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Everything posted by NIK

  1. Headline news: Whipsnade Zoo has started its annual weigh in of each of its 10,000 animals. Keepers say it was Aardvark at first ......
  2. Headline news: After it was revealed that Civil Servants went on a £1,120 pottery class, a government spokesman says it was just a storm in a tea cup or possibly a toby jug, it was very hard to tell - a six year old could have done better.
  3. Headline news: After press reports that recent UK sewage spills on beaches were not properly monitored, Inspectors admit they were only going through the motions.
  4. Headline news: After a record pressing company announce an alternative material to replace Vinyl records, objections come in from Plastic Bertrand and Aqua.
  5. Headline news: After Ryan Reynolds says he wants Wrexham AFC to be the first club in space, speculation mounts over which black hole Man U are headed for.
  6. Hi, The symptoms remind me of past cab bus problems seen on the club layout I help with. May be a cable problem or not enough cab bus power (I had to buy suitable power supply to plug into socket PCB module furthest from the NCE Power Pro). I assume you've tried unplugging and plugging in the Procab. Regards Nick
  7. With a face like that it would have deserved to have been bulleid at school.
  8. A whale stranded in the Seine has been given a vitamin boost by being fed chucks of a holidaying British food critic.
  9. Hi, The OP says the Döhler & Haass SD10A decoder instructions say it it is essential to add a diode so from an electronic engineering point of view it is best to assume that no diode is provided within the decoder or that if it is that it is not necessarily compatible with the electrical characteristics of the entire range of uncouplers that might be compatible with the current capacity of the decoder. Regards Nick
  10. Hi, Well if the decoder instructions say so then it would be wise to. Regard any electronic circuit as a black box where the designer takes responsibility and hopefully provides any warnings on how to use it reliably. Regards Nick
  11. NIK

    Formula 1 2022

    Porsche can have the Red and Mr Horner will produce the Bull.
  12. Well they had to practise on something first.
  13. After a gadget appears that sucks ink off paper 10 million Jeffery Archer books are donated to the project.
  14. One can make a lot of money taxiing U2 around.
  15. I've been permanently in knip since I used Humph's sat nav. 'no, the other right'.
  16. After Michael Portillo announces new series of great railway journeys, sales of black and white TVs soar.
  17. I've just bought some biscuits made in Grenada in Spain. They are very moorish.
  18. Hi, Just for info on models my Heljan OO Class 128 single car parcels DMMU will go up a 1 in 5. As to the real thing the gradient down into Reading traction maintenance seemed fairly steep but not traversed when carrying passengers to my knowledge. One loco had problems on the way down and ran through the shed and hit the wall at the end. Regards Nick
  19. No, but NCE DCC command stations are said not to produce enough preamble bits on a consistent basis to be compatible with Railcom. So my suggested experiment was to try and see if turning off Railcom helped matters. The MS series DCC decoders use different processors from Zimo decoders I have used so I suspect that the Advanced consisting not working is a software bug. Regards
  20. Just for an experiment try turning Railcom off if its not already off and try to make up the advanced consist again. Regards
  21. Hi, Not all DCC loco decoders support advanced consisting. Regards Nick
  22. My father was a remote figure. He had buttons on his front and used to get lost down the sofa.
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