have brushes?.
  9. I haven't been accused of being pedanic before. However the more accurate the question the better the chance of getting useful answers. Also if one is never corrected one never learns. Regards Nick
  10. Could be, just found this: As of 8 December 2022, ITVX is only available on Samsung Smart TVs 2016 and above. My sisters TV is an early Samsung smart TV. Regards Nik
  11. My sister has an early smart TV and since December it no longer supports ITV Hub. Regards Nik
  12. Coreless DC motors also have brushes. The difference between older DC motors and coreless is in the rotor. Regards Nik
  13. Yes, it looks like if you can generate 15 volts DC of enough amps within the train then you can use the HM7000 decoders providing you don't exceed the yet to be published current limits on the outputs. Regards Nik
  14. Hi, I see in that same report they are forecasting finances up to end March 2022 - more sloppiness?. Regards Nick
  15. Hi, Have you tried JMRI's Audio capabilities which are said to go up to 7.1 with positional capability and includes sources on the move (traffic?)?. Regards Nick
  16. My understanding of DCC is: Other makes of DCC decoders have limitations on which CVs can be written on the main track as opposed to the programming track. Non Railcom DCC decoders cannot have CVs read on the main track.
  17. Hi Legend. Simon Kohler said 1 amp may not be enough current to power a loco fitted with TXS. The P9100 is a one amp power supply. Regards Nik
  18. Talking about processing electronics some decoders with auto stop facility are said to be able to autonomously slow down and stop with millimetre accuracy. Perhaps the technology used to do that could be employed to get close enough approximation to do the job of synchronising exhaust beats.
  19. Could be a TV broadcast rights issue with another party. Would explain why the episode can already be viewed via UK TV Play.
  20. Good digging. Two of the off the shelf N57xxx series have 400mW amplifiers but I think most OO sound decoders are 3 watts. Maybe Hornby will swap to another M0 based MCU for the production versions. I don't think I've yet seen a photo of the underside of a HM7000 decoder to see what components are under there. Has there been a video featuring a TXS decoder playing sounds?. Regards Nik
  21. Hi Newbryford, Well spotted. Although in the first video I think in this topic the Hornby man says the HM7000 supersedes the HM6000. Hopefully the HM6000 range will continue. Regards Nik
  22. Is that as Sandi Toksvig might say a randy Scandi?.
  23. But at the top of the webpage for R3991SS BR, A3 Class, 'Flying Scotsman' With Steam Generator, Diecast Footplate & Flickering Firebox - Era 4 it says TTS fitted. Also under tech specs it says TTS fitted.
  24. Hi JSpenser, As someone has pointed out this Hornby announcement is for phase 1.
  25. Since Harald Bluetooth was scandinavian could the loco be tempted out with some fermented fish?.
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