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Everything posted by Adams442T

  1. Blimey Debs, 5' 14"! That makes you 6' 2" in my way of thinking, are you still prop forward for Wigan Ladies?
  2. Morning all! Yep, dull here too! Plus looking at the weather forecast it's rain, and more rain, and more rain, 'til at least Monday - the 28th of October!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fortunately Jane & I are off to Italy next week for a much needed holiday, no computers, no work emails, and Batphones only on when needed. Bliss!!!
  3. Dinky Toys aren't my area of expertise, but Britains and other toy figures are , and his prices for those are about 4 times as much as you might expect to find similar but good condition items for. The mind boggles that he ever manages to sell anything!
  4. Optimists see a glass as half full Pessimists see a glass as half empty Politicians employ consultants who drink the rest of the glass, so they can then tell us that it's not their fault but the glass is definitely empty!
  5. Morning all! Fog still persisting here but some signs of it clearing. Plum tree to be planted in the front garden this morning so spade & fork ready and compost and mulch bags to hand. Jane away with her sister after school finishes today so free to roam the Peterborough Railway Exhibition tomorrow (and I won't have to hide any boxes on the way back!)
  6. Morning All! Off to the allotment today to plant some new fruit trees and bushes, but a damp thick fog outside at present so time for a quick brew, eggs, bacon and toast first I think!
  7. My late wife spent over 20 years on increasingly high doses of steroids for a degenerative lung condition she contracted whilst serving as an Intelligence Officer in the RAF. In the early days she read the list of six contraindications and said, "Well, at least there's three I haven't got." Being well organised and systematical she noted anything that she felt might be a reaction and told her consultant on her 6 monthly visits. She was usually told that these were only anecdotal - though they gradually appeared on the lists. By 2010 there were 45 possible side-effects listed and Elaine, with her typical dry humour said, "Oh well, at least there's now four I haven't got................."
  8. Morning all! Out at sparrows today in the lashing rain to take the Mazda 2 in for a service. Drove through fog, more rain and eventually arrived at the garage in Boston (in the sunshine). Got out of the car looking like a drowned rat and got some strange looks as I dripped onto the reception carpet.................. Back home now with a warming brew and toast just burning in the Dualite. Have a good one folks!
  9. Morning Folks! Rained all night, but a nervous sun peeping through thin cloud this morning. Rain due later then heavy rain most of Saturday, rain Sunday, rain Monday................ Ah well. Most of the allotment work is done so perhaps I can persuade Jane to take it easy for once and catch up on some modelling!
  10. Yes, but at least you don't drivel on about waffle, so it could be worse..........................
  11. Well despite being a little chilly and windy (8 degrees, positively balmy compared with some places I know) it's a beautiful sunny day here in Slapding so I'm putting off replacing the hardtop on the MX5 for a while. Can't see the point of having an open car and not using it as much as possible. Jane & I went back to Cambridge, hood down, with scarves, hats and gloves on yesterday afternoon and the looks of astonishment were roughly balanced out by the indulgent smiles. Either that or folks were too nervous when confronted by obviously crazed senior persons to do anything else!
  12. There speaks a brave man, whose better half I suspect never, ever, looks at his postings on RMWeb.....................................
  13. Thanks a bunch......................just when I was starting to panic too........................... I've decided to whizz it down to the allotment and layer it amongst the compost. That way: 1) I get 'Brownie points' for turning over the compost. 2) The woims get extra stuff to munch and hopefully destroy the evidence before too long. 3) I avoid getting shot for buying myself 'another' bike!
  14. Good idea, except............. Jane tends to like doing the interiors....... and she might just spot E - V - A - N - S - C - Y - C - L - E - S amongst them................. Even if I mix them up she's always good at anagrams too......
  15. Morning All! Blue sky breaking through and the promise of sunshine, a little windy (but this is the Fens so what can I expect - A friend says, " O' Course the trouble is the wind blows straight from the Urinals in Russia.........) Jane's new 'Birthday Bicycle' has just arrived, but 10 minutes too late for the recycling collection to take the huge cardboard box away so...................dilemma! I've somehow got to assemble the bike - not too much of a problem as it all appears to be there, but then try to hide it in the garage - not too difficult amongst my 11 other bikes perhaps - and then try to fold up the cardboard and squeeze it into the MX5 to go to the tip (she insisted on taking the Mazda 2 today) - all before she comes back from school at lunchtime. Then all I've got to do is keep it hidden 'til her birthday.........on the 2nd November......................
  16. I find SMP track really easy, it's the P4 pointwork I find tricky............................
  17. Morning All! Light cloud, blue sky & sunshine here in Slapding! Off to Hereford though for a reunion do where it promises rain for the next 4 days! Still at least this time I won't be pitching a tent on the Brecon Beacons and waking up with my hair frozen onto my boots! Not much point in taking the MX5 if I can't have the top down, so it'll be trundling along in the Mazda 2 with The Eagles at full blast!
  18. Great stuff! A crossover between Raymond Chandler and Enid Blyton! Keep on writing! S'pose I'll have to cut the grass / weeds today as I've got visitors coming for lunch. Still it may be for the last time this year if I can get away with it!
  19. Morning All! Sunny day today and apparently looks set fair with sunshine every day 'til Monday! Ritual end of the month evening bonfires at the allotment today, so baked potatoes, sweetcorn & cider will be on the menu. Ah me! It's a hard life, but someone has to do it...................................
  20. Well, they say, "Once a King, always a King, But once a Knight is enough........." Couldn't resist it sorry!
  21. Sorry to disappoint, but it literally means 'Washer'. Fountain is 'Fontana' The Italian for toilet is 'Gabinetto' Like a 'Cornetto' but smellier........................
  22. I live at the end of a cul-de-sac where it's so, so quiet.........BUT, at 3.58am this morning someone in a nearby street sat for 20 minutes, engine running, in a diesel which sounded like a concrete mixer! I was just about to get up and scour the streets for the thoughtless miscreant when they drove off. Fortunately I didn't take long to slip back into the arms of Morpheus. Unfortunately I didn't wake up 'til 8.34 am! Panic ensued, leapt out of bed, started flying around like a blue-tailed whatnot, until it came to me.....................I needed to get out early to go to London...............TOMORROW! DOH!
  23. Morning Folks! Off to tackle the allotment this morning and it's foggy, and dark, and cold.......Whatever happened to summer! Still, plenty of spinach, beans, courgettes, sweetcorn and grapes to harvest so mustn't complain as I haven't had to buy any veg for 3 months!
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