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Everything posted by Adams442T

  1. Morning All! Suspiciously sunny with light breeze today, but apparently also creeping up to 23 degrees later! Off for a quick circuit on the Bianchi, then heading to Model Rail, Newark.
  2. Morning All. Light cloud, about 10 degrees here in Spalding, though it might get up to 17 degrees by mid afternoon. Winter cycling kit on today methinks and mudguards back on the Trek. Off to Model Rail, Newark, tomorrow when it promises to be a bit warmer.
  3. Sunny afternoon to all! Just back from a quick spin on the Trek. Jane approves as last winter I ended up looking like a Michelin Man in Lycra and she refused to go cycling with me!
  4. It seems that in the Future Pirates may still be with us
  5. Sorry David, I posted same on Friday 13th, should have saved it for Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nother day........................
  6. Plus when I was on attachment to the MOD I was astonished to find the Army paper was marked Government Property in green, the RAF in light blue, and the Navy in dark blue................... You couldn't make it up could you?
  7. Some Somali Pirates thought it would be a good idea to capture and hold to ransom a Russian Tanker. They didn't count on the response from Russian Naval Special Forces............................. Needless to say since then no Russian vessels have been attacked......................
  8. Let's not be negative, that will only lead to con(fuse)ion! Plug on regardless! Sun, wind and rain! Oh, to be in Spalding now that Autumn's here.................Mutter, mutter, curse,...........whimper and turn the heating on....................
  9. Blimey, me too! Plus United Dairies horse-drawn deliveries, with the crashing of the metal crates at 4.am from the dairy just across the road, that makes 23!
  10. We had a Lieutenant Oates who used to get annoyed when people going to the latrines said, "I may be some time....." So some wag changed it to, "I'm just going out to check the lorry". He was happy with that. What he didn't know was the original Oates was called Lawrence (Laurie)..............................
  11. Late riser today! Due to finishing a commission at 2.30am! Repeat after me, "I will not accept any more commissions to a deadline!" Should know better as 4 years ago I decided that life was too short to be pressured into accepting work of this type. I now have a large sign above the workbench saying, "Don't do it!" Jane says it's very useful as all she needs to do now is quietly point at it................................... (Trouble is in future she's likely to use it for all sorts of things.......................)
  12. Morning all! Sun shining and blue (ish) sky here in Spalding. Better than yesterday's walk around Frampton Marsh Nature Reserve where it was blowing a bl&&dy Gale and lashing with rain. Nature sensibly seemed to have stayed home in bed! And this afternoon it's going to be - Raining! - So off for a spin on the bike now before the Mums start ferrying their little darlings to school at 50mph in 4x4s 'cause they're late!
  13. Went as fast as I could on Google maps, but I still couldn't get it to light up................................
  14. Was tempted to put this under 'great lines from the movies', but then I thought it would go better here.
  15. Morning all! Just back from a run on the Bianchi. Possibly the last one this year as it doesn't go out in the wet! Time to blow the dust off the Trek and pump the tyres up. A bit slow in comparison but at least it's got mudguards!
  16. Well, I did. I must admit that I anticipated the worst sort of salacious imagery. Imagine my surprise when all I saw were mushrooms.............................. Edited to reveal complete stupidity on my part............."try Sarah Topps" Good grief, I've only just got it, but in my defence I haven't been well lately.................
  17. Strewth Mike! And I thought my allotment was hard work! Still, could be worse, at least Jane knows exactly where I should have planted the brassicas! Ian, that's brought back some memories! Alfred E. Neuman, and my favourite 'Spy vs. Spy'! I remember being stunned when coming home on leave and finding my mother had 'tidied my room up' Year of MRNs and MRCs as well as 'Mad!' all gone!
  18. Shouldn't be too difficult to work it out. From my experience in a slightly different modelling company (Britains/First Gear) the costs of producing basic, uncomplicated, undecorated (largely) base units was vastly outweighed by body mouldings. Not only are they of much greater complexity, often requiring 'slot-in' alternatives for different classes, periods, etc., but also they require much more input in the R&D side, and in the mould forming itself. Simples!
  19. Astonishing depth of field, one can even see the pattern on the Anaglypta ceiling paper.....................
  20. I think the MGB(?) is actually a square wheel arch Midget. They can be made to go surprisingly fast. In the late 60s I had a 'frogeye' Sprite with a 1500 Cortina GT engine and rally Escort gearbox and rear axle. I had some classic battles along the Dover - London road, one culminating in a guy in a BMW jumping out at the lights in Old Kent Road running up and saying to me, "What the hell have you got in that thing?!!!"
  21. Bachmann of course have in their US selling 'Thomas' range an 'Emily', which I think one could only call a 'simulacrum' of the Stirling Single. Does anyone know how they got around the problems with this one? Anyway I'm sure they must be aware of the NRM possibilities and feel sure it will emerge soon and, IMHO, could be an even bigger seller than the SECR Wainwright.
  22. Good morning all! Off to the allotment today, hopefully more harvesting than weeding this time! Sitting in our little shelter with Earl Grey tea (camp fire stove) and ciabatta olive rolls with proscuttio ham for lunch I think (unless Jane knows better.....)
  23. It is believed that this was a genuine response to a competition to outline the benefits of Carnation milk. Needless to say it wasn't used, but the admen liked it and made a 'mock-up', which in the way of such things leaked out....
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