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Ian G

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Everything posted by Ian G

  1. A little more progress on the G6, chassis soldered together, smoke box and boiler semi built, and a test fitting of chassis and basic body. Ian G
  2. The little gadget I picked up at a model engineering exhibition, it was designed for the model aircraft fraternity, to aid cutting out fine etches, In the pack you get 3 sheets of purspexs and the clear plastic top part, the idea is that you place your etch on the black bit, press down with the clear bit right next to the half etch tag, and with a curved blade rock back and forwards to remove the tag, thus not damaging the fine etch, it worked a treat with little cleaning of the part. Ian G
  3. Now the chassis is square and aligned correctly I have moved onto the foot plate and body. I have a little gadget for cutting the spectical rings out that I picked up some time ago. Ian G
  4. on to the chassis, I found when I fitted this to the jig the holes did not line up with the con rods, so after setting the to outer axels I found the centre one being 1/2 mm to low so opened the hole out and rechecked. Ian G
  5. The next item on the list is a Southern railway G6 departmental loco that was sheded at Meldon Quarry http://southernrailway.net/search/display_pic.php?search_fd0=33191http://southernrailway.net/search/display_pic.php?search_fd0=33191 The first job was to cut the con rods out trim and solder them together. Ian G
  6. My next install ment of wagons was a SR Low Mach 2 weeks of a few hours an evening bought me to the primer stage. Ian G
  7. Brian that beast is look very good, 1 or 2 is all that is needed for the size of many layouts me thinks, JeffP after building many MMP dogfish and understanding the way they are designed, and Simon is producing other needed items for us modellers, things like this take time to get it right, I am sure that once you get into the intricasies of etch design and production that you will find it takes a long time Ian G
  8. Match truck build, a box is needed for lifting gear and a spot of weathering. Ian G
  9. The crane is now built and waiting for a spot of weathering, Garry re the BTU it is still on my work bench and hopefully will be finished this year. Ian G
  10. I managed to spray the black this weekend due to the far to hot weather. Ian G
  11. The croc is in primer, during this time I have built a Meteor Models 5 t hand crane, if I build another one I will make it to work, the story so far all main items in halfords primer, the jib has been masked to recieve a dark stain, and the planking to be stained and fitted later. Ian G
  12. Whilst searching through many sites looking at pictures of the croc I have not found any that where piped air or vac, on one web site I have found a departmental yellow one, one question has anyone got a pic of a piped one. Ian G
  13. After an hour of soldering, the main structure is built. Ian G
  14. After many months of study and a long break til September but with a few projects still to finish. I am back at my bench with a little offering from Scorpio Models in the form of a GWR crocodile, my second kit of this model, the first being one of my early large brass wagon kits that I built. The story so far about 6 hours work to emboss all the rivets, cut out, clean and fold the main parts of ther kit. Ian G
  15. I have about 100 pics of the one at Quainton, inside outside and underneath. Ian G
  16. I have a rake of 7 dogfish, 3 seacows, 1 sealion and a shark in 7mm, plus a few ex boplates with a load of 4 wheeled wagons for another engineers train. Ian G
  17. I found this website whilst looking for something else http://www.modellingtimbers.co.uk/8.html Ian G
  18. Looking at that I must get a set of rollers I do like the idea of coke can ends. Ian G
  19. I could of done with those castings when i built my 3 VEA's, but i still have enough for another 4. Ian G
  20. That DC kits HEA is still in its box as it needs a lot of work done to it to get it to run, I also have 2 PMRPR kits yet to be built. Ian G
  21. Model ship builders use bees wax in a solid form, the cotton is drawn through it, Toolstation sell a 500g block http://www.toolstation.com/shop/p80732 Ian G
  22. After to long a break from building I have finished painting the remaining dogfish & the Rudds, just got to find where I put the transfers. Ian G
  23. The trouble with the student download from Autodesk is that when you plot the drawing, on the boarders it states that it is from an educational version of CAD. I would like to know if there is a way of changing this. After a tinker with Solidworks the other day at Uni, autoCAD seams inferior Ian G
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